Beacon Hills Exclusive

Dancing with the Moon: Part Two

Derek drove me back to Scott’s, thanking me once again for the meal when I left the car. I smiled and closed the door behind me, walking to the door with my purchases. I saw the blue Jeep in the driveway, so I decided to walk straight into the home. I smelled the food I ha cooked for the boys wafting from upstairs. I closed the door behind me, heading to Scott’s room. I knocked on the bedroom door, walking in after I heard a muffled answer. The boys were on Scott’s black beanbag chairs facing his television and stuffing their mouths with food. I saw both my backpacks on Scott’s bed and I smiled, walking towards the one filled with my things for tonight and throwing it over my right shoulder. “Thanks, guys. Do you mind if I shower, Scott?”

“Not at all,” Scott said through a mouthful of pasta. “I put new towels for all of us to use, actually, on the counter to the left of the sink. They’re the fluffy purple ones my mom’s obsessed with. Her good shampoo and crap is under the sink in a big black container,”

I smiled, thanking Scott and ruffling his hair as I turned to walk out of the room. Stiles spoke through a mouthful of pasta, as well. “Hey, Sam! This is delicious. Thank you,”

I spoke with a proud grin on my face. “Thanks, Stiles,”

I closed the bedroom door behind me, walking to the bathroom. I turned the light on and locked the door as I began to get undressed and threw my backpack on the floor. I looked underneath the dark brown sink, grabbing the container Scott was talking about. I placed it on the countertop, grabbing shampoo, conditioner, cucumber face wash, and soap that smelled like cotton candy. I picked up one of the three towels, placing it on the toilet before placing the fancy supplies in my arms on the side of the tub’s ledge. I turned the shower on, making the shower mildly cold. I got in, taking a fairly quick shower.

I was finished within ten minutes. I turned the shower off, immediately becoming freezing cold. I grabbed my towel, wrapping it tightly around my body and ringing out my hair in the tub. I stepped out, stepping onto a fluffy maroon bath mat. Taking Scott’s Mom’s supplies, I walked back over to the counter and placed all the supplies back in their proper places. I put the container back under the cabinet, closing it up. I took the towel from around my body and dried my hair out a bit more.

I grabbed my backpack from the floor, taking all the clothing out. I quickly got dressed, smiling down at my outfit. I took my towel and flipped my hair over, wrapping it up and throwing the towel on top in a knot on my head. I grabbed the rest of my belongings, putting them into my bag. I felt my phone vibrate in my bag and took it out. I raised an eyebrow, seeing Scott was calling me. “…. Hello?”

“You can get ready in my mom’s room. She told me her straightener is on her vanity and you can use anything else you need to,” Scott stated awkwardly. “…. She also said to please stay protected,”

“I’m guessing she wasn’t talking about from the alpha,” I joked, only hearing Stiles’ laugh in the background. “I’ll just be one more second and I’ll hide for the next hour and a half,”

“You do that,” Scott said bitterly, hanging up.

I grabbed all my things, turning the light off in the bathroom and racing to the left to Melissa’s bedroom. I opened the door, being hit in the face with the scent of roses. I closed the door behind me, smiling at all the white with baby pink accents there were in her bedroom. I turned the light on and then the television and put on ’Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ for background noise. I began to do my makeup first, taking everything from my bag. I settled on putting on false lashes, winged eyeliner, and chap stick. I used a ’Lush’ lip scrub, causing my lips to become smooth with the taste of popcorn on them, and making them extra, naturally red. I took my hair out of the towel, putting it in Melissa’s dirty hamper to the right of her wooden vanity. I began to use her hairdryer that was purple with black accents that was plugged into the wall and placed next to her blue straightener on the vanity. Once finished, I turned her straightener on to the highest setting and parted my hair into three sections. I took extra care to get every single piece, finishing it all off with hair spray. I turned off and unplugged the appliances and placed my belongings back into the backpack. I turned off her television and walked out of the room, shutting the door and turning off the light.

I walked down the hallway and heard someone singing in the shower. I giggled, realizing it was Stiles when I heard him trip and curse. I walked to Scott’s bedroom, seeing the door wide open. Scott had his back to the door and was trying to button his black on black button-up and kept cursing. “Stupid piece of shit. Why are you so stupid? Piece of-“

“I’ll help, wolfie,” I smirked, causing him to turn around. His shirt was four buttons off, exposing half of his toned chest and stomach. I laughed, earning a dirty look, as I undid and redid all the buttons. “You used cologne, huh?”

“You shaved extra well,” I looked up at Scott with my jaw dropped. “Like I don’t know? When you shave above the knee, I know you mean business,”

I laughed, nearly done with his shirt. “How are you feeling?”

Scott shrugged. “I keep getting aggravated easily, but nothing too bad, yet,”

I finished doing Scott’s shirt and snapped my head up to look at him frustrated. “Don’t say that like you expect to mess up, Scott. You’re doing amazing. Be proud of yourself,”

Scott smiled down at me as I dropped my hands. “Thanks, Sam. You look amazing, by the way,”

I smiled, walking over to where I had placed the bag with my new shoes. I grabbed the shoes out of the bag, slipping them on. “Thanks, dude. You cleaned up pretty well, too,”

Scott laughed, biting the bottom of his lips. He put his hands in his black pants pockets and looked down at his black dress shoes while he spoke. “Sam, we need to talk about him,”

I rolled my eyes, standing way taller than normal in my new heels. “Matt is a good guy, Scott. I’ll be-“

Scott shook his head. “Not him. I meant-“

“Sam! Help me,” Stiles called from the bathroom. I gave Scott a look, walking out quickly and going to the bathroom. Stiles opened the door when he heard my footsteps, peeking his head out of the door. “I need help with my shirt,”

I rolled my eyes, yet again. “Jesus Christ! Why do neither one of you guys know how to do buttons?”

Stiles shrugged with puppy eyes. “Help me,”

I pushed the door gently, walking into the bathroom. Stiles had on black boxer briefs and socks that reached to the middle of his shin with hamburgers in a collage-like pattern all over them. His shirt’s buttons were off way worse than Scott’s, revealing his way-less toned stomach (though still very nice) with a happy trail. I couldn’t help but laugh, undoing all his buttons. “You couldn’t at least have put pants on?”

Stiles jumped back immediately. “Oh my god! I’m-“

I put my hands on his shoulders, pulling him back closer to me. I kept undoing his buttons once more while I spoke. “Chill! I was kidding, Style,”

Stiles let out a breath, looking down at me. I felt his eyes looking over my entire body and I became extremely aware of all my actions as I started to button his black shirt up. “You look beautiful, Jam,”

I looked up at him, not used to him sounding so sincere. I watched him scan my face as I did the last button. I smiled, patting his chest with both hands. “You’re all done,”

Stiles smiled widely, reaching towards the right side of the bathroom counter. He grabbed a black satin bowtie, putting it around his neck. He looked down at me. “Do this, too, please,”

I paused, laughing, and began to tie his little bow for him. I finished, leaving my left hand on his shoulder. “You look really great, Stiles. Some girl is going to be really happy tonight when she ends up with you,”

Stiles tilted his head and I dropped my hand. “Why do you say that like you know I’m going to find someone tonight?”

“Because I do,” I shrugged, explaining when I earned a look from Stiles. “All the guys that are going to this party tonight are mainly pricks. You’re smart, funny, and look like a solid ten. You’re going to grab a good one,”

Stiles paused for a moment, smiling lightly before he spoke. “Matt’s a really lucky guy,”

I didn’t get a chance to answer when Scott rushed into my room, handing me my cell phone and wallet. “If he bothers you, ditch him and find us. I heard his breaks squeak from around the corner,”

I smiled, putting my wallet in my left front pocket and my phone in my right. I hugged Scott quickly, then turned to hug Stiles. I walked to the stairs quickly, calling from behind me. “Text me once you guys are there,”

I heard their muffled voices saying that that was fine when I closed the front door behind me and saw Matt getting out of his car. He walked to my side of his pure white Range Rover, opening the passenger’s side door for me. I hugged him once I reached him, feeling the eyes of Scott and Stiles looking down at me from Scott’s window. I stepped into the car and Matt closed the door for me. I placed my seatbelt on, looking around and admiring the lovely all black interior in his car. Matt got into the car, looking over at me with an impressed expression. He began to stumble over his words. “You look perfect. I mean, you’re always perfect to me, but like you’re really perfect tonight! But I don’t want you to think that it’s just because you took time to get ready. I mean, not like you don’t always take time to get ready, it’s just not as noticeable. I mean, I notice, I just-“

I cupped Matt’s face in my hands, forcing him to get closer to me and to stop rambling, and pushed my lips to his. I felt his body go stiff, not processing what just happened, until all his tension dropped. He put his hands around my neck, kissing me back with a smile slowly curling his lips upwards. I broke away slowly, smirking at him when he tried to keep kissing me. “You look good, too,” Matt laughed, blushing, and I joined him. He rubbed the back of his neck and I fixed the skinny, black satin tie that was around his neck. He watched me retie it for him, then put my hands on his shoulders, rubbing my fingers on his soft, black button up.

Matt moved back into his seat, starting the car up, and pulling out of the driveway. He put on the radio and the CD he already had in the car started playing. I smiled, listening to New Found Glory pump through the speakers. I mouthed the words, looking out the window, and Matt glanced at me. “You like them?”

I raised an eyebrow, looking over at him. “Of course I do! I didn’t know you did,”

Matt nodded his head, yes, turning up the volume and driving off to Jackson’s. I looked out the window, feeling my phone vibrate. I took it out, looking down at Scott’s message. ’We’re walking in now. Where are you?’

I looked up, seeing Matt parallel parking two houses down from Jackson’s. ’We’re getting out of the car now.’

I opened my door and closed it carefully, stepping onto the pavement. Matt came up to my left side, smiling goofily. “You ready?”

I looked down, seeing his right hand dangle at his side. I pulled on his sleeve to start walking, feeling his arm tense up and release quickly. I dropped my hand, walking swiftly towards the large home and opening the solid black front door. The house was a perfect shade of white, as if they have it repainted on a weekly basis. The smell of alcohol, weed, and Armani Exchange filled the crowded home while music pumped at full volume through large black speakers. Everyone seemed to abide by the dress code, causing me to laugh in my head. I walked towards the kitchen, feeling Matt try to keep close to me. I looked back, grabbing his right hand, and pulling him behind me through the crowd. I went towards the black and white kitchen, going straight for the liquor. Matt grabbed a Corona, biting the bottom of his lip. “I won’t drink unless you’re okay with it,”

I smiled at him. “You live a few houses down, right?” Matt nodded his head. “Worse comes to worse, you can go home and I’ll have Scott and Stiles take me home or I’ll stay here. I know Jackson’s having Lydia and she’ll probably invite a few people that need to stay,”

Matt rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. “Actually, I was going to say you could come over. My parents won’t be home until next weekend because they’re visiting my mom’s sister on the East coast. She just had a baby girl,”

I tilted my head, thinking for a moment. “I don’t mean to be a bitch, but I don’t know you like that,”

Matt put his hands up in defense. “That’s completely understandable, Sam. I just thought I would offer. I didn’t mean to make it come off, like, you know….”

“Like you’re trying to take advantage of me and then leave me?” I answered for him. He opened and closed his mouth, speechless, and nodded his head yes. “I know you didn’t mean it that way. I just…. I have a hard time trusting guys,”

Matt shook his head, understanding what I was saying. “Please, don’t take offense! I literally was just offering you a place to stay if you didn’t want to go anywhere else. I’m sorry. It was rude of me to hope you would say yes,”

I took a Blue Moon, opening the bottle with my teeth. Matt’s eyes went wide and he laughed. “What can I say? I’m a natural,” I laughed, seeing Matt still laughing. “I’ll tell you what…. If you can drink that bottle in under seven seconds, I’ll stay the night,”

Matt smirked. “What’s with you and making deals?”

I smirked right back, taking a sip of my own beer. “It keeps life interesting and opens room for new opportunities,”

Matt looked me up and down, shaking his head. “Jesus Christ…. Time me,”

I looked up at the clock hanging above the kitchen’s doorway. “Go,”

I heard Matt chugging quickly, making me smile as I saw the clock tick away. By the time it was five seconds, I heard Matt slam the empty bottle on the counter. “Time?”

I took the empty bottle, eyeing the oversized trashcan that was across the room. I threw the bottle, landing perfectly in the trash. Matt watched it, then looked back at me. I patted his cheek lightly. “Let me borrow some clothes, please,”

Matt smiled, grabbing another beer. I finished mine quickly, reaching for the bottle of Jack Daniels. I took a red solo cup, pouring straight Jack into the cup. I began drinking it, earning a disgusted look from Matt. “How the hell are you drinking that crap straight?”

I smiled, shrugging. “It’s one of my favorites,”

Matt looked out the backdoor, then back to me. “You want to dance?”

We walked outside, seeing slim to no people outside. There was soft music playing and a girl and her girlfriend talking on the patio chairs, smoking from a bowl. I turned away from them, rolling my eyes. I walked to the grass, getting annoyed by my heels. I took them off, throwing them off to the side. Matt laughed, looking at our height difference. “I know, I know, asshole. I’m short,”

Matt ignored my comment, putting his left hand on my waist and placing his right hand with his beer on my right shoulder. I placed my left hand on his waist lightly, holding my cup in my right hand and leaning my right arm on his chest. Matt looked down at me, smiling lightly as he spoke. “You know, I didn’t think you’d actually go out with me tonight,”

“Why?” I tilted my head, taking a drink after I finished my sentence. I noticed we began lightly swaying, though for a minute I thought it was just my head beginning to spin for a multitude of reasons.

“You’re so confident and pretty and I’m so not,” Matt shook his head in frustration. “I mean, not the pretty part. That’s your job and you can keep that, but I at least want the word ’cute’ to be relevant towards me, but instead the only things I’m typically associated with are ’freak’, ‘annoying,’ and ’awkward’,”

I shook my head, looking down. “I’m far from confident and pretty and you’re far from all those awful things,” I looked up, breaking a smile. “Minus awkward. You’re extremely awkward…. But, it’s nice,” Matt smiled at me, though I knew he didn’t believe me. “It’s refreshing to meet someone who’s not completely together or trying to be. You know you’re different and you know that people find you that way, but it doesn’t stop you from doing the things you like. It’s just really nice,”

Matt searched my face, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. He hesitated, bending down gently to meet my lips. He kissed me gently and I felt my stomach doing flips. His lips burned worse than the toxic concoction I had been ingesting for the past ten minutes and my head began to feel like I was going to pass out. Matt broke away, those his lips lightly brushed mine as he spoke. “Thank you for being the first person that doesn’t think I’m too weird to be around,”

I laughed, looking back and forth between his lips and eyes as I spoke. “Believe me, there’s very few things that freak me out anymore,”


Many hours had passed since Matt and I’s moment in the backyard. We had gone back inside and danced for a while, drinking and smoking much more when we had met up with Lydia and Jackson. The couple left us to go to Jackson’s bedroom quickly, leaving Matt and I to stumble back towards the living room and find somewhere to sit. The room was mainly cleared out, seeing as people had taken the party to either the backyard or stayed in the front of the house. We plopped down on the black, leather couch, exhausted. I crossed my left ankle underneath my right leg, turning towards Matt. Matt slumped his back down on the couch, playing with the Captain Morgan in his red cup. I took a sip of my Fireball while the room began to spin extra hard. I dropped my head, landing on Matt’s shoulder. I felt him smile, dropping his head to lean on mine. “This is the best first date I ever had,”

I raised an eyebrow, slurring into his neck. “What was the worst?”

Matt laughed at the memory. “The girl showed up to the movies in sweats and brought her best friend. They talked throughout the whole movie and when I went to tell her that I wanted to end the ’date’, she told me she thought I was gay and we were all just hanging out,”

I laughed loudly, pulling away from Matt. I fell on my back on the couch, putting my cup on the coffee table. Matt put his cup next to mine, bracing his hands above my shoulders when he leaned on top of me. “It’s so not that funny,”

I snaked my arms around Matt’s neck, pulling his face towards mine. I made sure my lips tickled his while I spoke. “At least this one slightly makes up for it,”

Matt smirked. “Yeah,” He kissed me quickly. “Slightly,”

I pushed Matt’s chest, beginning to get off the couch. I stood up, wobbling, and he mimicked my motions. “Let’s head to your place. It’s getting late,”

Matt shook his head, placing his hands lightly on my waist and walking behind me. Once we got outside of the house and it was quieter, I heard my phone ringing. I looked down, seeing it was a missed call from Scott. I went to call him back when I got a text message from him. I had a hard time getting my eyes to focus on the words. ’I was going to ask where you were, but I see you walking home with him. Be safe,’

I smiled, texting back quickly. ’I will, thank you,’ I felt Matt tug my waist to the right, signaling me to turn right. I listened, walking up his front lawn. We got to the front door and he walked in front of me to unlock the door. He pushed it open, turning on the light, before stepping inside. I followed him, closing and locking the doors behind us. I took off my shoes, as did he, and he turned around. “Would you like a drink or something?”

“No thanks,” I smiled, starting to look around the room. Matt nodded aimlessly, stumbling towards what I assumed was the kitchen.

I looked around, seeing pictures of Matt and his family scattered in frames on the walls and on top of furniture. The home looked like something out of a magazine and everything was as neat as a pin. Matt turned off a light behind him, walking out to me. He motioned for me to follow him up the fluffy-white carpeted stairs. I waddled towards him, walking closely behind him. I put my hands gently on his lower back to steady myself, though he was just as bad as he was. He turned to the room that was the first right down an extremely long hallway. He opened the door and closed it once I walked into the room.

Matt turned the light on to the room, walking towards his large closet. The room was immaculate and painted a purple-grey with white accents. All the furniture went with the color scheme, as did Matt’s grey and purple bedding. The walls were covered in photos Matt had taken and I walked around, looking at all the different things he found fascinating enough to capture. He came out of his closet, turning off the light and closing the door behind him. He walked over to me, handing me a large black t-shirt. He held up a pair of solid black sweats and solid black basketball shorts. I took the shorts, smiling, and turning around. “I’ll change in the closet. Just tell me when you’re ready,”

I smiled as Matt walked back to his closest and flipped on the light. He closed the door and I quickly undressed out of everything but my thong. I folded my clothes, placing them on top of his computer desk behind me. “Ready,”

Matt opened the door, turning off the light, and closed the door behind him once more. He had changed to a long-sleeved, maroon henley and maroon, black, and white plaid, fleece pants. I turned around, walking towards Matt’s bed. I pulled the covers off lightly, scooting into the bed. I heard the door open and I turned around. “Where are you going?”

Matt looked at me like I had several heads. “I was going to sleep in the guest room….”

I shook my head, no, and scooted in closer to the wall where the bed was pushed up against. I patted the space next to me and Matt walked over slowly. He got into the bed and I could hear his heart pounding. I laid down, getting closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his left arm, leaning my head on his shoulder. Matt tensed up and I spoke into his shoulder. “If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll go in the guest room. It’s not a big deal,”

Matt shook his head, no, turning on his side. I let go of his arm, looking at him. “I’m just not used to this,”

I smiled, placing my right hand on his neck. I rubbed my thumb on his skin gently, kissing him as delicately as I could. I snaked my arms around his waist and broke away, feeling him place his arms around my upper body, rubbing circles in my back gently. I leaned up, giving his neck a few light kisses, before falling asleep with my head on his chest.