Status: Feito

Together Let's...

Watch Love Story Movies All Day

“Jay, babe, wake up,” Alex called quietly. Both men were lying in bed, the younger having been waiting patiently for his partner to gain consciousness. It was too bad for Jack that the waiting had become boring after only five minutes. “Baby, come on. We’ve got a full day ahead of us.”

Kisses and gentle nips were left along a smooth, warm chest as a form of wake-up call. Within minutes, the elder finally began to stir.

“Al? What time is it?” he asked, groggy voice thick with underuse. Alex took a moment to admire his awakening beau before glancing over his shoulder to the clock on his nightstand.

“It’s a little before ten now. You gotta get up, okay? We’re gonna spend the day watching love movies. Right now, I’m gonna go and make you some breakfast. Why don’t you go shower and wake yourself up or something. I’ll come and get you when it’s all done.”

Alex didn’t wait for a response before he was clamoring his way over his boyfriend and all but dashing from the room. There was a short internal battle in Jack’s head with that—three sides all waging war against each other. One said to just back to sleep; one said to take a shower like it had been suggested; one said to follow the younger downstairs.

Eventually, the latter beat the other two out.

The stairs groaned with and under Jack as the elder moved from the bedroom and toward the kitchen. It was the sweet smell of maple bacon, pancake batter, and brewing coffee that continuing on his journey forward.

Alex only acknowledged his boyfriend once when he trudged into the room with nothing more than a shy smile. Then, all of his focus was placed on preparing the food. No words were exchanged, but Jack was more than okay with that. Sometimes he just enjoyed observing the way his boyfriend would move—fluid, and catlike (in a way), and just all-around beautiful. He’d never understand how he’d been lucky enough to snag such a gorgeous man.

“If you’re done staring,” Alex said, his voice piercing through Jack’s thoughts, “then maybe we could pick out what movies we’re gonna watch.”

“I feel like we do a lot of watching things,” Jack observed nonchalantly, accepting the plate of food he was handed.

Alex shrugged. “I just… I don’t know. I feel like I bond with people while watching things. It makes me happy, y’know? It’s kinda hard to explain. I guess I sorta just, y’know… like doing it? I’m not making any sense.”

“Not really,” Jack agreed around a bite of bacon, “but if it makes you happy, then I don’t mind doing it. What did you have in mind for today? Maybe we could give The Vow and The Lucky One another try.”

“I was thinking that, too. What About Something’s Gotta Give, The Notebook, Brokeback Mountain, Wristcutters: A Love Story, The Curiosity of Chance, and Crazy, Stupid, Love?”

“Is Curiosity really considered a love story?” Jack mused around a bite of maple syrup-soaked pancake.

The younger shrugged. “I mean, I would think so. What would you suggest instead?”

“I dunno,” Jack responded, a shrug of his shoulders following. “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar is about as much of a love story as The Curiosity of Chance.”

“That’s about drag queens,” Alex disagreed.

“So’s Chance.”

“It is not!” the younger said with a pout. “Just because that’s a factor doesn’t mean it’s the main one. And drag queens can fall in love, too!”

“You’re totally missing the point of what I’m saying,” Jack said with a laugh.

“That’s because there isn’t one.” A stare down commenced, one that was only broken when Jack gave a sigh in defeat.

“Fine,” he said with a faux groan lacing his words. “We can watch Chance. That means we’re also watching Wong Foo.”

Alex’s grin stretched wider. “I knew you’d see things my way.”
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this is stupid and all over the place but w/e