Status: active

Damaged Goods

We'd Always Find A Way To Turn And Run To Our Mistakes

***Vic's P.O.V.***

We were on a plane, heading to go get Kellin. We'd found Tony's address in Kellin's phone after searching for it for a while. We'd planned on calling him and convincing him to come home, but after I lost my cool and he hung up in my face, we thought it'd be better to just go get him ourselves. I had Alan, Austin and Mike with me. Kellin had no idea we were coming, that'd be good so he wouldn't be able to run.

I'd stopped crying after a while, realizing that if I wanted to go find Kellin and set him straight that I'd have to get my act together. I was still heartbroken though, I felt extremely vulnerable due to the fact that this is the second time that he's done this and this time hurts just as bad as the first. Which means I've fully let him in again. The difference from last time was that instead of shutting him out and building up a wall against him, I was going to go after him. I was going to give him some choices, the one he chooses will end up determining if he's even in my life ater this.

"Are you still thinking about him?" Mike sighed from the seat next to me.

I nodded.

"I will never understand why you keep going back to this guy. After everything he's put you through, I honestly want to beat his ass." He admitted.

"You're 16, you haven't been in love yet. You don't know what it's like to want to devote your whole being to a person and to just want the world for them. You want them to be happy even more than you want happiness for yourself and it's incredibly frustrating when they don't even love themselves." I sighed. "But then again, this is partially my fault."

"What? No way. Don't blame yourself for him being a coward who doesn't want to deal with his problems."

"But I shouldn't have broken him out of the asylum in the first place. Who knows how well his recovery would have been at this point. He could've been happy by now." I mumbled.

"The asylum isn't for everyone. It worked for you, yeah, but it didn't work for Kellin. Close to the time that you got him out of there you were telling me about how he relapsed and he was even worse than before he got there. If you wouldn't have saved him he might've been dead by now." He said bluntly.

After another 3 hours on the plane, the pilot announced that we were about to land. We followed procedures as the plane landed and we began to get our carry-on bags and exit the plane. After getting our suitcases and sorting out the rental car we had to start mapping out our plan to go get Kellin.

"I'm hungry." Mike whined.

"How about we stop for some food and talk about everything before we go get Kellin?" Alan suggested.

I wasn't in the mood for food right now. I just wanted to go find Kellin, but I wasn't going to let my rotten attitude get to the rest of the group. So I agreed.

I thought it was really convenient that Tony lived in the same city as the asylum. So that after talking to Kellin, if it came down to it. We'd easily be able to go check him in.

"Vic." I heard Alan say.


"What would you like to eat?"

"It doesn't matter." I mumbled.

The car was quiet and I let out a sympathetic sigh.

It was 10pm and we were sitting in the car outside of Tony's place, it was a nice medium sized house that could easily fit about 6 people it was a two story and it was made out of brownish-red brick. There was no way Tony could own this house by himself, he had to have roommates.

I was nervous to say the least. I honestly hoped that I wouldn't lose my temper.

"Vic, when you go in there don't freak out on him, okay?" Mike said.

I nodded. I was going to try not to, but I wasn’t making any promises.

We got out of the car and made our way to the front door. Behind it, I heard a bunch of noise and guys being rowdy. I pounded on the door, hoping that they’d be able to hear me with all the loud noises behind it. The door was soon answered by an unfamiliar guy, he looked friendly and he was holding a red cup which I assumed contained alcohol .

“Hey, who are you guys here for?” He ask, confused.

“Tony.” I lied.

He nodded and stepped aside so he could let us in. The house was full of people. If I had to guess, it would be 20 people. They were all guys who, I’m assuming are friends with Tony. We walked further into the house and looked around in search of Kellin.

“Tony is upstairs in his room. Which will be the third door on the right. Knock before you go in.” The guy that let us in told us.

We followed instructions and made our way up the stairs, trying best to avoid the many guys that were occupying the house. Once I was at Tony’s door, I knocked just like the guy said.

“Come in.” I heard from the other side of the door.

I opened the door to see Tony on his bed facing the TV and Kellin on a portable blowup mattress next to his bed.

“Vic?” Tony said in a confused tone.

Kellin’s head snapped up, with wide eyes he looked me up and down, complete shock on his face. After a moment of silence, he quickly stood up and made a run for the window. He tried to open it and climb out, but Tony was too quick. He caught him just before he was able to get his leg out.

This infuriated me, he was trying to avoid his problems so much that he was about to climb out of a freaking window.

“Tony, let me go.” He yelled.

“I’m not letting you climb out of a freaking window Kellin.” Tony replied.

“Don’t you see what they’re trying to do? They’re trying to send me back to the asylum. They’re trying to get rid of me!” He said, trying to fight back against Tony.
"Chill the fuck out." Tony said to Kellin. "Just talk to him. I'm pretty sure they have your best interests at heart. Just talk to him."

"O-Okay." He said, looking up at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: La Dispute: Andria

Thank you to the people who left a comments encouraging me and offering me help. It really helps knowing that you guys care about me being okay rather than how fast I update.

So how do you think the talk between Kellin and Vic will go? Leave a comment and let me know. c:

thanks for commenting: Madisonleeigh, OllieOutie, Bringmethe_kellic_, hayleyc., Kellicxo, MayteAriannaa, jessfwentes and Misfit Toy. <--- wow, guys the number of comments made me so happy. thank you. c: