Status: slowly

Wake Me Up

Chapter Three

I wake up in a strange bed and the realization of what happened last night hits me. I was hit by a fucking car last night. Oh my God. I never came home! My dad is gonna kill me! Shit, my dad was going to be so pissed. I hate to think what he’d do to me when I got home. Just as I’m about to hyperventilate the boy from last night comes in and sit next to me on the bed.

"Hey! Time to wake u-Oh, you’re already awake. Are you okay? Of course you’re not okay you were hit by a car like four hours ago. By the way I am so, so sorry about that. I was in the car with my idiot brother and he kept poking me and distracting me. I told him to stop, I swear! I’m not usually such a reckless driver. But he said it didn’t matter because it was so late and no one would be out there. Well obviously he was wrong. I still think we should have taken you to a hospital, but you wouldn’t let us. I-” I cut him off by chuckling quietly. He smiled then and said, “Great. Now I’m rambling and you’re laughing at me.” I noticed he couldn’t help but laugh himself.

"I wasn’t exactly laughing at you, I was laughing with you,” I explained smiling more than I usually did. He seems like a pretty cool person, I guess. Conversation came easy.

"That’s what people say when they’re laughing at someone but don’t want to seem mean. But I guess it’s okay, because I was kind of making a fool of myself. I’m Vic by the way and the idiot waiting outside the door for an to come inside is my brother Mike." He smiled a warm smile as a lanky boy that couldn’t be over the age of fifteen shuffled inside.

This boy was very tall and gave a slight wave and a sheepish smile as he said, “Hi, I’m Mike and believe it or not, I’m not as big of an idiot as Vic might have you believe.” Vic just rolled his eyes.

"Uh, I’m Kellin and I just moved here. Otherwise I probably would have known that there were two maniacs in the neighborhood that like to go driving in the middle of the night." I smile at them. Vic gives a mock hurt expression and Mike just smiles.

"Hey! Who goes running in black clothes at four o’clock in the morning? And I’m really sorry about that. It was all Vic’s fault even though he would never own up to it!" Mike yells. Vic then left the room, but just before he walked through the door he turned and winked at me. I swear to god my heart almost stopped. What the hell?

"Really? I thought it was because you were poking him?" I say with a smirk. Mike’s face went bright red as his eyes widen a bit.

"Oh, I am astonished that my only brother would tell such terrible lies about me!" Mike yells, with his hand over his heart.

"Mike we don’t feel sorry for you!" Vic yelled while running into the room and jumping on the bed.

"You don’t know how Kellin feels, you arrogant bastard!" Mike yelled back, but even as he says the insult you can see the love in his eyes. The room then got quiet and Vic gave me a worried glance. No one spoke and a somber tension settled over us. When I looked at them they looked so sad and concerned. I couldn’t take it, I looked away.

"How are you feeling Kellin?" Vic whispered. I could feel them staring at me, but I still couldn’t bring myself to look at them.

"I already told you I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me with your car," I mumble.

“You’re sure?” Vic asks, raising his eyebrows a bit. I just nod, tangling my fingers together. Vic sighs and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.

“You know if you want to tell us anything, you can,” Vic says. I can feel his gaze burning into me, it sets fire to my body. I don’t look at him though, instead a shift a little away from him.

"I should go…" I say, standing up and running out the door. I somehow manage to get out the front door and am currently running down the street. I didn’t realize someone was following me until I felt them grab my wrist and spin me around. Suddenly I’m right next to Vic, our faces a mere inch apart. He cups my face with his hands and leans closer in.

"Kellin please. I just want to make sure you’re okay,” He whispers, but makes no attempt to move any closer. I shift away from him, pulling back.

“You don’t even know me,” I say, suddenly kind of angry. Who does he think he is?
“But I’d like to,” he says back, infuriating me further.

“I have to go home,” I say, turning back around. This time I don’t hear him follow me, as I make my way back to my new home. The walk there is quiet, except for the sounds of kids playing and birds chirping. Just the sounds you’d expect from a suburban neighborhood. I don’t turn around to see the look on Vic’s face, or to see if he’s moved at all. I just keep walking until i reach my home. Once there I try to slip in quietly, shutting the door slowly and cringing at the sound of the click. Maybe if I just go upstairs as quietly as possible he won’t know I was out all night.

“Well, well, well. Look what shit head decided to come home.”
