Beacon Hills Exclusive

Visiting Hours

I felt a gush of hot air on my neck and my eyes darted open. Matt had rolled on top of me and spread out like a starfish. He was breathing heavily on my neck and I could feel his lips lightly brushing my skin. I stifled a giggle, not wanting to wake him up, and I hugged his upper body gently. I slowly rolled up the sides of his shirt, placing my hands on his bare hips. I left my left hand there, tracing circles into his skin gently. I brought my right hand up to his head, playing with his already-messy hair. I kissed his head a few times before he began to squirm. Matt grunted before speaking in a scratchy, deep voice. “What time is it?”

I looked over at the clock on his television’s cable box. “Only seven thirty-seven,”

Matt groaned, burying his face into my chest. “How the hell are you up so early and not dying?”

I smirked. “I don’t get hangovers,”

Matt moved his arms so that he was hugging my entire upper body. He kissed my neck, speaking in nearly a whisper. “Do you regret waking up here?”

I raised an eyebrow, speaking in an equally-low tone. “Why would I?”

Matt took his arms off of me, rolling onto my right side. I rolled over to face him as we both propped our heads in our hands, leaning on our elbows. “It was the first date. I mean, I rather you here safely than to have gone home a mess, but I don’t want to rush anything,”

I smiled. “It’s not a big deal. Unless this is your way of saying this is the end of whatever we’re doing… Then, I would be pissed,”

Matt smiled, cupping my face in his hands. He kissed me hard before pulling away quickly. “We’re just getting started,”

I smiled brightly, pulling him towards me by cupping his neck. He rolled on top of me, putting his hands on my shoulders and leaning on me. He straddled me with his legs until I pulled my legs away, crossing them around his lower body and pulling him towards me. Matt looked taken back right before I began kissing him and I felt his body loosen as I did. Matt began to break away, gently kissing down my neck and running his hands up and down my sides. He stopped at my collarbone, gently kissing my neck in between playful bites. I felt my stomach flip every time his teeth grazed my bare skin and I let out a quiet moan. Matt stopped, looking up at me to smirk. He met my lips again quickly and I laughed in the middle of our kiss. He broke away, smiling at me. “You’re so damn corny,”

Matt laughed at me, rolling over. He got out of bed, walking to his closet. “I’m going to get dressed. Do you need anything?”

I tilted my head. I got out of bed, shaking my head. “I’ll be out here changing,”

Matt closed the closet door behind him and I began to get undressed. I slid off Matt’s shorts, grabbing the ones I wore last night and putting them back on. I slid my bra on underneath Matt’s shirt and quickly clasped the small hooks together. I tucked Matt’s shirt into the shorts, grabbing my phone. I saw dozens of missed calls from Derek, causing me to panic. I quickly called him back and he picked up on the first ring. “What’s-“

“Get outside. I’m here and we need to talk, now,”

Matt walked out of the closet, covering his eyes. I hung up on Derek, running over to him and putting my phone in my pocket. I threw my arms around his neck and he pulled his hands away from his eyes. I kissed him, pulling away to see him grinning widely. “Text me whenever, but I need to leave right now. It’s an emergency,”

Matt’s smile disappeared and he became extremely worried. “If I did something wrong, I’m sorry. Just tell me and-“

“No, I mean it really is an emergency, Matt,” I shook my head. “I’m not trying to get away from you. Stiles messed up his leg and I need to take him to the doctor’s because Scott won’t be getting his license for another two weeks and his dad is at work,”

Matt rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. I-“

I smiled, kissing him once more before running out of his bedroom. I raced down the stairs, grabbing my heels, and calling to him before I closed the door. “You’re cute and I like you, so please text me, bye,”

I raced to Derek’s car, quickly getting inside. As I buckled my seatbelt, Derek sped off. “There’s something you need to do,”

The gears in Derek’s head were nearly audible and his knuckles went white as he griped the steering wheel with his right hand and made a fist in his lap with his left. I swallowed the lump in my throat, not wanting him to freak out on me for asking anything he would deem as stupid. “What?”

Derek began to speak at a rapid pace, as if he was figuring something out as he spoke. “Remember how I said people open up to you? Well, there’s someone we need to make talk,”

Before I was able to ask any more questions, Derek slammed on the breaks and into a parking spot. It was perfectly in front of the hospital, causing me to grow concerned. I unbuckled my seatbelt, getting out of the car and trying to catch up with Derek. He walked with a purpose, making two left turns and then a right, going to a check-in desk. He signed both our names, continuing to bring me to our final destination. I looked around the hallway, seeing each room with the same kind of ‘cases’. “Derek…. This is the coma section,”

Derek ignored me, though I knew fully-well he heard me. He walked me to the last room to the left of the hallway, slowly walking in. A man with half a head of hair was in a wheelchair facing the window. I walked passed Derek and went to go to the man’s side before Derek stopped me. “Hold on,” I turned around, looking at a frustrated Derek. “This man right here is what is left of my uncle,”

I raised an eyebrow at the way he phrased his sentence. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Derek sighed, walking towards his uncle. He turned his back to me, gripping the handles on the back of the wheelchair. “That fire that my family was in…. Kate left only us. My uncle…. He always had a way of knowing what was going to happen, no matter what,”

Derek swung his uncle around, showing me the damage that had been inflicted on him. Half the man’s head was scarred and looked as if there had been hundreds of previous surgeries that tried to prepare him. His eye socket was completely open and exposed the darkness of his skull as his bright blue eye looked terrified since nothing covered it. His other half showed what was left of an extremely-handsome male. His jawline was very-much prominent, just like Derek’s, and his light brown hair was a bit on the longer side. I know he must be in his early forties, but this man looked to be in only his late twenties. I walked over to him, sitting on the hospital bed in front of him. Derek wheeled him in front of me, watching me closely. I refused to show any indication of me being terrified, trying not to offended either party. His uncle looked to be frozen, though I could tell something was still alive in his eyes. I looked at his uncle, trying to ignore Derek’s intensifying stare. “I don’t know how to get you to talk to me…. I don’t even know if I can get you to talk to me. I just really need to know if you know a single thing about what’s going on around here,”

Derek’s uncle stayed put and I felt Derek’s body tense up. He walked quickly next to me, sitting down. I felt the heat of his leg raise when he spoke angrily. “Come on, Peter! I know you can hear us,”

I put my hand on top of Derek’s knee lightly, causing him to give me an odd look. “Don’t yell at him, Derek. There’s no need for it,” I looked back to Peter who didn’t as much as blink at either one of us. I bit my bottom lip before speaking. “If you know anything, but you won’t or can’t speak, can you give us at least a sign?”

We waited for a moment, then Derek stood up and threw his arms up. He yelled, walking out of the room quickly. “This was stupid! I don’t know why I even tried! Let’s go,”

I stayed in the room with Peter, hearing Derek yell and storm out of the hospital without realizing I wasn’t next to him. I watched Peter’s face and body stay still and all the other noises in the building seemed to remain at a halt. Peter’s right hand shook as he raised his pointer finger, than dropped it. He did this several more times (eight to be exact) before stopping. I waited for anything else to happen, though nothing did. “I don’t know what this means. I really don’t think I want to, in all honesty,” My voice cracked. “I don’t know why this stuff is all suddenly beginning to happen. I just know that I want to do really well in school this year and I want to do really well in gymnastics. I know that I really like Matt and I want to keep him around,” I began to full on sob. “I know that Stiles and Scott are scared and I ruined their lives, but I love them. I know Derek is a mess trying to figure this all out and it’s killing me. I don’t want anyone hurt, okay? I can’t have someone get hurt. I just…. I need to know who tried to kill me. I need to know who the damn alpha is. I need…. I need to know a lot of things that I can’t figure out on my own. Please, Peter, please. If you know anything, please tell me,”

Peter’s eyes flickered to the side table, than went back to me. I looked at the light brown table next to the bed, opening the top drawer. I pulled out a charm bracelet, seeing a set of eight charms going around the silver band. I closed the drawer, speaking to Peter as I examined the bracelet. “This…. This was my mom’s. She told me she would give it to me someday when I was old enough to have it. Each charm represents something different…. There’s an airplane because she loved to travel, a snail for her love of nature, a rose because she said it reminded her of me-“ I stopped myself, seeing a wolf I had always been told was specifically for her strength, until it clicked. “My mom wasn’t just a wolf…. She was an alpha,” I turned to Peter, putting my hands on his shoulders and leaning down to face him. “Thank you,”

I sprinted out of the room and out of the hospital, immediately landing in Derek’s car. Derek was still angry as he began to speed off. I didn’t bother with my seatbelt, yelling my discoveries at him excitedly. “My mom was an alpha! She wasn’t just a part of this huge pack, she was the alpha of it! That’s the reason she was killed. Whoever killed her-“

Derek shook his head, sighing. “She wasn’t an alpha, Sam. Whoever killed her wasn’t in it so they could be the alpha, they just killed her to kill her,” Derek looked over at my reaction, then looked back to the road. “That was a good idea, though,”

I leaned back in my seat, taking out my phone. I had exactly eight messages from both my father, Scott, and Stiles on my phone. I shuffled through the boy’s first, seeing that they were just messages making sure I was okay at Matt’s. I answered them both back, telling them I’d be at Stiles’ in a few minutes. I then looked through my dad’s, seeing each message grow increasingly worried. The last message, though, didn’t make sense. “My dad doesn’t know Italian,” Derek looked over at me, raising an eyebrow. “Non si può nascondere…. You can’t hide,”

Derek sped the car up, landing us quickly at Stiles’ house. We got out of the car quickly and slammed the doors, running to the front door. I didn’t bother knocking because I could hear both guys upstairs playing video games. Derek closed the door behind us and we raced up the stairs to Stiles’ room. I threw the door open, causing both boys to scream. They looked relieved, seeing it was only us and sighing. Stiles’ relieved expression quickly turned to nervous. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know,” I shook my head, turning to Derek. “You stay here with them. I’ll go back to my house and-“

Derek shook his head, “I’ll go with you,”

I shook my head, pushing passed him and walking back down the stairs. “Like hell you will! You need to stay here and watch them. I-“

Stiles walked out of his bedroom, peeking out through the doorway as Derek stared at me completely furious over my actions. “We can follow you guys in the Jeep,” I stood there for a minute while Scott joined them to stare me down. Stiles jogged down the stairs and stood in front of me. I kept my left hand on the front door’s handle, ready to leave. He began speaking to me, keeping his voice low as if he forgot both boys above had perfect hearing. “Why do you want to go alone, huh? Derek and Scott can fight and I have a bat in the car. We’re all safe,”

I shook my head, looking down. “I have a really bad feeling about this,” I looked back up at Stiles. “If I say to leave, you leave and make sure that Scott stays with you. Derek knows when to leave, if he actually does, but he’s too stubborn. You need to keep Scott safe,” Stiles shook his head, showing me he understood what I was saying. I looked at the guys upstairs, sighing, before heading out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry! I wanted to finish school officially before I started writing again.