Run With Me

Crash Introductions

Johnny Depp arrived at the Seventeen Magazine building in the bright light. Walking inside, he breezed over to the only desk in sight. He stood in front of her, waiting to be acknowledged. FInally, she looked up. It was lucky he had perfect timing. The moment she looked up, he flashed one of his dazzling smiles.

"Good morning, Rebecca," he noticed her name from a wooden block. "I need to speak to Ann, please." Ann Shoket, you are screwed, he said to himself.

Rebecca stammered for a minute. What else would you do if Johnny freaking Depp started smiling at you? "I don't know if that's quite possible today, Mr. Depp. Miss Shoket is in meetings all day."

Is she really? "I'll only be a minute," said Johnny. "Please?" Rebecca smiled and nodded her head. "If you say so."

The elevator doors closed shut, leaving a victorious Johnny to do some quick thinking. What was he going to say that would leave an impression, yet not strong enough to be escorted off the premises?

The elevator doors opened and Johnny took a deep breath, stepped out, and walked down the hallway. He quickly located Ann Shoket's office and walked in.

"Hello, there!" he said in a note of false cheeriness. Ann Shoket looked up from her desk, wondering who would be interrupting her right before the meeting.

"Oh," she said quietly. She hardly expected a call or some other form of communication from Johnny Depp about the article. She was not expecting a visit.

"Yes, I was wondering if you'd like to have a quick chat with me about that," he said. Not waiting for a response, he shut the door and stood in front of her.

"Mr. Depp, can I get you something to eat or drink?" Ann asked hopelessly.

He stared at her hard. "I've warned everyone before. Now, tell me. Why should I let you continue to put rumors in the public about my oldest daughter? Haven't I made it clear that as long as you leave my kids alone, you can photograph me?" Ann stood still and waited for her defense. "Now, I have better things to do than to continue having this pleasant conversation. I am going to walk out of this office and I am going to expect that what I said today may stay in your memory."

Johnny calmly walked out of her office and out of the building. Putting his sunglasses on, he walked down the few blocks to the hotel.

. X . X . X . X . X . X .

Talia was mindlessly looking through the clothes. Her mother and Charlotte thought it would be best not to spend the day in the hotel. She didn't want to be here. Not while she was worried if her dad would go over-the-top about the magazine article. That's all they need in her family, a skanky daughter and a father with anger problems. The press would be thrilled.

Thinking vaguely of leaving, the sight outside on the street caught her attention.

A short, dark haired guy wearing his hood up was standing in front of a store. He was throwing things out into a crowd. Standing next to him was a guy in a hat and wearing glasses. Growing curious, Talia glanced over her shoulder to see her mother and sister holding up various pieces of clothing. I'll just have a peek, thought Talia to herself. Just a peek is all I need.

As soon as she could cross the street to the crowd, the guys started to move. Talia thought they were trying to force themselves out of the crowd and down her way. Oh well. Talia stared back into the store. To go back in, or not to go back in. That is the question.

"Ouch!" Talia said loudly. The guy with the glasses had knocked straight into her, knocking her down. To make things even better, he landed on top of her.

"Crap! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up." The guy offered Talia her hand.

She took it willingly. Talia looked at his face carefully. "You look familiar. Have we met you before?" she asked.

Before the guy could answer, his companion had grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him away. Talia looked at him. Some of his right arm was showing. He had a lot of The Nightmare Before Christmas tattoos. How strange.

The guy with the hat looked at her with an apologetic face. "I'm really sorry. See you around!" Talia watched as the crowd eagerly followed the two guys.

She shrugged and walked back into the store.
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