Status: This literally came to me as I was driving to work today and I thought, "What if I was just snorting coke and yelling at cars passing me by?" I think this one will be interesting if I do it right.

A Boy, a Bike, and a Pound of Coke

Pedals and All That Good Stuff

I got myself a map of the city and box of tacks. I started marking all the potential escape routes and all the places I couldn't go. This was my first time so I was a lot slower. Now I can look at a map, any map at all, and find the best route. I had to do some investigating into these routes. I found all the good ones and the bad ones and any dead ends that could get me caught. All of the ways were alleyways. Some were even too small for cars making it even better if cops got on my tail. I was pumped. I had found the perfect route, too. No cars could follow me either. I was going to get away with my first job all on my own.

I went and scouted the jewelry store. Typical cameras' and salesman. No more security than what you'd be used to walking in a grocery store. The diamond sat in the center of the back of the store. It was an easy target for me. I called it day and waited till the morning. I woke up bright and early. I waited around the corner near the jewelry store. The owner approached the door. I remember him fumbling with his keys and dropping them. I remember he had to put his hand on the wall as he pulled himself up. I don't know why that detail always stayed with me. It's so meaningless.

As he opened the door, I snuck in behind him. He laid his keys on the counter, thankfully, as he went in the back. I grabbed them and went to the case where the diamond was. I stared at it for a quick moment. I started putting the keys in and unlocking the case and the owner came out. He started yelling at me. I quickly flung the case open and grabbed the diamond and threw it in the bag I brought with me. I heard an alarm go off as I ran out the store.

I grabbed my bike near the corner and started going fast. Faster than I ever have before. I went down the alleyway as I heard the owner in the distance behind me. People started looking at me as I rode past them. The wind in my face felt good. The feeling of getting away felt even better. I'll always remember that. I rode across some roads and into some other alleyways as I heard sirens all around me. I kept going in and out alleyways like crazy but still heard sirens. I got to the end of an alleyway as a cop car pulled up and blocked me off. I skid my tires and quickly turned around. I was looking back as I rode faster and looked forward for a second and saw a door open in front and then nothing. All I saw was black.

I awoke in a jail cell with at least eight other guys in there. Me being the youngest, obviously. I had a nice welt on my head. An officer came by saying, "You got knocked on your ass pretty good. You're lucky I know your parents, son. They'll be here soon." I put my knees in my chest and rubbed my head. I thought I had it for sure. A guy across the cell looked over at me and waved for me to come over. He was a large man with a dirty pinstripe suit on. He looked beat up, his hair in a mess. Looked like he might be early 30's or even late 20's. I got up and walked over to him. "Heard about ya' kid. Stealin' that diamond and all. Why are ya' stealin' at such a young age, kid?" he said. He had a semi soft voice with an almost Brooklyn accent. "Kids steal at the age of one, if they could. Taking other kids toys. It's not that hard to believe.” I replied. He chuckled slightly, "Ya' got some lip on ya' boy, I'll give ya' that, but ya' never answered my question.” I thought for a second and said, "I wanted to try to do better than the guy in the cafe."

He just smirked at me, "Son, how far did ya' get?” "About 15 blocks.” I said." He looked at me in amazement. "My guys would have been caught a lot sooner than that, kid. What car were ya' driving?” I laughed and said," I wasn't. It was a bike.".”What, like a motorcycle or something?” he said. I snapped back, "No, like a bicycle. Pedals and all that good stuff."

"Kid, ya' got something. And I could certainly, let's say, use this, whatever it is, ya' got. Think ya' might be interested?” he said. I crossed my arms, "What makes you think I'd do anything for someone who hasn't told me their name?” He laughed at me, "You're a smart kid.” he extended he hand to shake mine, "The names Jim Murphy. But ya' can call me Jimmy.” I shook his hand, "My name is Bramly Hicks. Call me Bram.”

He smiled at me, "This will be a good partnership Bram. I can feel it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried to rush through this but thank goodness I go back and read it again. At least more action will come soon.