‹ Prequel: From the Darkness
Status: Discontinued [2018]

Comes the Light

Chapter Two

I stood at the hall of Zeus and his wife Hera. The place they usually were together. The Great Hall. Standing there was a young, child Hermes. The child smiled at me as he announced my coming, opening the doors. I remember doing this before. Not many times, but enough.

The double doors were gilded and carved to perfection. They were larger than they needed to be. But I believed that was the point. It was to show they were at the top. They were the king and queen of the gods.

Did I count? Was I one of the gods now? I wanted to know. I wanted to know everything. I wanted to remember. Maybe I could get Mnemosyne to help. But first I had to get to Zeus. I had to know what he knew.

Strolling my way down the large hall, I stared at the looming figure at the far end. There was only one this time. I didn't know who it was. Not from this distance. I would find out.

Columns lined the way. Helios shone through the top, glancing off the white stone. I strolled down, listening to the soft thumps of my steps. They seemed to echoed off the walls. I didn't lower my gaze as I find who was at the throne. Zeus. He sat there, smirking. “Welcome Hekate.” His voice bounced off the walls, ringing in my ears. He sat so relaxed upon his throne. “What brings you to my humble hall?” He knew what I wanted. There was no way he did not know. This was why I avoided talking with Zeus. He looked down on ones below him. Unless they proved they were not below him.

“I wish to know what happened.” I locked eyes with him, daring him even to do something. He didn't. Zeus stayed silent. He stroked his chin, turning away from me as I stood sedentary in the middle of the hall. “And I have come to you seeking these answers.” I was not going to back down. Not now. But at the same time, I felt a bit puzzled. I didn't remember being like this before.

He slowly rose from his throne, standing just a moment atop the dais before descending to my level. “You wish to know how you were brought back from the edge of the abyss?” He walked, strong and confident, towards me. I held my ground. Something felt different now. I didn't know how, but it did.

The god of the sky, stopped just before me. He was barely taller than me, but both of us knew we could change our heights if we chose to do so.

“Yes.” Lowering himself to stare straight into my eyes, his smirk slowly dropped.

“You have changed.” He said it as if he did not know if it was a good thing or not. Inside, I did not know either. In this world, as it was now, I felt more powerful. Free. I wasn't attached to anyone. And he knew that. “Very well.” Zeus straightened. He turned towards the right. “Come in,” he called.

I glanced in that direction, wondering who was there. The presence felt familiar, but I couldn't place it. Not now.

“Thank you,” came a soft voice. Female.

I stood rooted to my spot as I saw who it was. A tall, regal looking female. Her golden brown hair was pinned up with a golden band holding the stray pieces back. The hair itself was straight, unlike Artemis'. Her eyes were dark brown and her skin was a color that one would see on a lion, but lighter and a bit more brown.

“Hekate,” the woman stated, ducking her head. She gave me respect, but I couldn't remember who this was. “Zeus,” she started, turning to the ruler of all gods in this world now. “We have a problem.”

“Yes.” His flashed. “Yes, we do.” A smirk, lustful and passionate, crept upon his lips. “Hekate,” he turned back to me. “Please excuse me. Athena,” Zeus muttered before disappearing. I stared where he was just a moment ago. At times, he really got on my nerves. And this was one of those times.

“If I may ask,” Athena's voice brought my attention to her. “I require a favor.” I stared at the woman before me. She was tall, as tall as Zeus, and strong. It showed in her perfectly muscled body.

“Go on.”

“When I come again, please send a message to Perseus.” I gave her a confused look. Then a face came to mind. A face that hadn't come to be yet. A face of a hero that would change the world.

“Very well.” Athena bowed, showing her thanks and respect towards me. I did the same. She was just as powerful as most goddesses, titanides, or potentially the protogenos. Athena walked away, leaving me alone in the hall. The hall that Zeus was suppose to be in and answer my questions, but it didn't work out that way.

I knew I would come again. I would get the answers I seeked.

Maybe it was time to see Mnemosyne about my memories. A tiredness seeped into my feet. After I rest. I wished to be back at my hall. I wanted to just lie down and not get back up again. At least for a while.

And I was back in my hall with just a thought. It was silent. I figured Hekabe and Galinthias were out hunting or sleeping. Then I paused.

Someone was here.

Whirling around, I scanned the hall, the columns all in place as was the furniture. Then I moved through the room and into the next one. That was when I spotted him.


He stood there, picking at a bunch of grapes. He popped them in his mouth as he leaned against a column. He looked comfortable in my hall. And that brought different reactions in me. I was slightly joyful that he was comfortable here, but at the same time, I didn't want him to be. It just didn't seem right, but at the same time I wanted it to be.

I needed to lie down. Even my head was getting confused and tired.

“Ah!” Hermes spotted me. He popped the last grape he had in his mouth, chewing it quickly before walking over to me. “Welcome back.” He was smiling as if expecting something from me. I just didn't know exactly what it was right now. I had ideas, but those could be wrong. But unlikely.

“Why are you here? How did you get in?” I questioned, glancing around, anywhere but at him. He was clearly relaxing in my hall. Bare chested. Only a skirt and boots were on his form. And it seemed he preferred it that way.

Glancing from the corner of my eyes, I saw him saunter with a sway that would draw in most females and a confidence to keep them coming back. His hips moved from side to side, all with his leg stretching out to finish his step.

But I wasn't going to be fooled by his charms. At least I told myself that.

“Hekate,” he said. I fought back the smile that was slowly turning my lips upward. I would not let him get to me. I would not let him use his charisma to seduce me into bed. I wouldn't.

“Yes?” my voice sounded strained, even to my ears. I just wanted him out. I wanted him gone, so I could rest in peace. For once.

It seemed that ever since I came back, Hermes was around me a lot more. Every day he would come and check on me. I told him the same thing every time: “I am fine.” He would accept it and disappear. I had a feeling that this time he wouldn't. He wanted to be here.

Hermes stopped just in front of me, but I didn't budge. “It is good to see you once again.” His eyes seemed to shine brighter as if finding something he liked.

“I do not believe I can say the same.” A grimace forced my lips down as my jaw clenched. I really just wanted to be left alone right now. I needed time to figure out myself again. My own body didn't feel like mine nor did my personality.

Although, at the same time, it did. I felt alive. I felt like for the first time, I wasn't just a titanide of the Underworld. I still had those powers, abilities, but I felt like I was more.

“That is mean.” Hermes pouted. I stared at him incredulous of his child like behavior. I knew he liked his youthful appearance the best, but this, this was over doing it. “I thought you enjoyed my presence. At least enough to tolerate it.” And then a smirk grew.

My own frown deepened. I knew he was saying something without saying it aloud. I hadn't kicked him out yet. And as much as I wanted to, I didn't think it would be proper. It wouldn't be polite.

“I tolerate you only because it would be rude to send you away.” I waved my hand, disappearing the food upon the far table. Hermes turned, glancing at the table with a sad look. My heart sank. Then I reminded myself that he was the one that forced his way in here. He had no right to food or any luxury I had.

The ceiling started to grow dark. Hermes glanced up and realized something very important. “I shall leave you then.” He flourished his arms out and across his chest as he bowed. “I believe I have out stayed my welcome. Until the next time, Hekate.” And then he was gone.

My chest expanded as I held in the sigh that wanted to escape. I just didn't know what to do with that god.

A pounding started behind my eyes before spreading across my head. I really needed to lie down.

Then came Hekabe, bounding out from a far room. She seemed happy, tongue lulling out, tail wagging. “Hey,” I scratched behind her ears as she sat down before me. “Where were you?” I asked, glancing at where she came from. It looked like my bedroom, but I couldn't be sure.

Sauntering out, Galinthias turned her head towards me, standing just inside the doorway to my room. She looked at me with confidence. A confidence that almost seemed like a challenge. Furrowing my brow, I stared at her and her slinky form. This was something new.

I stood up. If she wanted a challenge, I would give it to her.

She nodded. It appeared she was testing me. Again. Galinthias wanted to make sure I was still willing to stay in charge and not willing to back down. At least that was what I thought she wanted to know. It always seemed to be something close to that.

Shaking my head, I went to my room, patting Hekabe on the head. She quickly followed. I stared at my bed, feeling my body start to relax. My bed looked so inviting.

Lowering myself onto the wonderful thing, I remembered that I was going to see Mnemosyne. It seemed to have slip my mind, but I should go see her. The titanide was one of the titans that didn't get sent to Tartarus. And I knew where she could be.

As I was lying atop the covers, I stared at the ceiling, watching the night sky that was a permanent part of my hall.

I could send for her, but that would require me to call Hermes back, something I didn't want to do, or I could go to her. That wasn't something I wanted to do now.

Figuring I should just wait, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everyone!

I started to get ideas for this story again and I had some time on my hands. So here is the second chapter. =)

So please do recommend, subscribe, or comment. Every little bit helps.

If you spot any mistake, please tell me. I can not spot all of them. I need others to look at it too.

Anyway, I hope all of you have a good rest of the day. ^_^