Status: Updates every Wednesday throughout the month of December.

Love Is a Selfish Thing.

August 19th

Kailey didn’t ask about it anymore and in silence, brother and sister watched Mean Girls, occasionally quoting the movie or giggling at it. Kailey would miss this, a lot. It was something they did on a regular base: watch Mean Girls an another one afterwards, most of the time this one would be a complete different genre of movie. Loads of times the next movie would be: August Rush or The Lion King. Since Kellin would be attending college really soon, Kailey would have to watch the movies on her own. “Kellin?” She asked silently, not wanting to interrupt the nearly ending movie. Kellin turned his head to his sister. “Yeah?” He asked. Kailey swallowed audibly. “When you’re at college. Can we have movie nights over Skype?” She asked.

Kellin giggled at the question of his little sister, who actually wasn’t that little anymore. She was quit a grown up woman, in his opinion. “Sure, Kai” He smiled and brought his full attention back on the movie. The movies finished several minutes later, leaving them with the choice to watch another movie or do something else. “I want to watch Wild Child!” Kailey yelled excited but Kellin wasn’t feeling it, he rather go outside for a bit and watch the movie later and that’s what they decided to do.

“So, have you looked Vic up yet?” Kailey asked when they walked down the road, Kellin wanted to show Kailey the music store he was earlier with… Justin. Kellin frowned at Kailey’s words. “Why would I’ve looked him up?” Kellin asked, making his sister roll her eyes. “I don’t know uh… You could sent him a friend request, idiot!” She sneered, making Kellin roll his eyes this time. “Why would I do that? If I’d look him up, I’d stalk him without him knowing it. How would I explain it to him? Do I need to be like “oh, hey Vic! See, I found your diary and I became obsessed with you”? That doesn’t work, Kailey!” Kellin rant which Kailey snickered. “You just admitted that you’re obsessed with him!”

Kellin’s face turned bright red, not realising that that exact word had slipped out of his mouth. “Am not”, Kellin mumbled and walked a bit faster since they were nearing the music store. It all made Kellin think again, about how Mike worked here and maybe, just maybe, Vic worked here, too! It all got Kellin flustered, thinking about Vic, who was probably still dating Jaime. They were probably the happiest couple ever and Kellin couldn’t break them up just over some stupid reading-crush, that would just be a bit too weird!

The older boy reached the door before his sister, waiting for her to catch up before entering the store. “Welcome to paradise” Kellin mumbled while Kailey looked her eyes out, pretty much the same as Kellin did earlier. Both of them had a love for music so this was the perfect brother-sister bonding time. Going through different kinds of CD’s, not certainly being sure about some artists and selecting a few of their favourite artists to buy later. Kellin was looking through one of the many shelves which was titled ‘alternative’ when he found a certain CD of a band he never heard of. It looked like it had been in here for quite a while now, probably being a forgotten.

The cover art was a bit odd in Kellin’s eyes. On it, it said ‘Before Today, A Celebration Of An Ending’. It didn’t sound that bad to Kellin and decided to buy it, not being too sure what it would be. After Kailey had decided which albums she wanted, they both went to pay for the CD’s, Kellin insisting to pay for his sister’s CD’s. And of course, Kellin was met with a familiar face behind the counter. “Oh, hey Kellin!” Mike smiled and nodded at Kailey, actually not remembering her name to be honest.

Kellin laid the CD’s down on the counter while Mike scanned them. One he took particularly long to scan it, Kellin soon noticed it as the CD of the unknown band he found in the alternative section. “Where did you find this?” Mike asked in a soft, demped voice, surprising Kellin. “Uh, it was in the alternative section, why?” Kellin asked, Mike just shook his head. “I’ve had been looking for this for quite a while now”, Mike mumbled. Kellin suddenly felt bad. “Do you want to keep it?” He asked, Mike forcefully shook his head. “Uh no, you take it. But take good care of it” He said mumbling something behind it what seemed like “It’s the only thing left of him”.

Mike seemed a bit off but Kellin didn’t know the man well enough to ask him about it. He paid for the three CD’s, two for Kailey and one for him. “He’s a bit weird” Kailey mumbled when they walked back home. “He was just a bit off with the CD, he’s not weird” Kellin spoke while speed-walking back home, being a bit too eager to find out what this CD was all about. He was surprised to be home quicker than he thought. Kellin kicked off his shoes, running upstairs leaving Kailey behind. Quickly he unwrapped the foil around the CD and put it into the CD player he found a few days ago in the wardrobe.

March 31st,
Seattle was amazing and inspiring, I haven’t been so inspired since… A long time! I don’t remember the last time I actually felt so powerfull in my lyrics. I’ve finished a few there which aren’t in here.
The practical information about Seattle that I’ll give you is just that there was a lot of hugging, kissing and maybe even a bit of underage drinking but we’re young, everyone want to try it before they turn 21. Doing something illegal, even if it is underage drinking, always makes you seem a little more bad-ass, doesn’t it?
We were so bad-ass that we actually snuck into a house party, stole a bottle of wodka and finished them on our own in the backyard of that same house. For some weird reason, no one was in the backyard.
It was fun, Jaime is tons and tons of fun, in every way possible. He’s so perfect and I’m a disappointment to everyone. I tried to get better but I can’t get better, I’m already drowning in everything I failed in.
Stop me from making more mistakes.
I don't think you'll ever want to love me
You'd better listen to your doctor, doctor
Sober up and bury the empty cup
In a backyard of Seattle we used to lie
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it's kinda rushed, I wasn't feeling it. Sorry.