Hotel Bella Muerte

1. The Journey To Bella Muerte.

P.O.V. Emmaleigh
The tires squealed as Frankie slammed on the breaks. Unfortunately it was too late to remove us from harms way, because suddenly we were flying, high, above the road we were, only seconds ago, driving on. There had been a baby deer and his mommy deer trying to cross the road. The car rolled over and over only stopping after slamming the roof in to a tree. The last thing I heard was the sweet sound of an angels voice before everything went black.

I opened my eyes. I thought I would be in the hospital but I was in the middle of no where. I looked around and saw a building. Since I could not see any thing else around I decided to go to the building. As I got closer I saw a sign 'Hotel Bella Muerte'. For the life of me I could not remember what language that was or what it meant. All I knew for sure was that I needed to find Frankie and Lulu, so I opened the door and went in.

P.O.V. Frankie
I hit the breaks and swerved to miss a couple of deer that were standing in the road. I lost control of the car and the next thing I know the car suddenly stops, on its side, thanks to a big sturdy tree. I look over and see Em and instantly I knew that she was in serious trouble. I tried to take off my seat belt but it was stuck so I dug in my jacket for a pocket knife and cut the damn thing off of me. I cut Em's belt off of her and kicked out the nearly crumbling front window and drug her out of the car and rested her near a smaller tree.

Quickly, I ran back to the car to check on Lulu. She was already out of her seat belt and she was curled up crying whispering "Mama" over and over again. How could I have done this to her? I called 911 as I lead Lulu over to Emmaleigh. I will never forgive myself even if she lives.