Status: Work in progress

Blown Away

Chapter One

"It's a good thing you went into show biz." I said between heavy breaths as I raised an eyebrow at him. Our breath intertwined visibly in the brisk, spring air. He shuffled his feet back and forth in an attempt to stop me from advancing down the makeshift field we had set up. I faked going left, and he mimicked me, allowing me to easily dribble the soccer ball around him to the right. "Because you suck at sports." I called, turning around to shoot him a smirk as I swiftly kicked the ball into his empty net.

"Futbol is not my game." He over dramatically threw his arms up into the air. I smiled mockingly at my childhood best friend and flexed my nonexistent bicep muscles, causing him to roll his eyes at me. "Whatever. You're not David Beckham yourself either, love." He showed me his dimple as he pulled his long hair back into a ponytail.

I went to retrieve the ball from the net and jogged up to where he was standing. "Can we go meet the boys now?" I asked as I approached him. Harry Styles, 1/5 of the biggest boyband in the world was standing, panting, irritated in front of me. He sighed loudly as he ran his long fingers through his dark curls. It had been a very long time since the two of us had seen each other. My father had grown up with his father, automatically attaching us at the hip with their constant get togethers. When I was ten years old, my dad's job forced us to move to America, separating the two of us. I only saw Chicago, the city to which we moved, through tear stained eyes for the first two years we lived here. Harry and I were determined to keep in touch and became permanent pen pals, exchanging letters across the ocean for the past eight years. However, he stopped writing me once he made it on the X-Factor. It was too hard for him; he became too busy. He didn't call, he didn't stop by, he didn't keep in touch at all, so I considered our friendship forgotten. I wasn't upset; quite the opposite actually. I was thrilled that my best friend was finally getting to live out his dream. All I really had to do was Google him to check up on him. So I watched him grow for the past three years through a computer screen. That's why I was really surprised when he called me last week. I wasn't sure how he got my number, but I was thrilled. His tour was coming through Chicago, and he wanted to meet to catch up. I almost said no, too nervous that maybe I had grown into something that he hadn't expected. How would I compare to the thousands of girls he sees everyday?

"Well it depends," He said, as he grabbed the ball from my hands. "How badly do you want to?"

"Really badly." The desperation seeped through my voice. I had been dying to meet the other members of the band since he came by. They all seemed so cool...and not to mention attractive. I attempted to grab the soccer ball back but he held it up out of my reach. Even though he wasn't that tall, but he was still a full 8 inches taller than me, which he used to his advantage whenever possible.

"Then I think we'll chill here for a bit longer."

I pushed him playfully. "Ugh! You're such a jerk. Girls all around the world wouldn't be in love with you if they knew how you really were." His infectious laugh rang throughout the empty field before he dropped the ball and started kicking it around me. I stubbornly crossed my arms, my lips forming into a playful pout. "I'm not playing with you, you meanie. You always have been a sore loser."

He rolled his emerald eyes at my childlike behavior. "You'll meet them eventually, I promise." He said as he ignored the ball and hung his long arms around my shoulders. "I just want you to myself for a while first. I'm selfish." He smirked down at me, causing pink to rush up to my cheeks.

"Fine." I mumbled, as I unwrapped his arm from around me.

"OH MY GOD!!! IS THAT HARRY STYLES!?!?!" A screech broke the peaceful silence of the park. We both froze automatically like deer in headlights and looked at each other.

"On second thought," He said quickly, coming and leading me by the arm towards his car. "Maybe we should go now."

I stopped in my tracks, an amused expression playing on my face. "Nah, I changed my mind." I turned away and smiled mischievously to myself, knowing the ball was in my court now. "I think I want to whip your butt one more time." I started to dribble the ball back down the field as I caught a glimpse of the girls running towards us. Their hair was wildly blowing behind them as they crossed the park at full speed. Tears were streaming down their face as they frantically tried to get their cell phones from their pockets. This was gonna be good.

"Oh I didn't realize you enjoyed being attacked by fan girls." He looked at me skeptically while a hint of franticness rang in his tone.

"Yeah didn't I tell you?" I attempted to head the ball, but failed miserably. "I was considering taking it up as my new hobby."

"Emma." He said sternly, his jaw tensing up as his eyes flickered to the girls coming nearer.

"Harold." I mocked him. Our eyes locked for a moment as we stared each other down. I gave in pretty quickly. "Fine." I sighed. "But you have to admit. It would have been slightly entertaining."

"Yeah for you." He started into a slight jog as the girls approached closer. "You wouldn't be the one getting mauled." I couldn't completely tell if that was a joke or not.

I opened the door to the passenger seat and threw the soccer ball into the back as he slid in next to me and put the car into drive. His eyes shifted to the oncoming traffic before pulling out into the road. We drove off just in time to watch the girls finally reach the field, their faces excited to even get a glimpse. That was weird. I shook my head as I looked out the window at the beautiful Chicago skyline. The sun was just setting behind the Sears Tower, and I could just barely make out people on the observation deck as we passed by. I squinted my eyes when there was a sudden flash in our direction. "What was that?"

I looked over at Harry, his knuckles turning white around the steering wheel. "Sorry Em, just ignore them." I nodded and bit my lip. I felt bad that it bothered him so much. I didn't know what to say though, so I just turned back to the window. My eyes followed the rooftops of the buildings as he drove down Lake Shore Drive. "Is this the turn?" He asked, signalling to the streetlight up ahead. Him and the boys had only been in the city for the night, so he still needed my help getting around. I nodded as he pulled into the valet lot of his hotel.

I watched him as he slid his sunglasses down from on top of his head. He pulled his shirt up in one smooth motion and wiped off the sweat that still glistened on his face from our game. He pulled down the visor and looked over himself in the mirror, brushing his mane back and forth a few times before it laid on his forehead in just the right amount of messy. He caught me staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing." I shrugged as I turned away from him. "You ready princess?"

"Hush up," he said as he flipped the visor back up. He smirked in my direction. "I have an image to maintain."

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door and slid out. "Well don't let me cramp your style." I heard the door slam as he came around the side of the car. He tossed his keys to the valet and thanked him before leading me inside. I had never been in a place like this. A place that was so ritzy I was afraid to walk on the floor since it seemed valuable in itself. Harry seemed to think nothing of it though, as he led me to the elevator. I fidgeted with the bottom of my shirt as we made our way up. I should've changed, I thought to myself. I was still in a workout outfit, my hair pulled back messily in a bun. I hadn't even thought to put make up on.

He chuckled as he watched me. "Nervous?" He nudged me with his elbow, making me drop my hands quickly.

"No," I said, nudging him back. He smiled as the elevator door opened.

"After you."

I sucked in a deep breath as I watched Harry slide the hotel key through the door. "Everyone decent?" He called before stepping in. "I've got a lady with me."

"Shocker." I heard a nasally voice as it echoed back to us. A loud laugh rang throughout the room as we made our way in.

"Lads, this is my friend Emma." Harry gestured to me. I waved awkwardly to the two boys sitting in on the beds and avoided eye contact. I wasn't great at meeting new people. The boy I recognized as Louis Tomlinson hopped up from the bed.

"Hello there love," he grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly. "Harold, you very much under exaggerated your friends beauty." I felt my cheeks flush as all three of them turned to examine me. Harry had told them about me?

"Oh shut up, Louis," Harry said as he pulled out a water from the mini fridge. "She's too smart to be fooled by your charms." He turned and tossed a bottle to me which I accepted greatly. "Where are the other boys?"

"They're boring," Niall's thick accent answered. "They just wanted to rest." Harry shrugged as he downed the water and made his way over to me.

"Guess they'll just miss out on all the fun then, right Em?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and took another swig of water.

"Oh yeah, you're loads of fun." I let the sarcasm drip from my voice. "Especially when I beat you at soccer."

"Ha!" Louis' eyes lit up as he looked me over. "Is that what you two were doing? Playing a bit of futbol? Without me?" A small smile tugged at my mouth at his words. "Well no wonder you won, Harry's no match at all."

"Tell me about it," I smiled up at him when I sat down next to Louis.

"What is this?" Harry asked loudly, throwing his arms out defensively . "Gang up on Styles day?"

"If you want it to be," I challenged. "I'm just getting started. I have years worth of embarrassing stories to share."

Niall laughed across from me. "I like her. Why didn't you bring her around before, Harry?"

"Yeah, Harry?" I teased as he sat down next to me on the bed. We spent the next few hours exchanging stories and laughing. At one point, Niall got up and opened the windows.

"I'm so jealous," Niall turned back and said to me. "This city is a beautiful place to live."

"Yeah," I smiled as I joined him at the window. I leaned against it as I looked out at all the blinking lights below. There was something so soothing about it. "Especially at night..." My calm was suddenly broken and I shot upright. "I have to go."

"What?" Harry asked, following me as I frantically gathered myself. "Why?"

"I totally forgot," I said, turning around to face him. "My roommate lost her key and I was supposed to meet her at home after work to let her in." It scared me how easily I lied to him.

"Oh, alright." I watched as he turned to grab his keys off the desk. "I'll drive you home."

"No," I said quickly, taking him by surprise. "No," I recovered, staying calmer this time. "You've done a lot for me today. Just rest, I'll be fine." I forced a smile, but he seemed unconvinced.

"But Em, it's dark out." His eye brows furrowed as he watched me for a reaction.

"So," I laughed. "Is the boogie monster gonna get me?" I pushed his chest playfully, but he didn't seem to be buying it. "What time should I meet you tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject so we wouldn't argue anymore.

"Um," he rubbed his hand across his forehead, still in obvious discomfort. "How about we meet for breakfast? 9 okay?"

"Perfect!" I smiled as I walked out the door. He ran his hands through his hair as he followed me out. "See ya then!"

"Yeah," I heard him say quietly as I walked down the hall. "See ya."

I waited until I was inside the elevator to let out a sigh of relief. That was close. I glanced down at my watch. It read 9:30. "Shoot," I mumbled. I would have to hurry if I wanted to make it there before he fell asleep. I nearly sprinted through the hotel lobby as the elevator door slid open. I apologized hastily to the glares of the people opposite me in the revolving door.

I ran into the convenience store panting.

"I almost thought you wouldn't come! I was about to close up." The thick accent of the store clerk made me smile.

I feigned hurt as I walked towards the candy aisle. "Don't you know me? I haven't missed a day yet." My breath was still heavy as my eyes scanned the shelves.

"I know Miss Emma," He said as I plopped the bag of M&Ms down on the counter. "That's why I waited."

I flashed him another smile as I threw my eighty-eight cents on the table. "Thanks! See you tomorrow!" The door chimed as I rushed right back out of it. I checked my watch again; I was cutting it close.

I took a swift turn down the familiar alley. A cat meowed, making me shriek as it broke the silence. I bent my knees to get leverage before jumping up onto the fire escape. I easily swung my legs up onto the platform and started to run up the stairs as fast as I could, the sounds of the city concealing my heavy footsteps. I leaned into the open window sill and looked around the dark room. "Kid," I whispered into the darkness. "Kid, are you awake?" I held still for a few silent seconds. "Henry?" Still nothing. I groaned quietly to myself. Must have missed him. I set the bag of M&Ms down on the windowsill and squat so that I could jump back down. Just as I was about to, I felt a tiny hand wrap around mine.

"You're late."
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This is my first story on here so I would really appreciate the feedback! Sorry if it started off a little dry, but I just wanted to introduce everything. Thanks!