Run With Me

In Philly

As the bitter Philadelphia wind increased, Talia Depp snuggled herself deeper into the huge winter jacket she was wearing. Yes, you saw it correctly. Depp. No, she wasn't his wife (I mean, seriously. He's had a serious girlfriend forever!) She was his daughter, of course. And a very grumpy daughter at the moment. Here she was. She tried being patient with her ridiculously busy father all week. But this. This was definitely the last straw.

He had promised her! He had specifically said "Of course I wouldn't put a movie before you, darling!'"

And here she was, on the cold streets of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania walking to visit the man she called her father.

The office building loomed 50 stories overhead. Talia took a deep breath and walked through the revolving doors. She walked to the front desk, asked what floor Mr. Johnny Depp was on, and stepped into the large elevator. The doors closed and relaxing neutral music played. When the elevator got to the very top of the building, the V.I.P. suite to be exact, she stepped out and saw faces she was familiar with. There was Johnny Depp, of course, sitting in a large red chair. Next to him were two of his good friends, Tim Burton with his wife Helena Bonham-Carter, on a sofa. There were other random, well-known filmmakers and actors in the room, but Talia could have cared less about them. She walked straight to her father and stared at him, straight in the eye.

"Talia, darling, how are you today? Enjoying yourself, I hope?" he asked quietly. Who was she kidding? She could never actually be mad at her dad! It was almost impossible.

"Dad, I believe that I have been very patient with you lately, and I was curious to know when we'd be leaving," she said very bluntly. She was taught with manners, yes, but she had a good deal of traits that made her different.

"Talia, darling," her dad replied firmly but still quietly, "I am very sorry that this movie interrupted our vacation in the Islands. But you have to be patient." If Talia was allowed to roll her eyes seriously in front of her parents, that was when she would do it. Patience? Yeah, right.

After making a little bit of conversation, Talia thought she could get out unnoticed. When she got back down to the main floor, she quickly took a mint and popped it into her mouth. What could she do now? Going back to the hotel didn't really appeal to her, but that was the only spot she was supposed to be walking alone to. She could get one of those famous Philly Cheesesteaks, but would it be as fun if she were alone? She let out a huge breath of air and watched the wind carry it away. It must have been 20 degrees outside today.

But what could she, Johnny Depp's daughter - just shy of turning twenty -, do for fun without getting in trouble? She could come up with nothing good, so she walked into the closest gas station she saw for some good, old-fashioned junk food.

Talia walked up and down the aisle's of the Exxon, not really paying attention to her surroundings. Before she knew it, she ran right into the back of someone.

"Oh! I'm really sorry!" she immediately apologized.

The person turned around and looked at her. "It's okay. Just watch out next time," they said and walked away. Talia sighed and left the Exxon without buying anything. She simply walked in the streets before heading to the hotel.

By the time she got back to her room, her sister Charlotte was packing clothes into bags.

"We're leaving after dinner. Get packing," Charlotte told Talia.

Talia nodded and began gathering her belongings. Their family vacation at the Island was getting closer, but Talia found herself not caring as much as she had earlier. She felt a little empty and she didn't know why.
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This story is fictional! Do not hound me about dumb stuff, please. It's kinda shorter, but it's just the beginning. :] Enjoy!

Feedback, anyone?