Beacon Hills Exclusive

When a Stranger Calls

When I had gotten home, neither Pam nor my father were home. I walked into the house, locking the door behind me, and going to my room. I began to sob, taking off my shoes and clothes and grabbing an oversized black hoodie. I threw on the hoodie and changed into a comfy pair of rainbow-striped underwear. I took off my socks aggressively, leaving all my belongings on the floor. I crawled into bed, ignoring the ringing of my cell phone on the edge of my bed. ’I’m so stupid. I’m so, so, so stupid. I let them down. I let them down and they’re never going to speak to me again. I ruined the best things in my life. Why do I always do this? Why do I always manage to ruin everything good? Why am I such an absolute screw up? Why? Why? Why?’

I looked at my phone after seven missed calls from Stiles and immediately called him back. “I’m sorry,”

“You scared me! Jesus Christ,” Stiles sounded like he let out a deep breathe he’d been holding in for hours. “Are you home,”

“Yes,” I croaked out.

I heard the line go dead and the front door open. A pair of feet came rushing up the stairs and soon enough Stiles stood in my doorway. “You look like a mess,”

“I messed everything up,” I began to cry again. Stiles step forward and I crossed my legs Indian-style on my bed. “I lied to you. I lied to Scott. I’ve lied to you guys for so long and now you can’t trust me! I messed everything up. I can’t believe I did this to you guys. I love you! I love both of you! I don’t know why I did this, I’m so sorry. I’m-“

“You’re fine,” Stiles sighed, sitting in front of me on the bed. “I was hurt because…. Do you remember when my mom died? I used to get those bad panic attacks and I would never tell anyone what was happening to me? I told you,”

“You knew I had them,” I shrugged. “No big deal,”

“Yes, it’s a big deal,” Stiles corrected me. “I’ve never been so scared to tell anyone that but I told you. I told you because I knew that you and I were extremely close. I told Scott after you because you helped me realize that he would understand what I was going through, too,”

“I should have told you,” I sniffled. “I can’t take back what I’ve done. I wish I could, but I can’t, and all I can do is sit here and remind you and Scott about how much I love both of you and that I’d go crazy if I had to live without either one of you…. Just because this is all out of the shadows now, it doesn’t change how I’ve always been,”

“I trust you,” Stiles put both hands on both my shoulders. “I love you and I trust you and I know Scott is just upset about the whole Allison and her family crap. He’ll come around,”

“I’m sorry,” I repeated. “I’m so, so sorry, Stiles,”

“Come here,” Stiles pulled me into a hug, squeezing me as hard as he could. “Remember that time I told you your fish died?”

“Yeah?” I said, confused, remembering the fish I had won at a fair back in the eighth grade.

“Scott and I flushed it down the toilet,” He went to hug me harder to make sure I didn’t fling back, but I broke free of his grasp. “Remember Mr. Whiskers?”


“Scott and I set him free in the woods,” Stiles shrugged.

“You set my rabbit free?” I yelped.

“You get too absorbed in them and it freaked us out…. And made us slightly jealous…. So we got rid of our competition,” Stiles shrugged. “I figure it was time to be honest if you were being honest, too,”

“I’m going to kill you,” I said with no emotion, causing Stiles to spring up from my bed. “Run,”

Stiles had gotten to the door before I ran in front of him and blocked the exit. “Jam, I’ll buy you a fish or something. Just please-“

“Hamster,” I pouted. “For Christmas, I demand a hamster,”

“Deal,” Stiles stammered, holding his hand out for me to shake. I laughed, shaking it. Stiles smiled before losing his grin to ask me a question that had been obviously on his mind for the past few hours. “Could Scott really kill anyone?”

“Scott? No,” I looked down. “Werewolf that’s brand new? Yes,”

“I’ll talk to him again, tomorrow,” Stiles sighed, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. “Take your car tomorrow and I’ll get some alone time to talk with him,”

I hugged onto his waist tightly and spoke into his chest. “I will. Please convince him,”

Stiles pulled away, shaking his head. “I will. Goodnight, Jam,”

“Goodnight, Style,” I smiled. “Text me to let me know you got home safe,”

“I will,” Stiles patted my head, walking off and down the stairs, locking the front door behind him.

I shut my bedroom door, hopping onto my bed. I looked up at the ceiling, sighing, before I saw another missed call on my phone from an unknown number. I called it back, raising an eyebrow. “Hello?”

“Hey! It’s Matt. Is this a bad time or….?” Matt asked nervously.

“It’s fine. My phone was just on silent. What’s up?” I smiled, getting under the covers and plugging my phone into the charger as I spoke.

“How’s your day been?” Matt asked cheerfully.

“Eventful,” I rolled my eyes, sounding annoyed. “You?”

“What happened? I’ve just been working on my photos and stuff,” I could hear the smile in his voice and it made me smile to myself.

“Scott and I kind of got into a fight. Stiles too, but Stiles forgave me,” I sighed. “It’s no big deal,”

“Mind if I ask what it was over?” Matt questioned.

’I’m a werewolf who’s a lying sack of dog dirt.’ “I lied to protect him and now he doesn’t want to trust me. Then I told him not to hang around someone, for his own benefit, and it really sent him over the edge,”

“Ouch! That’s rough,” Matt grunted. “Well, I’m Team Neutral on this one. I get why he’s upset and I get that he believes he can make his own choices, but I also know that girls are smarter than boys which means you know more than he does,”

“Is that so?” I laughed.

“Every girl is smarter than every guy, it’s a fact of life,” Matt stated. “Now if the girl has brains like you? Then the guy must be nearly brain dead not to listen to you,”

“Thanks for having so much faith in me,” I blushed.

“Everyone deserves someone to root for them,” Matt said quickly, almost like he didn’t mean to say it.

“Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! Do you own any very nice black button-ups?” I bit my lip, hoping he would say yes.

“Does Armani Exchange count?” I could hear Matt’s smirk in his voice.

“Wear it with black everything else,” I warned him. “Jackson has a very strict dress code,”

“No problem. I clean up pretty decently, when I try,” Matt joked.

“I’m sure you do,” I smiled, knowing I made Matt blush. “I’m sorry I can’t talk longer, I’m just exhausted. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Matt smiled. “Sweet dreams,”

“You too,” I smiled, ending the call with butterflies swarming around my stomach.


I woke up a bit later than normal, not wanting to get out of bed. My father came into my room, looking frantic. “Honey, you never sleep this late. Are you sick?”

I never miss school, so I took this as my get-out-of-jail free card. “My stomach and head are-“

“Stay home. Pam is already out and I’ll leave you cash on the kitchen counter for if you decide you need food or medicine or something,” My dad sighed. “I’ll be working late tonight. See you later, Sam,”

“Thanks. I love you,” I called the last three words, hoping for something in return other than the sound of a closing front door, but nothing changed.

I sighed, looking at my phone. Matt had messaged me, which made my stomach start to do flips. ’I know this may seem stupid, but I just wanted to say good morning Sam and I’ll meet you for free period later!’

I grinned madly, answering him back immediately. ’I won’t be in school today. Tomorrow for sure though. But that was very sweet of you!’

Matt messaged me back as if he had been looking at his phone for my reply. ’Aw I hope everything is okay. Let me know if you need anything!’

’Will do sweetie!’ I blushed, knowing I made him happy by using a little pet name.

I looked down my notifications list, seeing Stiles had messaged me as well. ’He’s coming around slowly but surely. I think you took off today? And honestly I don’t blame you. I’ll see you later or tomorrow.’

’Let me know about anything new that happens.’ I sighed, rolling out of bed. I picked up my clothes from yesterday, putting them into my hamper. I took off my hoodie as well, placing it into the hamper. I put on a grey sports bra and a grey tank-top and a matching grey thong. I then put on a pair of white sweatpants that cuffed my ankles at the bottoms and said ’Pink’ on the left leg’s side in solid black letters. I put on a pair of black flip flops and redid my ponytail before walking out of my closet. I turned off the light and closed the door behind me, grabbing a face wipe from my vanity. I wiped off all of yesterday’s makeup, throwing the wipe out, and going back to my side table. I took my cell phone off the charger and bent down to get my wallet and car keys from my bag. I proceeded to walk out of my room, closing the door, and raced to get the money my dad left me before heading to the store.

Once I got into my car, I unlocked the glove box. I took out a pack of Newport 100’s along with my lighter and lit up a cigarette. I turned the car on, close the glove box, and placed my wallet, cigarettes, and lighter into the center console. I continued to drive, heading straight for the supermarket.


I managed to find a decent parking spot and got out of the car. I put out my cigarette, hearing a familiar voice. “That’s a bad habit,”

“So is stalking,” I looked to my right to see Derek with his hands in his pockets of his black jeans, looking down at his black boots. He had on a white v-neck underneath his leather jacket, making me laugh. “What’s with your outfit?”

“Excuse me?”

“You look like you’re in a cliché biker gang,” I laughed.

“You never used to be rude,” Derek grunted.

“You never used to have a sweet spot for me,” I smiled. “Times change,”

“I still don’t,” He said in an extremely bored tone.

“Yes, you do,” I smirked, beginning to walk past him and towards the store. He followed an inch behind me and I could feel his body heat pressing into me. “You wouldn’t be checking to make sure I’m safe if you didn’t,”

“I made a promise to your mom to keep you safe,” Derek stated, making me sigh.

“You care about me,” I smiled, looking back at him. “You may be a hard-ass, but you aren’t inhuman,”