Status: I hope to finish this one ;)

Welcome to Skinner Falls

You Got What You Asked For.

You Got What You Asked For

Evening, this is the time of the day where Cecilia’s fate will rest in my and sketch’s hands. Before jumping to conclusions only a certain amount of time is left before we get our final break of the day. I don’t know how but I can just tell it’s coming soon.

“Hey Sketch?” I ask through the little hole that connected our cells.


“I just wanted to say thank you…”

“It’s no problem!”

I lay back against the wall trying to maintain my energy for what lies ahead. Having this feeling we are going to be doing lots of running, and what not. After about 10 min, I actually thought I might fall asleep like this, but before my desire could be true the whistles blows and the cell doors open once again.

Of course everyone goes to his or her own groups right when their feet hit the ground floor. Besides the plan that Sketch and I are working on, everything else seems normal. To draw attention away from me from earlier I sit back behind the shadows with my friends.

Time ticks away, we agree that we should do this after some time pass to make it less obvious. Even though its up to Sketch to start the first movement I couldn’t help my self from feeling a little anxious. Then it happens.

At first I didn’t even seem to notice until I heard a bunch of shouts. Like any other person in here, I act as if it is just another gang fight. Soon the shouts turn in to cheers, as the crowd grew bigger. Now is my moment to advance toward the fight casually. Macy and Max follows.

The ‘Shadys’ were responsible for half of the yells, while the ‘Reapers’ were making brutal battle cries. As I got a better look into the mob of mayhem, I strongly felt guilty for making Sketch go through with this.

His ear is dripping blood badly, probably for a bite. Not only that but his eye has been punched in a few times by its redness. Tomorrow or even later tonight his eye will turn a sickly green/black.

“It’s that all you got pansy?” says Sketch taunt like.

“Oh! You want more you little bitch?” Replies the attacker.
I couldn’t remember his name of the ‘Reaper’, but from how much of a crowd this fight has gotten and from knowing how cocky Sketch is, I can only guess he is the leader. Tall, muscular, but not buff. A tattoo of an upside down cross-marked the back of his baldhead and neck.

“Whatever you throw I can take.” Remarked Sketch from a stance position.

The leader throws a fake punch, Sketch uses this chance to try and throw a punch of his own from a different angle. Before his fist could collide, it is stop by the bone-breaking grip of the leader.

‘‘Don’t tempt me ‘Shady’, or I’ll break you pathetic hand.”

“No you won’t”

“You wanna bet?”

“Sure why not?” jokes Sketch as he shrugs his shoulders.

The ‘Reaper’ twists Sketch hand at an odd angle, which leads him to let out a small grimace. I thought the ‘Reaper’ was kidding about the whole thing until I hear a loud snap, despite all of the shouting going around.

Sketch cry out in agony then fell to the ground clutching his wrist. The guards who were watching the whole time finally take in depth of the situation and hurries over to the fallen ‘Shady’.

“Hey now, that’s enough Bruce.” Said one of the guards.

Then without father concern, a couple of the guards walk toward Sketch. Instead of asking if he was okay, or saying comfortable words, they kick him in the side of his ribs.

“Hey get up!” they kick him again.

Finally struggling he got up. Not only is there dry blood by his ear but also fresh blood running from his wrist. His wrist isn’t shaped like a normal wrist anymore. Some of the bones are bend at strange angles while one is ready to puncture through the thin piece of skin. It’s already Swelling.

Everyone goes back to there groups after the fight is over. While walking back to mine, Sketch joins me and carefully sneaks something from inside his orange jumpsuit.

“Pretend your tying your shoe.” He declares.
I do as he says and reach down to tie my boot. Sketch on the other hand pretends to hold his stomach from the pain and gently tosses the key card down toward me. With the amount of people moving pass us, I successfully slipped the card into my boot without anyone taking notice. Than we leave without saying another word.

Rejoining ‘The Freaks’, I am greeted with the talk of the fight. Knowing Macy’s expression I can conclude that she put two, and two together. Since I never told her the whole plan besides the fact that I was getting help from a ‘Shady’. Max of the other hand is all talk up about the fight. Things like.

“Hey Rain, did you see the ‘Shady’s’ hand? It was sick and fucked up.”

“Phff, Everyone knew the ‘Shady’ was going to lose the fight.”

“I wouldn't of been as cocky as whats his face if I was fighting a ‘Reaper’. Heck, I wouldn't fight one of those guys in the first place. I am not that stupid.”

On and on he went until I offer to arm wrestle with him once again. I am surprised I actually lasted for about 5 seconds longer than yesterday. I guess my anxious energy is slowly building up. With the keycard safely tucked into my shoe, I decide that tonight might be my last night I might ever see my friends again.