Status: I hope to finish this one ;)

Welcome to Skinner Falls

Meet The Freaks

Meet The Freaks

“Being a Freak?” I question

“Yeah, Me, and Max are The Freaks.” She nods her head while tracing another star into the sand.

“So like a group?”

“You could say that.”

“Are there are others?”

This time Max glances up at me for the first time since I been here. His blue eyes went well with his spiky hair. Pursing his lips he stops redrawing the continuous tic-tac-toe boards.

“This whole place is just one big cluster groups. Like high school all over again.”

Max joins Macy and me next to the wall. He starts biting his nails, which were already tiny nubs. I have a sense of feeling that they were already shorten before the old man with the clippers got to them.

“Those are the Kunt Clan, made of all the whores and sluts.” He says pointing to a group of girls who appear stunning beautiful even in orange jumpsuits. Max then nods his head to the group next to us. All of them were acting very quite as they sit in a circle.

“Suicidal Slims.” He whispers.

“Slims?” I ask.

The most popular way to kill yourself here is to not eat the food they give us. So they end up starving themselves on purpose. Which is still hard to do”

Cecilia. I completely forgot about her. Last time I saw her she was getting injected with a needle. Could she be down here too? I am such a terrible friend to of left her behind like that.

He points to another group small group. At first I thought they were all blind, for they were smiling at nothing in front of them. He murmurs under his breath so only a few of us could hear.

“Frenics, Short for sketchafrenics. Really entertaining people.”

That is where I belong. In that group. I could join the rest of them and talk to walls all day or myself and feel like I for once fit in. Tempting, I know, but something stops me when I see the grin playing on Max’s lips.

“Why are you laughing?” I ask a bit to harsh.

“Nothing, nothing.”

Max continues naming off more and more groups. Half of them only partially bothering remembering the names of. “Shadys, Vampiers, The Abuse Abundance, Free fallings, Parnoid Pricks, Reapers. The last one stop him from going any further.

He said the groups name so quietly I barely heard him. ‘Reapers’ must be the one bad group of the whole bunch. There are some big, buff, tattoo guys, and even one girl. They are playing wrestling with each other and what not, as some of the nearby groups place bets.

Max doesn’t have to explain this group to me. I already know what they mean. These are the killers. The ones who got put in here for murderous acts. How the guards even handle them around, I have no clue.

The conversation gets drop off as we watch the badass girl puts a guy into a headlock, treating to break his wrist. The guards don’t even bother breaking up the fight, I don’t blame them. Still one pending question is on my mind.

“Why are you two called ‘The Freaks’?

“Well look at us,” says Macy, “To we look like we belong in any other group?” She says offended.

“No, you don’t”

“Excuse her, It’s a long story.” Max cuts in.

“I don’t belong with any of these groups either.” I prompt.

“Funny, we were all deciding who you are.” Says Max

“What did you guys said?” I ask with major curiosity.

“I don’t know, I’ll say Frenics, but you don’t seem that crazy.” He says joking.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

He chuckles, but quickly stops as he sees one of his shoes came untied. He bends down to tie it in a tight knot. Then he undoes the other shoe to retie it also to match the first.

“But, you don’t know, I could have been one of the ‘Reapers’.”

“You a ‘Reaper’? Ha, now that’s funny.” Says Macy clearly bothered by me.

“No offense girl, but you don’t have the strength.” Says Max eyeing my arms.

“You calling me weak?”

“What if I am?”

“Arm wrestle? I suggest.”

He debates for some time, but then shrugs and we both kneel down on the cement floor. We use a small wooden stool for support. Right as we start, it ends. I lost. Won’t be the first time, but I wanted something to do in this dungeon.

“Nice try, better luck next time.”

“So what are you going to do now Rain? Have you decided what group your in?” says Macy still leaning against the wall.

“Ya, I’m a Freak.”