Status: Feito

Together Let's...

Watch All the Pixar Movies

“When you said that we wouldn’t be leaving the bed today either, this wasn’t what I had in mind,” Jack commented as Alex loaded the first of fourteen movies—Toy Story. There were still snacks from the previous day that had been set out on the bed once more, and even if there weren’t as many as there’d been the day before, there was more than enough to last them the day… if they stopped their marathon for fast food at least once.

Maybe even twice.

They would just cross that bridge when they came to it.

“You should’ve figured this would be what we’d be doing. You saw the list, after all. Besides, you had fun yesterday, right? We’re gonna have fun today, too. What’s your favorite Pixar movie? I think mine would have to be Wall-E. He and EVE are so cute.”

“I don’t think I have a favorite,” Jack said after a moment of thought. Really, he just didn’t know any Pixar movies off-hand. Other than Toy Story and Wall-E, of course. “Wall-E is a really good one. Probably that, I guess. You’re kinda like my EVE, but you clean like he does.”

“And I’m cute and in love and innoce—”

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Jack said with a quiet chuckle and shake of the head. “The first two, of course, but innocent? I don’t think you’ve been innocent since you were sixteen.”

“I am, too, innocent! I’m, like, the most innocent person to ever walk the Earth since—oh, wait, shut up, the movie’s starting.”

With a roll of the eyes, Jack leaned down to grab a packet of M&Ms before sitting back and wrapping his arms around his partner’s waist. Maybe another day of doing nothing but eating unhealthy food and watching movies with the man he loved wasn’t that much of a waste.