Status: Updates every Wednesday throughout the month of December.

Love Is a Selfish Thing.

July 15th

The least that could’ve been said was that Kellin was exhausted after the tour. The campus was bigger than expected, or the tour took longer than he thought but anyway: Kellin was tired! His parents noticed it and thought it was best that they would go out for dinner with Kailey while Kellin stayed home. The boy was too tired to even think about food. On the other hand, he wasn’t really that tired but he would enjoy an evening alone: watching TV, read a bit, write some music, maybe eat a little snack … Yeah, he was kind of up for that!

”So Kellin,” his mother said, “you don’t have to stay up for us. I have no idea when we’ll be back. Just have a nice evening and get some rest.” She smiled and hugged her son before walking out of the door. The boy heard the faint noise of the car leaving. He was now alone in the house. What would he do? Maybe he could watch television…. Or sniff around the house. Why that sounded appealing to him, he didn’t know but once he was sure his parents and sisters left and didn’t came back until later, he jumped off the couch and looked around the living room.

The living room wasn’t very big but it looked warm and inviting. There were quite a lot of cupboards in the room, which made Kellin wonder if they were empty. Kellin sat down on the ground in front of the cupboard on which the TV was sat, he opened the cupboard and to his surprise, there was a metal box in the cupboard. Gently, Kellin picked up the metal box. It didn’t feel heavy at all but he could hear things slip around inside of it. He sat the box in his lap and pulled of the lid, he was even more surprised to see that the box was filled with photographs.

Kellin was confused, why would anyone let this behind? He remembered when he was younger, and he did something that his mother always would take pictures. It was something he really enjoyed, looking back to old pictures. For him, this was really weird that someone would leave such precious memories behind. Carefully, Vic picked up the first picture. It was a picture of a young woman with blonde hair who was sat on the front porch of this particular house, on her lap sat a boy who looked around five. Kellin turned the picture around to see if anything was written on the back and indeed, there was: ‘Mama and Michael’.

It was quite a nice picture, they looked happy and the weather seemed quite nice but after all: this was taken in California. The next picture was one of the boy, Michael, and another one, when Kellin turned it around he dropped it in shock. On the back it read ‘Michael and Victor’. He found it, he found pictures of the boy he was looking for! Kellin smiled widely, admiring the cuteness of the boy when he was a child. It made Kellin think about a few things one being: was this Michael kid Mike who gave them the keys to this house? And second, and more importantly, are there recenter pictures of Vic in here?

Kellin couldn’t contain himself, it was like his hands had a mind of their own because before he actually knew it, his hands were pushing pictures aside while his eyes scanned the faces on them, looking after the one face that could be his. And there it was, it almost felt magically to Kellin. There was a picture of a boy who looked around 18, he had curly shoulder length hair and the most beautiful smile ever. This was him, this was Vic, he had to be! Quickly, Kellin turned around the photograph and smiled at the caption underneath it: ‘Vic, eighteenth birthday’.

Kellin kept staring at it, he was fascinated by the boy. He was gorgeous to say at least! Carefully, he placed the photo back in the box and shuffled around the photographs. Most of them were family photo’s: his parents, himself and of course his brother, which was indeed Mike as he thought. He smiled at the pictures, finally being able to picture Vic, but he also felt bad for invading his privacy by looking through his photo’s. Maybe Vic didn’t know they were left here? Kellin carefully placed all the pictures back into the box and put the lid on it.

“What are you doing?” a voice asked behind Kellin, make him jump into the air. He turned around and was met by the face of his sister. “Kailey, what the fuck are you doing here?” Kellin snapped, Kailey rolled her eyes. “I got back earlier, now what are you doing, Kellin?” She asked again, Kellin huffed and pushed the box back into the cupboard. “Nothing, and I appreciate it if you left me alone” Kellin said calmly and got up off the floor. “Seriously?” Kailey yelled frustrated, Kellin just nodded. “Good night, Kailey!” Kellin yelled and got upstairs. Once he was in his room, he took the diary and opened it, for what seemed like the 100th time.

January 30th,
Jaime and I made up, yay for us. The only thing he said was that he wasn’t disgusted by me and if I wanted, he wouldn’t ask about them as long as we got back together. He told me he’s been a mess ever since I ran away, he didn’t mean to hurt me.
I told him I wasn’t hurt, that I was just shocked about it but I absolutely didn’t want to talk about what they exactly where and how they got there. With a sad look on his face, he agreed to not ask about them. And that’s how we got back together!
I’ve been looking everywhere for my lyric book and clearly, it’s gone. I’ve been writing lyrics on loose sheets, in here, everywhere! I need to go out and buy a new once. Oh! I have another bit written, I think this goes well in the song I was writing before. When I finally finish it, I’ll write all of it, in correct order, in here!
When I sew you up, don’t let me..
Stop bleeding
Tiny stitches that you placed into my skin
Won’t let me go (oh no, oh no)
And they’re ruining the mood
So I’ll toast every beat of my heart like a miracle