The Chronicles of Airegoth and the Beast That Mourns

The nightmares that truely pierce the soul

Six years later
King Eldor and his knights ride out from his city; they rode along the stone roads that
stretched around the city and down to the villages leading in the great woods. King Eldor and his
men rode through the villages, the people stared in awe as the king silently strode through. Citizens
lined up through the street, they gathered in joyful choir and called out to him “Praise our king!”
King Eldor rode out of the village and toward the dark forest. Upon reaching the forest they
traveled a trail up the rock hills surrounded by trees that were so bushy with pine needles. Most
forests in Airegoth are either under a mystical power (witchcraft) or actual spirits that oppress the
woods caused from wars and innocent people and travelers, who were killed by thieves and murders.
They rode up and the rocky canyons of the mountain until they got to an area that was flat, He had
everyone stop as he knew this was the spot. His knights got off of their horses and marked the area
of where they will start construction, there were three royal Vamprisks who have ridden far to give
Eldor the plans they drew up on the blueprints. King Eldor was very pleased to see that his plan
was proceeding as the way he wanted it too. They were going to cut many acres trees down and
flatten the ground into dirt, construction takes place on building these wind mill structures
that will consume Nightmare Souls. How this wind mill works is that there are multiple mirrors that
point diagonally towards the sky which are constructed on the mills, underneath the building fifty
feet down are many built tunnels to store these crystals. The way they retrieve these energy power
crystals, is when sun rays hit the blades from the mills swinging around. Its mirrors absorb energy in
the rays, which makes the energy becomes the primary heat source for the core. Is a long silver large
needle that is in the middle of this room that absorbs the energy and send these souls which are
fallen stars in the space. The heat core, drops directly down to a chamber on the 2nd level of the
facility, inside of the chamber are two separate beams that strike this powerful crystal. One
consists of the sun rays and the other cools the crystal at the same time. The large white crystal
sends out massive quakes, tearing through the atmosphere into the black abyss above, the
rays produce a tractor beam and withdraws stars from the sky and they are called Nightmare Souls.
The nightmares fall toward the ground in glowing orbs of white, with a tail streaming behind them.
*It’s almost a thing of beauty, if they weren’t depleting stars* When this happens the crystal
compresses the rays into the Nightmare Soul causing it to transform into a bonded crystal like
structure, the crystals are jet black with piercing red veins running throughout their core. After the
crystal completes transformation, it’s placed in the wall of a man made mine deep below the
structure to cool . I’ve looked into a nightmare soul many times; it’s an oddly shaped 4 foot crystal
of a pale egg white color. Stars hardly ever have pleasant dream, most of them consist of
nightmares where a simple person could never imagine. Things so dark it would make any
normal God look away, staring deep within those souls. Good thing I’m no normal God.
King Eldor, instructed his knights to place stacks of building materials out along side of the wind mill, eventually he will establish this plot as of a factory to create the finest and strongest armor out of the crystals. However it takes multiple souls to make a single chest plate. The rest of the souls are made into Airegoth’s main source of income and wealth, being finely crafted into coins.
King Eldor and his advisor Theris, sat high atop their steeds watching the progress of the factory. Theris was one of King Eldors most trusted knights, for his great acts of duty for the king and his protection towards his royal family. Theris single handedly fought off three hundred knights to protect his King, making him a legend throughout the colony. Theris sat on top of his black steed, covered in blood, red armor draped in a leather cloak. Theris turned to Eldor,
“So how are you going to build this dream of yours?
“A king is blessed with many things wealth, royalty, power his queen and his people” said Eldor
Theris gave him a concerned look on his face and said “You’re talking about using your people in hard labor work!”
One of King Eldors advisor who is a knight and leader of the king’s army and is known throughout the colony for his great acts in duty for the king and protecting the royal family. He has fought off and killed three hundred knights to protect the king, his name is Theris. Theris was on his great black steed where his armor was steel; he was sitting on his horse next to king Eldor as they were watching the knights process everything.
Theris said “So how are you going to build this dream of yours?”
“A king is blessed with many things wealthy, royalty, power his queen and his people” said Eldor
Theris gave him a concerned look on his face and said “you’re talking about using
your people in hard labor work”
“I am king of Airegoth and if my people want to serve me and make Airegoth a
prospering place to live then they will have to work to get to that promise land.”
“Yes but you’re talking about forcing your people to do work, that’s slavery!”
“No Theris that’s serving, if they love their king then they will serve their king,
knights assemble back to the city in three days we will be starting a list of families that will be
working on this project.”
Three days later King Eldor’s kingdom was coming true. He found men and children to work in
constructing his factory and empire. Hundreds of workers pushed through the day, working hard to
erect the perfect empire for their king. The hours were grueling and cruel on the workers; the king
would ride out to the build site occasionally to check up on his workers. Smiling to them and
waving, he was mostly there to check on the progress of construction.
After a few weeks in the process, the workers were beginning to fall behind,
and King Eldor noticed that everything was starting to move along slowly. A few weeks became a
few months, and Eldor was becoming frustrated and impatient with the progression of his work. He
knew that the colony was losing money and was desperate for more materials as they were running
out, but construction on the factory and mill was still far behind. The mine hadn’t even finished
being built yet to start using the machine. So Theris was ordered to assemble the knights, and
prepare to ride out to the project site. Upon arrival Eldor was furious by what he saw.

A race that have the look of a rat and wolf, a very intellectual people with a lust of their cultural-ism. Known for their great knowledge of scringe, their a race that are filled with pride and intellectual theories;they have always been mutual, good will, and are always in for talks in peace with their nations. But have their share of many horrible deeds. They have always been against the Lupejaskada's for their false accusations and for murdering some of their finest culture revolutionists, theorists, writers and artists. But also go on small brutal raids in their villages. But have always been in mutual favor with Airegoth's rulers and politicians, coming up with ways to always keep those friendships. Their skills are in masters in hand to hand combat, heavy weapons,and experts in stealth.

A couple of weeks went by and the process went alittle faster, but after weeks it became two
months and still it wasn’t done. Eldor became angry and was utterly losing patience as he
knows his city is losing money and is desperate to have those soul stones to be ready. He told Theris
to assemble some of the knights and to ride to the project and so they did.
The knights armored up and all rode there horses out and to the project as they got there, the
king saw how most of the workers were liking they weren’t working hard enough the king became
angry and yelled out loud-
“How long! How long before we wait on your laziness to bring us prosperity, I am disappointed that you all could not finish this on time. I have been reasonable and patient with you but now you have gone too far, for now on there will no more rest time you will all work till the sun comes down. You will only get two meals a day for I am king Eldor and I command you to strong and fast and diligent do this or die. You will prequel this task.”
The workers became angry and were becoming aggressive the knights on their horses lined up in
The workers lined near the king in rage, placing him between them and his horsemen. A young
man, wearing a tattered and dirty white cloth meticulously draped around him, stepped from the line
and picked up small stone, he stared intensely at the king. He drew his arm back with the stone and
threw it toward Eldor.
“We don’t have to listen to you, we out number you in every way!”
Eldor slipped behind his horsemen as the rest of the workers began throwing stones and cursing at
the king.
“Theris, take care of this and get them back to work!”
Eldor jumped onto his steed and turned from the knights riding back into the country.
“You heard the king! Prepare to fire!”
In perfect sequence each knight drew his crossbow and loaded a single arrow.
Theris ordered for them to fire, it was complete genocide; the workers didn’t stand a chance against
Theris and the knights. The first arrow ripped through the young man’s head, pinning him to the
structure behind him. A wave of steel tipped rain came rushing toward the workers. Everyone
scrambled frantically, trying to dodge the arrows. Alas, it was no point, it took only 10 minutes to kill
50 workers. Bodies lay all over the work site, the ground ran red with a river of blood pooling near
Theris’ feet. After 3 harsh years of grueling labor and intensive work King Eldors kingdom is
nearing completion. Alas, it was no point, it took only 10 minutes to kill 50 workers. Bodies lay all
over the work site, the ground ran red with a river of blood pooling near Theris’ feet. After 3 harsh
years of grueling labor and intensive work King Eldors kingdom is nearing completion. The
Nightmare souls’ tunnels were finally finished along with the factory, the colony was over flowing
with wealth, distinguished with the look of a great empire. New Zion’s was finally complete. Not
long after the completion of his kingdom, King Eldor fathered two beautiful sons he named Leogis
and Sildious .

*The Black Stone: It is stone that is built into the rock, it is dug into tunnels and the rocks are continuously hammered and drown in fire, and then is carved and blackened by those who the scringe of craftsmanship. These stones can be used to create amounts of wealth, medicine and combat weapons. This also is formed into nightmare souls for these create spirits and sends them to who knows where.