Beacon Hills Exclusive


Derek and I got into his car and I sighed heavily. I looked at Derek as he began to drive to my old home. “Derek, do you know anything about the number eight?” Derek glanced at me with a weird expression. “I’m being serious,”

Derek shrugged. “It comes after seven and is right before nine,” He glanced at me, receiving an extremely irritated look, changing his tone. “I know that it’s the atomic number for oxygen and it reminds me of the Noble Eightfold Path. That’s it,”

I pulled my mom’s bracelet from my pocket, looking at the charms. I ran my fingers over them, noticing a small one I had not known was there. “Crap,” I huffed, running my thumb over a small Buddha. Derek looked over at me, then back to the road with concern. “Derek…. What do you know about the Noble Eightfold Path?”

“It’s one of the principal teachings of the Buddha, who described it as the achievement of self-awakening. It’s used to develop insight into the true nature of reality,” Derek said quickly.

My mind raced as I kept staring down at the Buddha. “My mom was very into trying to relieve everyone’s pain,” I looked up, seeing Derek look over at me with a knowing look. “What’s this supposed to mean?”

Derek smirked. “You’re a healer,” He banged a sharp right, stopping the car. He looked over at me and I could see Stiles creep up behind us in his Jeep. “Way back when, it was said that our original pack was founded by Buddhists. They went around helping people and teaching them the path to enlightenment,” Derek fixed his body so he was completely facing me. “There’s a reason you can talk to people the way you do. There’s a reason people open up to you. You’re a bloodline to the original pack,”

“What about you?” I raised an eyebrow.

Derek shook his head. “No. We were married into the original pack, but my family is more towards the warrior-side of life,”

I smirked. “It explains your need to fight everything and everyone around you all the time,” Derek frowned, rolling his eyes. I looked forward at the street, seeing my house with no cars in the driveway. “No one is home, but I know something is going to happen. I want Stiles and Scott as far away as they can be,”

“Not possible,” I looked behind me, seeing Scott smirking through the slightly-tinted windows. I looked behind Derek, seeing Stiles. I sighed, turning around and getting out of the car. I closed the door behind me, as did Derek, and crossed my arms tightly over my chest. “Scott, protect Stiles,” I turned around, looking at Stiles who had his baseball bat tightly gripped in his hands. “Stiles, don’t let Scott do anything majorly stupid. Derek….” I paused, tilting my head at him. “Just…. Don’t,” Stiles and Scott laughed and Derek frowned once more. “I will go in before anyone. Derek, go behind me. Stiles, just stay away from everything, but stay close to Scott,”

Before I could hear any protesting from any one of the boys, I sprinted forward, going to my house. I went straight to the front door, still not understanding why I didn’t sense anyone home. I went to open the door when I saw that it was already slightly open. I knitted my brows in confusion, flicking my wrists to reveal my claws, and pushed the door open.

I didn’t need to step into my house to see my father lying on his back in front of the doorway. He had opened the door to an attacker and I saw eight gunshots to his ches. Blood poured around him, turning his white button up a deep red and the rest of his black suit to look soaking wet. I held my breath, not knowing what to do until a pair of hands were placed on my shoulders from behind. I heard a crack in the floor coming from upstairs, causing me to push Stiles from behind me onto the ground, covering his body as an arrow flew over us. I sprang up, pushing past Scott and Derek to get inside. I jumped over my father, darting up the stairs. I flew up the stairs in two jumps, coming face to face with the attacker. He kept his head down, though you could see he had a similar haircut to what I believed to be what Peter Hale’s used to look like. His olive skin complimented his black on black suit with a satin skinny-tie. The man held a bow and arrow in his arms and carefully placed the bow and arrow around his body like a satchel, taking out a machete from inside of his suit. He looked up at me, smirking, and I knew his deep brown eyes anywhere. My heart sank as I stammered out his name, “Uncle Brandon,”

“Hey, Samanatha,” My uncle grinned, menacingly. “Longtime, no see,” I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling Derek come up behind me, snarling in his all-wolf form. “Aw, Derek! You grew up nicely! How-“

“He was your brother,” I shook my head, not understanding the situation. “You killed my father and tried to kill me,”

“Actually, Pam did,” Uncle Brandon shrugged. “I don’t think you should be alive, but I also don’t believe in spilling of innocent blood nor blood spill without a cause,”

“That’s a great new family motto,” I gave him a thumbs up. “Did you think about that the first time you pulled the trigger or the eighth time?”

Uncle Brandon shook his head, losing his smile. “Would you like to know why I killed him?” I stayed silent, only hearing Derek’s angered heartbeat flutter through my ears.

Derek pushed me out of the way, causing me to nearly go over the railing as a bullet flew past me, landing directly in Uncle Brandon’s forehead. I watched my uncle’s face of shock stay on his face as he dropped to his knees, dropped to the ground, and fell face down. I turned around slowly, seeing my father with a gun in his hand. He threw it to the side of him, opening his arms with tears in his eyes. “Did you believe I could go down that easily?”

I raced down the stairs, attacking my father in a hug. “How did-“

My father pulled me away, looking down at me. “You really believed this fake blood?” I smiled widely as he laughed.

I pulled away once more, this time taking my father’s arms off of me. “What’s really going on?”

My dad sighed. “Pam, David, and I are hunters,” I took a step back. “Stop it, Sam. I come from a family where our motto is ‘Noi siamo guaritori, prima siamo combattenti e uguale a tutti,”

“We are healers before we are fighters and equal to all,” I smiled at the belief, looking back at my father.

My father smiled at my knowledge of his first language, continuing to speak. “Brandon was always one to be…. Jealous. He took hunting more seriously than the rest of us, branching off into doing killings just for the thrill of it. We all knew we could not just simply kick him out of our clan because we knew he would not make it on his own. I met your mother at a coffee shop one day…. She was the waitress and there was just something about her. Long story short, I made sure to make her mine. I knew exactly what she was the moment I met her, but truth be told I didn’t care. Brandon became aggravated with me, though everyone else in the clan accepted her. They understood she was harmless, but Brandon…. He killed her. Pam and I knew each other from mutual clans, married, and I found out three months ago that she was having an affair with Brandon,” My father shook his head in disbelief. “They were after my money,”

“Where is she?” I growled, lowering my head. “Where’s Pam?”

My father shrugged. “She left when Brandon tried to kill me. She had bags with her, though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they planned to skip town together,”

I rolled my eyes, looking back at the boys. “Derek, take care of Brandon. Stiles, clean up the mess. Scott…. Stay with my father,”

Derek looked at me, changing back to his human-form. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going to go hunt a hunter,” I walked up the stairs swiftly, brushing passed Derek. “First, I’m going to change out of these god forsaken heels,”
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I'm sorry I've been missing. Between a writer's block, car accident, and no comments, I haven't felt the sudden urge to update in a while haha