
Bath Time

I woke up to curtains being pulled back, and light hitting my face. It was more so the warmness of the light than it was the actual light that woke me. "Miss Annie. It is time to wake up..." a certain butlers voice said. I opened my eyes, and watched as he tied one end of the curtain to the wall from a hook. "What time is it?" I mumbled, yawning. Sebastian looked at me from the corner of his eye, it widened slightly, before he looked away again.

Why did he keep doing that?!

I sat up in my bed, and looked at him, my brows furrowed. "It is seven o'clock, Miss Annie." He said. I sighed inwardly, and nodded. "Alrighty then." I said. Sebastian walked over, and handed me a cup with tea. I sipped it. He really did make this stuff taste good. "Today, Young Master will take you out to buy some clothes. And after wards, he has some work to do, so you may do as you please around the manor. Lunch will be served at one, and dinner will start at five..." he said. I nodded, and finished my tea. I lifted the sheets, and swung my legs over.

I immediately noticed it when his eyes got wider than before for a moment, before they returned to normal size again. "I have prepared a bath for you Miss Annie. Its right in there, if you will get ready. I will prepare your dress out here..." he said, and walked over to the dresser, opening it. I furrowed my brows. That butler was up to something...

I stared in the mirror, and my mouth fell open. No wonder the butler was staring at me. This nightgown was completely see through! I blushed from my ears down to my neck. The butler saw my boobs. He saw them through my night gown. I seethed quietly as I undressed, my now naked body faced the mirror. I slipped off my blindfold as well, and was suddenly surprised at how suddenly light everything was. How the whites become brighter, and how colors become more prominent. I blinked at myself in the mirror. Yellow eyes, almost unrecognizable, peered at me, blinking with a dark honey blond... or maybe a very light brown colored lashes. They were very messy lashes, to the point where they clumped up together in certain places, making it appear as spikes, or thorns lined my waterline. I looked away then, and stared at the bathtub. It was full of bubbles, and it smelled ungodly like that butler. It was a sweet, vanilla like scent. I stepped in carefully, but quickly when I heard his footsteps come near. "Alright Miss Annie, time to get you washed." He said, and I closed my eyes immediately.

It was nerve wrecking. I could hear his movement, the sound of fabric rubbing up against each other, and I finally heard something drop to the floor. Or maybe he rested it on the counter? I don't know... but I could feel his presence near. "I have a blindfold on, Miss Annie. I cannot see clearly..."

"But you can see?"

"Barely. Please lift your arm." He said, and I did so. I felt his hand slip underneath and grip the top of my arm near the shoulder, and rather close to my arm pit. Luckily, as I was also a Kasaii, we tend to burn off our hairs when we are in high pressure situation. They don't sting or smoke. They just burn off without a trace. So I was completely baby skinned. Despite the long, long years of abuse I spent on Rosebund. A wet cloth started rubbing up and down my arm gently, water tickled as it ran down my arm. I still didn't dare open my eyes, no matter how much I wanted to.

"Lift up your other arm now, Miss Annie." He said, and I did so. He did the same thing to this arm, gripping it, and cleaning just like he did. Now for the fun part...

"I must ask that you lean forward, Miss Annie." He asked, and I furrowed my brows. "What?" I answered, and I heard him sigh. Cheeky thing he is... "I need to wash your back..." he said, and I swallowed. He has his blindfold on... right? Leaning forward, revealing everything above water, save for the very bottom of my spine, leaving my butt underneath the bubbles. There was an uncomfortable silence as I did so... I knew immediately that he could see what was there. If he did... he didn't mention it. I felt his hand suddenly at my waist, holding it still, and the rag moving up and down my right shoulder blade, and he just worked down and back up my back. His grip on my waist tightened a bit, and I bit my lower lip as he passed the rag on my left shoulder blade, over a small tear drop shaped scar.

I heard nothing but the water move, as I let myself sit back down, leaning on the bathtub wall. My hands instinctively covered my breasts, when I suddenly felt him move his hand under the water. I sucked in a breath when his fingers brushed my side. I shut my eyes harder. This butler was just trying to get on my nerves... he's trying and succeeding. Why is he so quiet?!

"Sebastian say something."

"You have a very thin waist, Miss Annie-"

That was when I punched him upside the head with my fist.


I have never felt so exposed in my life. I don't know how, but Sebastian had made me another dress. It was a lighter blue color, lined with a lighter blur lace design. It was quite pretty to say the least, but very, extremely, exposing. I mean... I've never shown so much... chest. And this time, a whole top half was exposed for the world to look at and enjoy. I glowered at the butler from underneath my blindfold. Looking directly at him, a bit irritated.

But damn he looked rather nice in black. It suited him very well... to the point where I couldn't imagine him in any other color, but black. Maybe white. And maybe dark grey. But that's it. I can't imagine him wearing blue, or yellow... or... ugh, pink. The butler's eyes were staring at nothing. I wondered what he was thinking about... there was such a contemplating expression on his face. What could he possibly be if he wasn't human?

I thought for a moment...

He already knew what I was... well, for the most part at least. Phoelmogen, was actually a lot simpler than saying Feral Kasaii. But Feral Kasaii only covered two main parts of what I am... Feral. The most animalistic part of myself. The danger. The chaos that ensues when Feral comes out... it used to scare me, once I was on earth. Realizing that Feral could come out any time I was angry... what if it happened in public? I could hurt someone with my eyes. Sebastian knew that I was for the most part. Though all I told him was about the Feral. I didn't touch too much of the Kasaii subject as I did with Feral. I wonder exactly what he thought of me. Not that I cared, or I worried, but now that he had this new information... what was he going to do with it?

"Elizabeth is always talking about some shop here, though I could never recall the name..." Ciel started, surprisingly very annoyed at the fact he can't remember. "Its a rather popular clothing shop that caters to young girls, probably Miss Annie's age. I remember Lady Elizabeth had taken me with her to this shop, on one of those... errands you put me to, in order to entertain the Lady." Sebastian said, I listened, not too interested, but it was better than suffocating silence to leave me to my thoughts. Ciel gave him a light smirk, before going back to his old expression, "Do you remember the name, Sebastian?" He asked, and the butler nodded, "Yes I do." Why didn't he just answer Ciel's first question then? "Well then?"

"The name is Lacenwood." He said. I cocked an eye row at the strange name, but then again, so was Rosebund. "And there will be dresses for Annie there?" Ciel asked, and Sebastian nodded. I blinked underneath my blindfold. He's really taking me clothes shopping?

Pretty soon, we were standing in front of a tall white building, in a rather rich looking street. I vaguely wondered if we were still in London, but decided I didn't care. "You can get as many as you want. Sebastian, you help her decide. I will be waiting at the door." Ciel said as we entered. I deadpanned for a moment, before it sunk in. I was going clothes shopping. In a very expensive looking place... I swallowed hard, and I could feel the butlers presence near me. "I believe it would be best to look at the clothes, Miss Annie." He said. I didn't miss the sarcasm in his voice.

Sucking in a breath, I walked to the corner where they had most of the corsets. I figured I would need that first, right?

I've never seen so many of the same type of thing with a different design, until now. There were corsets that look much like a normal bra, but had the rest of the torso attached. Then, there were corsets where the breasts were covered with overlaying patterns of lace, and then the rest, down to where it would meet the crotch (which was covered very little with see through lace) was completely bare, save for a few straps. I'm sure those were the ones people used to spice up their sex life.
Blushing, I looked away from that, and turned towards the more modest kind. I heard the butler cough, and my head immediately turned towards him, "You have a comment, butler?" I said, and Sebastian had an honest to God look that said yes-I-do-but-I-won't-tell-you written all over it. The way he smiled told me so. "No, Miss Annie." He said. I frowned, then crossed my arms.

"Just say it."

"I was just thinking that you would look good in one of those..." Sebastian said, pointing at the ones lined up behind me. I turned around and saw what he was pointing at. It was both modest, and... sexy. The fact that HE pointed it out didn't really help, but might as well humor him, right? I looked at the first one hanging. I noticed it was very, very lacy. Straps, and buckles went down the sides, that connected to something, I don't know what. The chest seems to be well covered, the corset having a small line of lace on the trim. I shrugged and took it off the hanger it hung on. "Alright then. You seem to have a good eye for this..." I said, and I handed the butler the corset. "I'll get it." I said. "Any other suggestions?" I honestly didn't expect him to actually ANSWER that.

"Yes. That one over there looks rather nice. I think it should suit you well." He said, and I furrowed my brows and looked. He was pointing at another corset, but this one had attaching garters on it. I blinked. This guy...


We walked out, Sebastian carrying a good deal of corsets, and dresses, with various other things. I pursed my lips as he packed them onto the carriage. "This should be sufficient for the next few months I believe." He said. Ciel nodded, and with that, we made it back to the manor in silence. I couldn't help the feeling that I had lost somehow...
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I know that its a bit "mary sue" here, but there is a reason. I kind of needed a "SebxOC" moment for them here since they EILL be together at some point. Also, Annie will find out that Sebastian's a demon soon. The chapter after this one though might be a bit boring. I dunno, I don't really like it but that's for you to judge when you read it!

Hope you liked and please review!