Status: I hope to finish this one ;)

Welcome to Skinner Falls

Perfect Isn't Worth It

Perfect Isn't Worth It

Today is my first day of group therapy. My group consist of 10 teens, most of them being girls, but a few guys were in here also. The room is white and small like everything in this asylum. A heavier lady is the motivation. She is alright I suppose, for a first impression.

“Alright group, today you might of notice that we have a new person to add to our sessions. Honey would you like to introduce yourself.”

“Hi, my name is Rain.” I say with a short wave.

“Hi Rain.” Says the group.

“Okay, does anyone want to start off?”

A young preteen girl raises her hand and starts talking. Her voice sweet but loud.
“My dad wrote me a letter last week saying he will try to come visit me and maybe even pick me up from here. Since he gets out of jail soon…. But he still has not showed up.”

“And how are you taking this?”

“I think he lied to me.”

“Maybe you misunderstood the letter?” a boy adds in.

“Its very likely, it happen to me before.” Adds another girl.

“Just give it some more time and your father will come around.” Says the counsler.

The preteen girl is about to come to the reality of the thought when an unexpected voice came from the back. The voice was low and filled with dark meaning.

“He’s never coming.”

“Now, Andrew we know that’s not for certain.”

“Really? Because I never seen anyone leave here unless they’re dead.”

You could just see the anxiety build up in the young ones face. Her breathing is becoming uneven as she starts hyperventilating. She holds her hands on either side of her chair to study herself more.

“We all know that’s not true.”

“But it is I been here my whole fucking life and not once has someone left this place.”

“Andrew I need you to calm down.”

“I will not calm down! I don’t have to listen to you make these fake promises to everyone!”

The kid called Andrew gets up to leave when he is just about ready to open the door, staff members come in to grab him at his arms. They start dragging him out of the room.

“Yeah that’s right! Take me away from here. I don’t need this anymore!” He yells through the hall.

Silence is a pond us. In the front the one who mention this whole argument has finally stopped freaking out and only silent tears come. I feel a little bad for her.

Andrew on the other hand made an odd scene. I wonder if this happens daily with the patients here. More of the matter is what he is saying really true? It’s hard to defy the truth in these types of places.

“Sorry about that, would any one else like to share?”

After group therapy I notice how messed up some of these people really are. It isn’t just personal problems. Amazing how a person is put into an unusual situation what knowledge they can gain.

Heading to my room I open the door surprise to find Cecilia reading a book on her bed. She is dressed in a white grown, probably still recovering from yesterday. Next to her I see an uneaten meal consisting of some mystery slump.

“Hey.” I say kindly.


“Whatcha reading?”

“Some fantasy book, Harry Potter I believe.”

“Oh that’s a great book, have you seen the movies?”



“I haven’t watch a movie in about 6 years.”


I lie on my bed and try to be quite while she reads through her free time. Almost instantly I fall asleep due to boredom. The darkness consumes my mind as it comes up with psychotic ideas.

First instinct is water. All around me. Faces of people I know surround the platform I am on. I look down at my feet, below is a trap door and around my ankles are heavy weights. I try to move but couldn’t.

Within the group of people silently watching me struggle I see a few familiar faces. Lucy is one of them. She points her finger at me and calls out.

“You’re a fake. You don’t belong with us. You’re not insane. You’re normal.”

“Please Lucy understand me. I only lied to help you, to help them.”

“Once a liar, always a liar.”

The trap door underneath me opens, I scream as the weights drag me under, deeper into the darkness of the water. My lungs are filling up with water and my throat closes shut. I stop struggling. For once in my life I feel peaceful as I drift away from life.

Sounds of puking wake me up from my nap. It’s coming from the bathroom. I rub my head from the drowsiness of sleep. Then I get up head toward the section of the room. With caution I walk in.

Sure enough I see Cecilia bent over the toilet gagging. She hears me, looks at me with tears streaming down her pale freckle face. With her red hair tied in a sloppy knot above her head.

“Please, leave me alone.” She pleads.

“Cecilia, It’s okay.”

I kneel down beside her against the bathroom wall. Wrapping my arms around her I giver her a hug. She cries more. Holding her close I whisper some comforting words.

“I-I couldn’t help it.”

“It’s alright Cece, were not perfect.”

“I want to be perfect, but the truth is I never will.” She says between sobs.



“May I let you on in a little secret.”?

“S-sure. Yes.”

“I’m not perfect either.”