Status: I hope to finish this one ;)

Welcome to Skinner Falls



“Tyson! What are you doing here?”

“You are lucid dreaming Rain.”

I hold my hands out in front of me, they are stain blood red, and are still dripping the cold metallic smell substance. A dead body lies in front of me. No movement, only a pile of bones and rags.

“I don’t understand”

“It’s hard for you sister, I know, but when your chance comes, take it.”

Tyson then starts disintegrating by tiny pixels, as a gust of random wind blows the rest of him away past me. The ground starts to rumble violently, like an earthquake.

“Rise and Shine.” I hear as I wake up from the dream.

The cell doors of ever one are being skimmed with the end of some sort of beating stick, which explains the rumbling I heard in my dream. After thoughts of it linger in my mind. Who could the body belong to?

Setting the thought aside I get up from my rotting mattress and stretch out my back. I think I would have been much more comfortable sleeping on a rock. After the guards unlock the doors one by one we get an hour of freedom.

Hearing my boots clinger onto the steel creaky stairs I meet up with the rest of The Freaks. They took their same spot as yesterday by one of the walls. I am greeted with a yawn and a small friendly slap on the back.

“Congratulations, you survived the first night.” Says Macy, who is clearly in a better mood than yesterday.

“I am not breaking down that easy.” I say this while looking up at the box that’s built half way into the wall where Sin’s office lays.

I see a flicker of movement barely noticeable, but almost certain someone saw me watching them behind those high up windows within the box. Maybe I just saw something that wasn’t there, it wouldn’t be the first. It’s like everything I do and see, I have to requestion weather its reality, or just a trick of my mind.

Then I feel the bottom of my pant leg get pull down. I look at Max, puzzled.

“Your pants were uneven.” He declares.
“Oh, thanks.” I smile weakly, even though I haven’t notice the indifference.

“Paranoid Prick.” Hushes Macy. Then she turns around to look the other way.

I gaze in the opposite direction across the room, to see what a ‘Paranoid’ would have in store with a group like us. Still being pretty knew to all of this. By Macy’s reaction I can see that she isn’t afraid, or angry, but appears annoyed.

As my eyes are searching, being careful to only look at certain people for a certain amount of time and no second longer, I see him. His blond hair bounces a little as he walks over toward us. Then he stops along side of me.


“Well well well, if it isn’t the blue hair girl. Remember me? Group Therapy 101 with what’s her face?”

“Just get lost Andrew.” Says Macy.

“Was I talking to you? No. I didn’t think so.” Andrew replies, as Macy rolls her eyes.

“I think you have me mix up with someone else.”

“Nah, I know you, your name starts with a ‘R’. Right? Raven? Risa? Ah-ha Rain! Yeah that’s your name.”

“What do you want?” I interject with a distraction.

“Can we talk?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not? I thought we were friends.”

“She wants you to leave, so why don’t you just back off dude.” Says Max for the first time since Andrew came over.

“Fine, I thought I would let you in on a little secret about your friend, but since you don’t want to listen to what I have to say, I guess I’ll let you be.”

Andrew walks away kicking the ground a little as he walks. Friend? Andrew isn’t an idiot, just knows how to get under peoples skin. I start walking toward him when Macy grabs me by my shoulder.

“Hey, be careful, Andrew is not all right in the head. He is label ‘Paranoid Prick’ for a reason.”

‘Thanks for your concern, but I got this.” I smile back. Macy lets go.

Catching up to Andrew didn’t take to long, even with the crowd of people gather in the middle for another one of ‘Reapers’ famous fights. He stops when I catch up to him. He must have known I was coming back, for he wouldn’t be able to hear my footsteps with all this noise. He jerks his head to the side and I follow him.

Andrew decided that beneath one of the set of stairs would be more suitable for a conversation. With one of his hands in his pocket, and my arms folded, I cut to the main chase.

“It’s about Cecilia, isn’t it?” I guess.


“Well…? What is it?”

“I am not going to just tell you that easily.”

“Fine, what do you want from me?”

Andrew stares across the room to where Macy and Max are, his blond messy hair draping over his eyes. A seductive smile comes to his lips. Great, I see where this is going.

“If you hook me up with your lady friend over there, I would gladly share my information with you.”

“Andrew, I can’t just force her to like you.” I pointed out.

“Oh that’s too bad, I guess the next time you will see Cecilia will have to be roll out here on a gurney dead. All because you wouldn’t even try to do a selfless act for a friend, but whatever.”

Tuff decision. First response is to do it for Cecilia’s sake, but Macy is a part of my group I am in. If I mess things up with her, ill get kicked out for sure, yet again she might understand if Max was in Cecilia place. On the other hand, Cece odds of being dead shortly if I don’t find out more info are most likely.

“Deal.” I answer as I realize I could always join the ‘Frensics’, If worst comes to worst, but lets hope they don’t.