Status: Active



At age five, Duncan was just as curious as any other child his age. With wide, blue eyes, he was always asking about the wonders of the world, so it was only natural for him to wonder what was going on when he began to see a small, red string wound around his left ankle.

After all, he didn't see it around anyone else's ankles, and he certainly didn't remember putting it there, not to mention, he couldn't remove it no matter how hard he tried. When he asked his parents, however, they denied knowing what he was talking about. It was brushed off as nothing more than his imagination. No one believed him, and he was beginning to lose hope. Then, one day, the answer came.

It was a few days after his sixth birthday, and unfortunately, both of his parents had to work, so that meant that Duncan had to stay with his grandmother. Duncan loved his grandmother very much. She was a kind and gentle woman, who always gave him the best sweets, but his favorite thing were the stories that she told him. Wild creatures and magical beings, vast places and many worlds littered the tales. They were never boring.

His grandmother believed in many things, and it wasn't surprising when she believed him when he told her about the string. Instead of brushing him off, she had something else to offer.

"Duncan, you are very lucky. Not many people can see what you see."

His grandmother was only kind smiles, even when he asked her what she meant. She chuckled as she put him into his bed and tucked him in. Duncan waited patiently as she took her normal seat beside the bed.

"Well, Duncan, that is what they call the Red String of Fate. It connects you to your soul mate, the person you're destined to be in love with for the rest of your life. Everyone has one, but you have the ability to see you and your soul mate’s. One day, you'll find the person on the other side of the string."

"But how will I know when I see her?"

His grandmother smiled and leaned in. "You'll know because she'll have a string tied around her right ankle. That's so you can stand side by side in love for eternity."

Ever since that day, Duncan has searched for the person on the other side of the string, never once forgetting his grandmother's words.
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Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you see any mistakes, or have any suggestions on how I could improve this, please let me know! I'm not sure when the first chapter will be up. Although, if no one is interested in this, I might just delete it. And if anyone could help me in creating a good layout, that would be greatly appreciated.