Gensokyo Diaries XI: Yukari

Violet Diary V: The Slattern Returns

Well, they always say even past ghosts never vanish and I found myself dealing with Reimu's birthgiver. I never did like Reiko, believe it or not, actually, I've hated her because of what had happened several years ago. If that bitch thinks she is going to have Reimu back with then she'll have another thing coming! I'd be dead if she so much as dares to take her from me again. I suppose I'll have to live with it, as Ran did state she wasn't going to have any sort of foolishness and would take the children somewhere else. Can't really say that I would blame her, though, as she is pregnant and we have gone through enough turmoil.

If that slattern is to stay, then fine but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I'll put up with her, so I won't have to not hear the end of it from Ran, especially after the bitch-slap I had received. In the end, Reimu would never pick her.

~八雲 紫