Hotel Bella Muerte

3 Hope

P.O.V. Emmaleigh

A few days passed and I was still alone in the town of Hotel Bella Muerte. I was watching the three signs that hung on the empty street the lead to where the door used to be. Every hour or sometimes two hours the signs would change. I was trying to see if the words changed themselves or if someone was hiding and changing them when I wasn't looking, but without fail every hour I would yawn or sneeze or doze off and just like that the signs would change.

When I wasn't watching the signs I would wonder around looking for another form of life. I never found any life but they found me. After about a week I was laying on my back looking up at one of the best signs I had seen, it was two beautiful words that I could have looked at for the rest of my days "They're Okay" I knew the meaning behind the words, when three people were suddenly standing over me looking down at me. After taking about a second to process I screamed and jumped up causing all three of them to scream. Then one of the people the only girl spoke she sounded like an angel and looked like one might look dressed as a regular person she was a bit shorter than my 5'4 and she had golden blond hair wore in a messy yet perfect bun, she had hazel eyes that sparkled in the moon light and she was pale in a way that made her glow. She said "My name is Evalyn. Welcome to Hotel Bella Muerte, you must have arrived while we were away. Let me allow you to visit." She snapped her fingers and I blinked and then there was a town a full town with buildings and streets and people.

I looked around amazed at what I saw. I looked back at Evalyn and she answered my unspoken question. "This" she said gesturing around her "Is Hotel Bella Muerte it is where you go when you are neither her nor there. 'Hotel' meaning a short stay 'Bella' meaning beauty 'Muerte' meaning death put it all together 'Hotel Bella Muerte' mean a short stay of beautiful death." I looked at her with fear in my eyes was she telling me that I am dead? Once again before I could ask my question aloud I was answered as if this Evakyn could read my mind.

"Fear not for you have not expired love no you are in a coma and it is up to you weather or not you wake up, however it is not your choice to make. You see you must complete a task and if you do so I will give you to my brother Calvin and he will take you to the door that lead to life, however if you should fail or break the rules you will be given to Jamie who will drag you kicking and screaming to the door of death. The rules are that you must finish the task within five days and you must do so with no help from any one. The task is to find yourself and remember how you got here. Do you accept this challange?" I looked at her and nodded yes wondering if I even know what's going on.


P.O.V. Frankie

It had been seven weeks and three days since I almost killed my family. My wife was in the hospital in a coma her once shiny platinum blond hair was more of a grayish brown blond and her flawless porcelain skin was tinted yellow from medication being pumped in to her and there is now a fairly long scar that runs along her left eyebrow and my daughter had not spoken any word other than "mama". I was starting to wonder if Mikey's advice was worth taking or if it had just been a way to stall the pain for all of us. I was about to give up hope when a doctor came in the room "Mr. Iero I just wanted to let you know that you wife has shown significant signs of improvement in the last two weeks its starting to look like she will wake up possibly in the next few days to a few weeks it's not definite in fact she could possible slide back the other way and get worse all over again. Don't give up on her yet she just might make it." My eyes teared up and i started crying like a baby there is still hope for her. She could live. I found my voice "Thank you doctor" was all I could manage but I didn't care I had Hope.