For the Last Night I Lie, Could I Lie With You?

Old friends and Oreos

It’s been about two weeks or so since you last saw him, and the nagging feeling that something’s not right has been plaguing you for a while.

You’ve seen him a couple of times since your first meeting, and in that time you’ve really got to know him. The events that happened that night haven’t been able to leave your thoughts though and unanswered questions loom whenever you two meet. Only once have you ever been so close again, when you were dancing to Mikey’s band and you tripped and fell into his arms, that same feeling hit you, the desire to kiss and hold him, the feeling that he wanted it aswell. But Gerard smirked it off, made a joke to tear the tension and that was that, you never spoke of it again.

But you try not to focus on that, instead focusing on the fact that you and Gerard have become pretty good friends, seeing each other a couple of times a week. Which is another reason why his reluctance to meet up these past two weeks has come as a surprise. He says he’s got a lot on at Art College, which is plausible but you’re so suspicious about everyone- and for good reason. You shake your head, let’s not think about that.

You hear the chimes of your doorbell; wow someone must be eager they’ve rung the doorbell about five times in quick succession. Assuming that it’s some sort of an emergency you race downstairs and fling the door open and to your dismay no-one’s there. Questioning your mental stability you try to convince yourself that you did hear a doorbell, but then you see it.

You can’t help a smirk rising from your lips, wrapped in a big black bow is a box of Oreo cookies! It was Gerard!
You rip the tap off of it and read it,

‘I’m still trying to convert you shotgun sinner! Gee x’

You banish all negative thoughts from your mind, you were wrong about him, he obviously does care, but would he do that if you were just friends? You roll the question around on your tongue, afraid of the answer but desperate to know.

“Hey!!” A heavily accented voice chirps from behind the door, you swing it open to reveal Riley, one of your old best friends. You envelop her in a hug half crushing your Oreos, you’ve hardly seen her since she moved away.

You spend most of the day catching up and reminiscing and decide to head out to one of your old haunts, one of the last independent cafés still standing in the town.

You both sink into your chairs and bask in the slanted rays the sun is showering over you. Riley looks at you quizzically, peering through her long red hair.

“So, who is he then?” She laughs still not taking her eyes off of you. You gasp in mock horror and try to brush it off, you’ve intentionally left out the subject of Gerard but the blaze of crimson lining your cheeks makes it difficult to avoid any longer. Proudly Riley starts to shriek and drums her hands on the metal table excitedly.

“I knew it! I could tell you’d met someone!” She laughs.

“Well, I have but it’s not that simple, am I that obvious anyway?!” You say defensively.

“Well I just know you too well for your own good, that and that fact that you’ve been clutching that box of Oreos which are practically melted since I got here. I thought you didn’t even like them?”

Twiddling a strand of your hair between painted nails you sigh deafeatedly realising that you have no choice but to tell her everything. “Okay well I was out really late one night, caught in this storm and then I was chased so I started running and ran into Gerard. He punched the guy who was chasing me, scared him off and then took me to his to get myself cleaned up and stuff, and then we hung out for a bit, but I mean he was only being nice.” You breathe, relieved to have finally told someone.

Riley gasps putting a hand to her mouth in exaggeration, you snigger at her expression. “Only being nice? Seriously people don’t just do that to people if they don’t like them now do they? So have you seen the elusive Gerard since?”

You try to conceal a grin but it’s no use Riley has already began shrieking. “Yes I’ve seen him quite a few times now actually, we’ve been getting on quite well really.”

“And?!” She giggles, “What’s happened?”

You relay the events of that night to her, the tension you’ve been feeling, the inclination that he feels the same way, the way you can’t work him out and the fact that you haven’t seen him for two weeks.

“Aw, I’m sorry...” She makes a sympathetic face and places her hand on top of yours. “But I mean why don’t you make a move anyway, he’s obviously into you!”

“That’s the thing…” you say in a small voice, “I don’t know if I like him, I mean why should I like him, it’s obvious he doesn’t like me as more than a friend.”

“Hmm, okay.” She clucks thoughtfully, “But I think that you do like him, quite a bit infact. I think you’ll realise how much you like him soon and it will hit you hard.” She gives your hand an affectionate squeeze and picks up the bill. Feeling slightly relieved you grab your jacket and begin to walk out of the café, but something catches your eye.

Horrified at what you’re witnessing, your stomach contorts and tightens leaving you practically winded, walking right towards you is a beautiful boy with charcoal hair, and he’s not alone…