For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Gigs and giggles

You walk cautiously towards the small dingy building, suddenly completely self-conscious of yourself and the fact that you can’t see Gerard anywhere. You glance at your watch, it’s 8.15, isn’t that what they call fashionably late?
You strain to see over the throng of people waiting impatiently for the queue to move forward but you can’t, defeated you slump against a wall suffocated with graffiti and curse yourself for being so gullible. But still you can’t shake off the feeling that you’re wrong, I mean he did take you back to his house and let you hang out there for a while, why would he do that otherwise?

Suddenly a hand grips your shoulder and you’re spun around to see a breathless Gerard beaming at you.

“Hey, I’ve found another way in! Follow me!” Clutching his hand, he pulls you through the mass of disgruntled people and now running he darts behind the side of the building. “Okay wait here a sec…” He pants before darting around another corner and leaving you breathless and beaming. It’s so hard not to smile with him, it’s infectious, he’s so crazy.

His head pops from behind the corner and he summons you to follow. Not having any other choice you willingly follow to find him grinning mischievously and holding open a metal door.

“What’s th…” He hushes you before you can finish your sentence and places a painted black nail against his lips, ushering you through the small door and up small rusted steps.

“Wow!” You can’t help but gasp, a long metal raised platform runs across the entire room, giving the perfect view of the stage.

“How’d you find this?” You giggle in disbelief.

“Don’t underestimate me, I have many secrets.” He smiles almost sinisterly.

You smile and sit on the platform, letting your legs hang off of the edge and watch as the crowd filters through the door, transforming this run-down building into an eclectic buzz of life. Soon the lights are dimmed and a band take the stage, they’re pretty good you note, although somewhat lacking.

“Look.” Gerard indicates to a tall skinny guy. “It’s Mikey!”

Squinting you realise that he’s right, the subdued guy who took care of you yesterday was now something else, frantic but still holding the same air about him, you smiled.

“I didn’t know he was in a band, or that he even played guitar!”

“Yeah, he’s great, he learnt so he could play in my band.” Gerard shrugs, sitting on his hands.

“You’re in a band?!” You squeal. Gerard shakes his head, letting dark strands of hair shadow his face.

“No, I wanted to start one, but I don’t know, it just never happened.”

“Oh, why not?” You ask, suddenly noting the sadness seeping into Gerard’s usually cheerful expression.

“It doesn’t matter.” He retorts, a mix of anger and sadness flash across his eyes and you feel that it’s best not to enquire any further.

Breaking the awkward silence heavy footsteps shake the metal platform, startling you both.

“Shit!” Gerard whispers, “We’re not meant to be up here, better hide!”

Creeping across the platform you follow Gerard’s way, placing trust in him, for some unknown reason. He leads you under a large metal beamer and you both squeeze behind it, basking in the dark shadow that it creates. The footsteps become louder and fear creeps upon you as the guard comes closer, but Gerard appears to be revelling in it, his fantastic eyes alight with adrenaline.

With the guard only a few feet away from you, you both huddle together, a spark flitting down your spine at the warmth of his body against yours. Closing your eyes, you savour his smell and secretly wish that the guard would stay there for hours.

To your disappointment, he doesn’t and you both watch as he makes his way down the platform and loses himself in the rowdy crowd. Aware that you’re still against Gerard, that self-conscious queasiness floods back into your stomach and not knowing whether to stay or to move away you sit motionless and glance up at him.

You see him staring right back at you, a twinge of fear and excitement now overhauls the queasiness as you stare into his bright hazel eyes. Lost in his features you examine every inch of his face, stopping on his lips, lust controls you and you pray for those lips to meet yours, to taste him, to feel him.

His hands grip the back of your neck and you watch as he closes his eyes, moving slowly towards you and stops inches away from your face, tilting his head you can feel his warm breath tickle your face, you close your eyes, willing him to come closer and begging yourself to refrain from pulling him towards you.

For what seems like an eternity you wait, and you open your eyes as you feel him move his hand from the back of your neck, leaving it empty and cold. He smiles a half smile at the ground,
“We best get going before they lock up.”

You nod weakly and pull yourself from the ground and follow him back outside. The cold wind bites at your neck as you leave and you rub your hands together, trying to preserve some warmth. The awkwardness is hard to displace as you both walk slowly towards your house, but is soon broken as Gerard begins to quiz you on your snack preferences.

“Oh no, I don’t believe you!” he laughs, pushing your arm playfully. “Oreos are the best cookie, they’re undoubtedly the kings of chocolate biscuits, and I’ll convert you I’m sure!” He says with a wink. Suddenly you brighten, enjoying his playful banter and the way he immerses himself in everything that he says, until you reach the top of your street.

“Thanks for tonight Gee, tell Mikey he was great for me.” You smile, lost for something else to say.

“‘Kay!” He grins. “I’ll see you around, incase I need your judgement on anyother snack related things!” He laughs and begins to run towards his house.

I hope I do see you around Mr. Way you smile as you make your way back home.

*A/N: Continue? Throw computer out of window? Let me know ;)