Beacon Hills Exclusive

Allison Argent

A tall, thin girl came smiling in the room with Scott. She had chocolate colored, curly locks that came down to the top of her ribcage. She wore a loose, dark purple shirt underneath a cropped jean jacket with the sleeves rolled up, and grey leggings with brown boots. She had a strong jawline and deepened dimples which she showed when her deep brown eyes looked at Scott when he made her laugh. “Who is she?”

“Allison…. I forget,” Stiles rolled his eyes as they sat at the desk behind us. I took out a bottle of water from my bag, beginning to drink it. “Allison Argent, I think,”

I choked on my water, nearly spitting it out. I put the cap back on, coughing. Stiles took the bottle out of my hand and put a hand on my back. I tried not to flinch when I felt the sudden rush of heat in between my shoulder blades. “I’m fine,”

“Do you know her?” Stiles raised an eyebrow.

“Gymnastics, I think,” I stammered, making up an excuse. Stiles took a sip from my water bottle, handing it back to me. “No thanks,”

“I don't backwash,” Stiles mumbled, slamming the water on the desk and crossing his arms like a child.

“You're dirty,” I laughed, earning a slap on my shoulder from Stiles. I turned around, looking at Scott. “Hey, Scott?”

“Yes?” Both Scott and Allison turned towards me.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Coach wants you at tryouts today,” I bit my lip. “He caught me in the hallway earlier and told me to tell you,”

“Why not me?” Stiles asked, giving me a nasty look.

“I asked that too,” I smiled. “He said you're already on because of recommendations,”

“How come you didn't recommend me too?” Scott asked, hurt.

“Aw, you recommended me?” Stiles looked touched.

“I knew you could get on with a bit of talent,” I smiled at Scott, earning a childlike grin back. I then looked at Stiles, forcing a smile and saying an obvious lie. “You're just special, Style,”

“Thank you,” Stiles smiled and I turned back around, hearing Scott and Allison laugh.

“I’m Allison,” I heard her very-girly but soft voice from directly behind me.

“I know,” I half grinned. “I’m Sam,”

“It’s really nice to meet you,” She smiled.

I didn't say anything back, though I smiled, turning around.


I walked to my locker to exchange books for the day when I smelled an overwhelming power of Armani Exchange. “You will be in attendance on Friday, correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” I smiled, knowing it was Jackson behind me.

Jackson had slightly tanned skin and bright blue eyes. His dark eyebrows were in perfect condition as was his light brown hair. It was shaved on the sides and long on top and perfectly jelled all over. His jawline could cut a diamond as could his incredible body. He wore a lavender button-up with black skinny jeans and black dress shoes and I’m more than positive his entire outfit cost more than my entire wardrobe. “I’ll be happy to see you there. Girls are to wear-“

“Something classy, but a little sassy, right?” I smirked.

“Yes,” Jackson grinned devilishly. “I’m happy you took note of the message,”

“I pay attention to the things you say…. For the most part,” I shrugged. “Guys are supposed to wear….?”

“All black and not look like they stepped out of an Old Navy catalogue,” Jackson stated in disgust. “Why? Did you find a date?”

“Maybe,” I shrugged, closing my locker. I threw my bag over my right shoulder. “Why?”

“It’s not Stilinski, is it?” Jackson rolled his eyes.

“No,” I hit his chest. “Don’t talk bad about Stiles, either. I love the boy,”

“Believe me, I know,” Jackson stated, seeming to hint at something. “Whoever he is, he better make a lasting impression,”

“Since when do you care what happens in my life?” I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms.

“Since you became the gymnastic star that you are,” Jackson smiled. “All athletes look out for each other,”

“That’s kind of sweet, Jackson,” I smiled, patting his left cheek. He looked disgusted that anyone would have the audacity to touch him. “I thought it was maybe because you owe me for setting you up with Lydia,”

Lydia Martin was a strawberry-blonde fashion-forward firecracker that had brains to boot. She had the perfect body, perfect house, perfect clothes, perfect everything. Though, I know her parents aren't the greatest. Lydia and I became slight friends last year because we sat next to each other in every class we had. Not to mention, Stiles has been madly in love with her his entire life. That was the one thing about her that had always made me annoyed because she doesn't have a clue as to who he even is.

“I am pretty thankful for that,” Jackson smiled, looking over me to see his girlfriend. “I’ll catch you later, Sam,”

Jackson ran off and I smiled, walking towards one of the exits to the parking lot. I spotted Stiles’ Jeep immediately and began to quicken my pace.