Miss Missing You

Chapter 1

As the familiar name popped up on my phone I couldn’t help but smile. Finn Harries. My best friend who was currently hundreds of miles away in Leeds, while I was in Bristol. It had been a hard choice to go to university so far away from Finn, but Bristol was my dream school and I luckily had Jack with me. We skyped as often as possible and texted and called each other every day.

“Hey” I said excitedly, the smile in my voice definitely evident.

“How’s it goin?” He questioned his smile just as evident. I missed the guy like crazy, I missed being able to see him whenever I wanted. To be able to go out with him and explore or to just be able to hangout and binge watch TV. We tried to see each other as often as possible but it was hard going to school so far away from one another.

“You know same old, same old. Lots of studying and homework and trying not to rip my hair out. What about you?”

“Pretty much the same” He said chuckling causing me to also. “So what are you up to on this lovely Friday night?”

“Pretty much everything I listed previously” I said before glaring at the textbook sat open in my lap.

“Enthralling” He joked. “I might try and come down there this weekend” which automatically brought a smile to my face.

“Then I guess ripping my hair out will have to wait then” I joked just as there was a knock at my door. “One sec Finn, someone’s at the door. It’s probably Jack” I got up and took the few steps from my bed to my door and opened it, phone still in hand.

“Hey there” said a smiling Harries twin. One that I wasn’t expecting at my door, as he hung up his phone and put it in his pocket. I wordlessly followed his actions, still dumbfounded.

“Finn?” I questioned as a huge smile spread across his face. I quickly came to my senses and wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged me back. “What are you doing here?”

“Surprise” he said right in my ear, squeezing me a little tighter and lifting me lightly off the ground.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” I asked as he set me back down.

“Cause then I couldn’t surprise you and plus I had something I wanted to tell you anyway” he said pulling away from me still smiling.

“What could possibly be so important that you had to drive all the way from Leeds to tell me?” I questioned raising an eyebrow at him.
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Hope you like it, just a short little introduction. Definitely more to come soon.
Let me know what you think!