Sequel: Burning the Dragons

Howling at the Sun

The day she tried on her wedding dress

“Oh, my Lady, you really do look delightful!” the seamstress commented as she took a step back from Tabitha. The woman had just finished readjusting a pin near the shoulder and now Tabitha was admiring her reflection. Her dress was made from a sturdy yet exquisite ivory material that clutched to her torso before fanning out from her hips and stopping just before the floor. The bodice was undeniably her favourite part, as the seamstress had spent hours stitching on silver direwolves. Most of the bodies appeared to Tabitha as though they were dancing, and the details on every single beast was incredible. She could spot eyes, tongues, and noses, and the body design was seemingly layered to create the look of the dirwolves’ hair. But with the magnificent artwork came a sickening feeling in her stomach as she thought about the many banners and tapestries of direwolves that hung in her home at Winterfell. It reminded her of the tales that Brandon would tell her when she was a child, the entertaining bedtime stories that spoke of the beasts wandering the Wolfswood forest nearby. Then Tabitha’s mind settled on how her remaining family would not be able to attend her wedding, and how she was marrying someone whose father had killed hers and Brandon.

She was to be married in a week’s time, alongside Cersei and Oberyn, but she wasn’t looking forward to what was supposed to be a cheerful day full of wonderful celebrations. It was becoming a day that she was truly dreading, but at the same time, she just wanted it to be over. Tabitha imagined Viserys putting the cloak over her shoulders to officially claim her as his and she shuddered. She then pictured looking across and watching Oberyn cloak Cersei and a pang of despair jabbed her gut. Her gaze fell from the mirror to the floor as she pondered why she felt so strongly about Oberyn, finally admitting to herself that there was something more between them than a simple friendship. Tabitha acknowledged that she didn’t want the wedding ceremony to take place partly because she would be wed to a man who thinks he’s a dragon, and partly because it would mean that Oberyn would be wed too and that would signify the end of anything happening between them. For all she knew, he would leave for Casterly Rock or Sunspear shortly afterwards and she would never see him again. The thought was surprisingly unbearable for Tabitha, and she began to ponder what she wanted in her life.

Tabitha shortly concluded that there were two options. The first would be passive and therefore easier, and that was to do what she had been told. She would marry Viserys for the sake of the North and live out her life as a Targaryen in King’s Landing. Tabitha doubted that she would be happy, but at the same time she realised that there was a possibility that she would learn to love Viserys and her future wouldn’t be as terrible as she was making it out to be. The second option was to be active and would be a struggle to achieve, and that was to pursue Oberyn. Just the thought of her doing so made her cheeks redden a little, and a smile graced her lips at the thought of being married to someone she was actually fond of. There were almost unthinkable consequences of defying the King’s orders, such as beheading or a punishment for Eddard, and it seemed almost selfish of her to want happiness. But it was a huge reward if she were to be successful…

“Lady Tabitha?” the seamstress questioned and Tabitha came out of her deep thoughts.

“Yes?” she replied and the seamstress held out a red and black sash that bore incredibly intricate three headed dragons, the sigil and colours of the Targaryen house.

“Prince Viserys wanted me to offer you the option of wearing this sash on the day,” she said politely and Tabitha winced.

“No. No dragons.”
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As always a big thank you to castiel's vessel and Queen In The North, and also rainbebez.tears. for the comments on the last update! I hope you enjoyed this one too. Less exciting to go inside Tabitha's mind instead of seeing her with Oberyn, but at least she's made a decision now.