The Chronicles of Airegoth and the Beast That Mourns

The blood wont stop from flowing

Thirteen Years Later
For thirteen years the two brothers grew up to be strong lads and they
trained together , fought together . The both were masters of combat physically and mentally in
knowledge of knowing the land, they were commanders of legions. Leogis and Sildious were
voyagers and great warriors, as they had their own squad of warriors with them. There were six
hundred with strong long breast plates that was thick steel and carried long spears with swords on
their backs with small chain wrapped around their torsos. Their long dark blue drapes as capes and
shields that were strong in iron and fur. They were men, fighting proud together and with honor
where they have won many battles; traveling Airegoth and its lost worlds. It was night as the tides
were becoming strong, where the sky was covered in hell dark grey clouds. Everything around them
was dark except seeing the tides of hundreds of feet tall and crashing into their ship. As
everyone were soaked and the ship was being knocked around recklessly, The crew and his soldiers
were trying to keep the boat stable. Leogis was on top with the rain beating his face and was
standing by the flag pole, holding on tight as he saw the waves crashing through them. He saw the
other ship up ahead going through the same hell as they were, he yelled-
“There they are lads, get those bastards!” The soldiers then got in their paddle seats on both sides of ship and each grabbed their long ores, rowing together up and over. Sailing faster and faster towards a Galleon, Leogis whipped around the mainmast as he was climbing down and jumped over to where Sildious was steering the ship. He stands beside him and Leogis yelled to him-
“Were getting close brother, we need to use the trapoltz’s!”
Sildious looked at him and nodded then yelled to the soldiers “Prepare the trapoltz!”
then a few of the soldiers stood up and opened a large storage room in the back of the ship and
rolled out a wooden device that had two strong and long arrows tied with heavy ropes on the back.
Rolling it into the front of the ship and unbuckled the straps to strap on to the ship and once done,
one of them kept the machine in place and the other was aiming for the ship and pulled down the
latch. Then both long arrows shot fast in the air towards the galleon and pierces through the side of
their ship. The one then strapped the ropes around the front of ship for when they twisted the latch
around, it was slowly pulling the ship in. Sildious had the ship rolled up to the front of the great
galleon ship, They both smiled and howled as the ship was being slowly reeled in, after a few
moments of getting close enough to the ship and climbed down the ropes to the galleon. Once
they got on, no one was on the ship, it was very quiet. Then suddenly came rushing out and
jumping over the both and his men, were men and yet creature. Wearing pirate like clothing and all
looked like they were creatures from the sea. Everyone’s swords were clashing with each other, as
the battle was epic and on both ships they were all fighting. Blood was running down in the ships
with limps and piles of guts that dropped out of their stomachs, as it was a blood bath.

Leogis and Sildious jumped in and were maneuvering around everyone as they fought side by side,
killing one enemy after another. As they had splatters of blood on their leather armor and their
swords were soaked in it as well. Their soldiers then broke part of the ship and were burning it.
Everyone were rejoicing for they had won the fight in the storm, they took their heads and nailed
them to the ship. Stealing all their resources and all their gold. After loading their ship by morning
the tides were calm and they were sailing in with cool strong winds pushing them down the small
tides, they got to the Gelises docking port where there were many small businesses and markets.
The crew sounded for the anchor and stopped the boat in the dock and they all marched out and the
kings high servant greeted Leogis and Sildious, congratulating them on their conquest. The both
brought the riches to the city, as the crowd were cheering for them and looked at them as heroes;
singing of great tales about them and telling fables of their quests. Leogis and Sildious were brought
by the high servant to the king and told him of their glory, they were brought inside and entered the
throne room as the high servant opened the doors, there sat king Eldor. He then stood up and said-
“My sons you have returned.” He smiled
Leogis and Sildious walked up but Sildious was just as much excited and was the first to walk up to
greet his father by wrapping his arms around him as his father did as well.
King Eldor said “it’s good to see you son” he looks at Leogis and said “it’s good to see you too boy”
Leogis nodded.
Eldor then put his arms around Sildious and only laying his hand on Leogis shoulder as he spoke
aloud “I see my sons have succeeded in their journey, another year without blood being shed,
another year of no attacks of those monstrous giants. Tonight we feast as we celebrate our heroes
The servants then got everything ready and had the party in a large lodge building, inside the walls
had animal skins and heads around, there were many trophies that showed everyone the legend of
heroes. The servants set the long wood table with big plates filled with ham, turkey, ribs, lamb and
much, much more. Meanwhile that night the lodge was filled with people drinking, dancing,
laughing, conversating with family and friends from all different types of races. It was a beautiful
night, Eldor was laughing and smiling seeing everyone having a good time and seeing Sildious
dancing with beautiful woman. He turned his head and saw Leogis outside standing there,
Eldor stood up and walked outside. Then grabbed out his pipe and grabbed stuffed tobacco in his
pipe. Eldor lit it up and started to puff on it, the sweet honey smell of rum was in the air as the
smoke was a musky smell but caught Leogis attention and his father said “What a night isn’t it.”
“Aye what a night it is” said Leogis
Eldor walked over and stood next to him and said “So many times I have come out
here in the dark cold nights and I would walk these roads, sometimes in the city when no one was
out. Peaceful and quiet it was, not a sound could break it; your mother would be proud of you
“You mean boy”
“You mean Sildious, she be proud of Sildious then me”
“What are you talking about now?”
“Oh don’t give me that, damn your bloody confusion stubbornness.”
“What have I done, have you hated me for this long . What have I done then being
a good father to you.”
“Oh don’t give me that father we both know what you have done, you manipulate
everything so you can just avoid the truth. Your sins can be hidden but cannot be destroyed or be
forgotten, have you not heard of that. Your scared of the truth but most of all your scared of
He had a grin on his face as he was becoming angry but kept himself calmed and said “Let me
tell you something boy you wouldn’t know the first thing about me and what I have gone through, I
have dug out men that were burned to the crisp and were drowning in fire, I have been ordered,
forced to see death and make it. I have marched with legions into battle and only twenty including
me survive, the fields were covered in blood, limbs, tongues, eyes and guts. I have seen things that
would make you wish that you went to hell.”
“You forced me and my little brother to watch you give the order to have everyone
Slaughtered in a village. You had children hung and burned, woman raped and pierced by spears I
was only a child.”
“I did what I had to do, to make you both good boys. I’m sorry I failed too but its
time to move on and wipe your nose and stop being a pussy and grow up. We all have an evil side
its time you learn yours.” He then walked away back inside leaving Leogis standing there feeling
more lost.
Eldor then saw how everything was still going and people were still
getting drunk, he walked down and started to dance with everyone. Later on Eldor was already
drunk and walked over with a pint in his hand spilling it everywhere. He sat at his seat next to
Sildious as they both were laughing, Sildious said-
“You alright?”
“Fuck yeah I am” said Eldor
He then sat back and the both watched everyone enjoying themselves, Eldor said “It’s good to
have you here son, proud of you. Couldn’t be more proud.”
“Thank you father”
“I have seen how you are becoming a fine knight and a fine son. I see greatness in
you and you both are ready for the next test. Do you wish to of this quest?”
“What kind of test is this?”
“You will be going hundreds of miles into the dark valleys with no names NE from
the tower of Arthile and fifty miles to the fort of Bargus, I need you to go to this fort and see if
something happened. If did with no survivors, you must report back to me as we prepare for war.
But listen to me son, I will not think of you down if you do not want to do this. Because this is a
quest that will be difficult as you will cross many decision making. Many have lost their lives as
many have failed for we have not heard any contact from them in six months. But most of all son
most have lost their souls.”
“How many have you sent”
He sat there thinking hard about it and looked at his brother from across the room as he
Leogis did as well. “When do we leave?”
“You leave in 4 weeks rest up and tell your men to prepare. Good luck my son and
remember don’t let anyone bring you down even your brother, you are a delve and a prince. You
are my son.”
Sildious then told his brother and the soldiers about this quest and the great benefits of getting
gold if they come back alive with information, they agreed and rested. For the four weeks they
trained and relaxed to be ready for their next quest. Learning different defense strategies and
maneuvers. Using objects as ways to maneuver away in escaping a bad situation. They were served
the best food as they ate healthy to be strong, all prepared for the dark valleys as rumor has it, that demons and other menacing creatures and thieves rule over the woods and ash lands. Even climb around the rocky walls of the black pointy mountains. More than hundreds of them have died but most of the attacks come from possessed refugee villagers from twenty years ago of the scringe temple war. It is haunted and corrupted by evil to where it has torn itself inside out, lawless and filled with death and cult worshipers. They will travel in darkness and won’t see the light for a while on this quest.

The day came and it was morning with crisp warmth in the cool air, morning sun was rising up in
the Northern the mountains with gorgeous purple and orange beams from the reflection of the
snow. The both gathered with their men and decided to bring only a hundred men as this will be an
easy run through, a get in and get out mission. Wearing their long steel dark blue plated armor and
helms with their shields and holding their short swords, they got on their great stallion horses.
Riding down through the city as the crowd came to the streets rejoicing aloud and cheering wishing
them the best of luck with Leogis and Sildious, as the both ride in front of the pack and leading it
through the city, out of the gate. The horses were riding very fast down the meadow valley, riding
the roads to the dark valleys riding through swamps, forests and meadows they were riding for two

Finally they get out of many thick jungles and woods, riding up hills and down in the distance was
an open valley of fear and death, bones were everywhere the ash was soft and falling from the
smoky grey clouds; there was a light but strong mist that was pale red. Traveling slow on the roads
everyone was either coughing at a time or sneezing cause of the smell, it then started to get dark and a shadow was covering the sky. It seemed to brighten the mist but yet still hard to see through, They continued to walk down as the crows were kawing and the trees were lifeless, they were dead and burned as it was translucent. Black they were scattered around thick, in the murky ash lands there were many large rock piles around that were alabaster flowing with grey and white colors. Leogis and Sildious then started to hear things even some of the soldiers were hearing it to where it made them get chills down their spines. Their hearts beat an extra few seconds faster, holding there breathe as they knew there is someone lurking and enshrouding in the ghostly black trees.
As they were walking for a few moments they then smelt something that they all
recognized, Leogis and Sildious led the knights further down the road then it started to smell. It was
more recognized in its smoked, they all start to rush down then heard screaming and as they got
closer they saw a bright light like fire through the trees in a distance. Leogis then spotted some
people coming out and he yelled “Hurry up men!!” running down fast and saw the village in aflame
and saw some villagers run out burning on fire. Leogis then yelled “Knights to your positions save
the villagers!!” the soldiers scattered into groups as they charged in the village to get people out of
danger and save those who need it. Leogis and Sildious were mortified of what they were seeing and confused of why this was happening? The both saw many burnt victims as they would carry them off and sometimes there limps would fall off.
The whole village ground was filled with pools of blood from the bodies that were being dragged
out, then they burned the dead leaving the injured in the woods, as they were saving all these people then a sudden aloud deep crunchhhh!!! Came in the distance of the hills in the thick woods, as the trees were being knocked down and birds were flying away. Everyone stalled then dropped the injured and dead, all the villagers ran fast and even the knights. Leogis and Sildious looked
down as a crashing was coming through the trees, tarring through getting closer and they just stared at it.
Until it got out of the woods it stopped, nothing was happening but the villagers were still
running and that quiet moment suddenly. Out of the woods jumped out three seven foot pale
beasts, there skin looked like frog skin but in a pale grey. They have two heads and have four arms,
they are extremely strong and looked fast and are very costly destructive. The creatures back torsos
wore bear skin hides but in upper body have nothing. They rolled like a ball fast out of the woods
and far length of the distance, once they hit the ground it would explode three times cause of them.
Then they would run down and would sprint faster than a bear and wolf put together would, they
pulled out their swords in all four hands to carry, Roaring loudly with their monstrous long jaws
and eyes like a demon with darkness in it, then they rolled into the village housing. With the villagers
running as fast as they could. But most lost their lives when they started to walk down or do rush
on’s but fail and the creature executed the peasants brutally. They would spin around with their
hands holding the swords with their hands spinning rapidly fast as well and would slice up people so
fast you can see blood being sprayed everywhere in a distance. Leogis and Sildious eyes were wide
opened and became fearful but then faced their enemy pointing their swords towards them. They
yelled at their soldiers “Battle positions!!!” they stopped and just looked at him, he yelled “What are
you bastards doing, time to fuck shit up!!! Let’s go!!” the soldiers then ran down and lined up with
their two leaders and Sildious yelled “Shields forward!!!” all rushed in with five down and five across
their shields were facing towards their brothers to help hold the line. Their short spears tips
pointing towards the field and they started to run fast down the field then stopped as the three
monstrous creatures came in and were running towards them, they stood there and quickly formed
all in a circle. Then they got on their knees and faced there shields up to where it was flat. The three
monsters charged down the field and one jumped far in the distance and landed in the middle of
where they were shielded. As he got closer suddenly a few soldiers lowered their shields and stuck
out their spear, and the creatures weight killed him as he fell into the spears. Then the
other two ran down and the princes had there knights facing them, they dropped their
spears and grabbed out their razor sharp blades pointing at them. The leaders led the charge down
the field together like a flock of birds soaring in the sky. Then had the first line to split and the
other on the right did as well, leaving the small band of soldiers as they grabbed out their bows and
arrows. Quickly all shot at one of the creatures; their arrows flew many and flew fast completely
hitting the target. Hearing the creature roar and the two half’s came in and flanked the creature while it was down, All had a swing on the creature to finish it off. Leogis then led a squad as they charged at the last one and the creature then quickly ran up, threw one of its knives that spun around hitting three of the soldiers. The monster jumped up and three more of the knives hitting six more of them. As they tried to bring it down but then it hid in the shadows and the knights huddled in a circle to cover each other’s backs.

The creature came out and lit a torch, then blew in the torch and made it like a flame thrower
sweeping around, burning the soldiers. Then jumps in and starts swinging away, spinning fast
killing each soldier that were in there way as they were being slaughtered, chopped away till there
nothing. Sildious saw how his men were being slaughtered and was becoming angry; he then
grabbed a long chain ball and then swung it around up high. The creature started too spun towards
him and he threw it as it was close and it wrapped around the creatures legs and fell hard. It was
struggling to get up as two of its arms were broken and the creature was becoming a rage. Sildious
walked towards the thing with a hateful look on his face. Leogis walked towards to Sildious to calm
him and Sildious threw him down, then he grabbed a spear that was sticking out of a dead body
and then threw it at the creatures stomach. He then stabbed his sword in the creatures
neck and sliced it off, the arteries were torn and blood was spraying everywhere. Sildious stood up
and walked back with the creatures head in his hand, he threw it in the fire. It became a night of
hell, most of the villagers didn’t survive and twenty five of their soldiers had died, it was grey in the
morning as the mist wasn’t was thick to where everything in front of you cannot be seen. You can
see the bodies everywhere in the area. The air smelt like death and you can even hear the blood
sizzling from the fire, the dead bodies being burned with the rest of the ones who survived moving
out of the valley. After when everything was being picked up, the two princes ordered the soldiers
to move on and they did. For the whole day they were walking in muggy heat that made them sweat
on their hot armor steel, they walked tiredly in the sun and the sky was becoming red. They camped
for the night in the dead woods, gathering firewood and making shelter. Bu they were also trained to
know the knowledge of survival in all ways and is why they are up to the challenge. It was a dark
night and the soldiers were asleep with the fires burning out and there was a chilling sound of wind
in the air. The night was quiet and the moon shined high, sleeping they all were peacefully and then
there was a loud crunch sound within the trees in the distance. It stopped for a moment and did it
again, then again it got louder and closer as the ground then shook and everyone woke up. They
rushed to get their weapons and all of them stalled in their positions throughout as they were
listening to that crushing sound. It stopped and it got very quiet no one was moving, there was
glowing pale red eyes in the trees that were seeable through the pale dark mist. Then the crunch
sound was more frequent as there were very many of these tall creatures that are of the dead and
only have bones wearing long hooded leather strap clothing. They were pale face and had sharp
teeth with faded white eyes and long thick old hair, they were ghostly like and every time they
walked their bones crackled. Slowly walking in many but was walking quietly as they were going
towards them. Then they roared in a loud gargling screeching sound that would bring chills to your
spine and they charged down fast and were so many of them and were charging down like ants in
fast sprinting. Leogis and Sildious Yelled for the soldiers to defend themselves and once they
collected all their weapons they then flipped there shields around facing towards the enemy as they
collided against their shields around the fire pit. They were stabbing the dead with their swords and
spears while holding them off against with their shields. Then the knights used each other’s strength
to push them out of the way to make a clear small area quick enough to where a few of the archers
aimed their flame tipped arrows pointed at the dead creatures. They aimed and fired as the long
strides of fire went passed the knights fast and struck many of the dead down as they burned,
the soldiers would take five steps in and strike their enemies. As then their archers shot between
their faces at the dead. The dead creatures climbed on the nearest tallest tree and had so many piling on it to where the tree broke down and fell on some of the knights killing a few of them as they
were squashed from the tree. Then the dead found the opening and quickly ran down through
starting to attack them hard to where Leogis and Sildious told his knights to run, and they ran down
the fields as they were being chased by these ferocious looking undead.

While they were running, Leogis scanned around and saw the cliffs, then said to his brother –
“Brother is this a bad time” Sildous looked back and there were very many of them
and were growling at them as they were sprinting towards them he said “Now probably be not
a good time to speak”
“No it must be now, we need to head to those cliffs and we can find a better way to
lose them” Sildious then nodded and yelled to his knights “Soldiers head to the cliffs.”
All ran fast through in the ash valley and ran up to the cliffs as they were maneuvering around
many rocks and boulders, tripping over shrubs then they hid in the cliffs and let nature hide them.
The dead then came running up and stopped as they were sniffing around and stalling just searching
around with their eyes. They hissed like snakes and growled loud like a mad eating monstrous dog.
Dust in the air covered them up to where they looked like shrubs and rocks scattered around the
ground, The undead then rush down and they were able to hide away from them as there was still
many of them. After almost an hour of searching, once when it was all clear. Everyone came out and
brushed the dust off themselves and all gathered around and Leogis and Sildious both got on one
The soldiers were saying of how much they would have to endure this much intense battle and how
many lives must be lost, they were frustrated, fearful and angry for they were scared of how it is all
starting out to what could be a nightmare.
Sildious said “Why you all complain like pussies we have escaped and succeeded in
doing it, you all fought exceptionally and it is why we are going to be able to fight our way through
it. Do not give up on me now, you are soldiers and you belong to me no one else I am your father
and you all are my sons. And I will fight this with you.”
Leogis then stepped up and said “And how do you know that hmmm? How do you
know what else more is out there, dammit for all we know everyone there are dead and we have
enough information to give to our king about what is here.”
“Our mission is to go to the fort and see if there are any survivors and if not then
we will report it back to the king. The king is counting on us our father is counting on you and me,
“Do you not know what you’re doing you’re going to get everyone here slaughtered,
you have no idea and no clue of what else is out there. We all have families and we don’t need to be bringing them back to be buried.”
Sildious then became angry as he yelled and pointed at him “What are you afraid of,
Leogis you are the prince and son of the king and you are fearful?”
“I am not afraid, this is not fear. This is saving our lives”
He then walked passed him and nudged him away and circled around speaking to his troops as he
said “I will lead you all into victory, as your commander, your captain your leader I order you to
fight freely by my side and we will win.”
The soldiers cheered in a howling voice sound like the wolves and beated the ground with their
spears and beated their chest plates. Then Leogis starts to try to speak up and persuade them more, then Sildious became angry and exploded with aggression and hatred, he walked down towards him.
Then he throws him down fast, everyone turns and it even starts raining as the ground was turning
soft quickly and muddy from the heavy rain. Sildious then walked over and was going to kick him
then Leogis grabbed his leg fast and hooked his leg around, then pulled him down to where he
landed on the ground hard. Leogis spun around and quickly got on top, as it started to punch
Sildious in the face continuously then Sildious blocked one of them and reversed it, then punches
him in the left side of the rib. Sildious flips him over to the ground and breaks his face with two
hard kicks, then walks over as Leogis was on the ground holding his arms on his stomach. As he
was breathing hard in pain and Sildious flipped him over and put his foot on his chest hard.
Pointing his sword close to Leogis face and he said-
“You do that again, I will fuckin kill you.” He then walked away as it was still
raining and everyone is soaked then yelled “Soldiers time to move out...” Leogis struggled to get up
as the pain was horrible and they walked far long in the muggy heat where the clouds hanged low
and the heat was unbearable to where they sweated like pigs. They were walking in the deep pale
ash sands, as it was desolate and wasted. Later that day once it was becoming evening with the
sun setting but you couldn’t even see the sun to ever tell. The sky was bright but grey then they were
walking on a flat rocked ground that was sand and it looked like it went out for miles. They all were
looking tired and weak of traveling for hours in the hot sun with no water and no breaks. Suddenly
they stopped as they heard something like water like a stream. So they rushed down and ran for a
bit till they got to these cliffs and were sharped edged, Leogis and Sildious saw a stream coming
down from these rocks and made a cold water pond that was pure and clean. Quickly they ran fast
to this stream and all dunked their heads in the water, drinking it like dogs as they smiled and
laughed. Wondering if this was a dream? Or if it is real but they didn’t care. After a long break and
hydrating something rumbled they all stopped and looked over in the distance behind the cliffs was

Leogis and Sildious led their men up the cliffs and crawling under twigs and vines, but they were
coming to a steep hill and in this flat area where there was much of sand. There was a stone
structure that was very with many statues of great demons and up front were statues of each
race. Each with something broken on the statues of the race representing the kind of darkness
that each race is burden with. Lupejaskadas were armless as they careless, lawful, greedy race, Delves had no eyes as it represents that they don’t see but only their own pride and vengeance, Jersidus were mouth less representing how much they hunger for revenge and never would stand up long enough towards others, Illadars were handless representing how they are never giving but to their own and are envy of what they have and idolize it, Vonderis was two face one side crushed
representing how two face and untrusting they are, Vamprisks were earless representing that they
don’t care to listen to anyone except for themselves and how they don’t give second chances.
Iskadars had a crushed, with a big crack on its heart representing they are the heartless and feed on
the weak and the dead in survival. They went in the structure as there was the same rumble but more violent and everyone fell, quickly they got up and positioned themselves for battle. Their hearts were beating and had eyes of fear, all didn’t know what was going to happen then in the midst of
quietness suddenly out of the sand like an explosion of fire with ash in the air. Was this huge long
creature that looked like thirty feet long, its body was like grizzly and had long claws its face was like
an angry dog and rhinoceros, the creatures face was like a hard rock like and there was three heads. With sharp long teeth and blowing fire towards them as everyone scattered to either get away or fight to defend themselves.
The thing had a long tale to tail whip everyone off their feet and would snatch people up and chomp
on them, the soldiers were throwing spears and blocking the fire with their shields. Sildious then
tried to fight it off but the beast demon flew into him and pushed him away, Leogis became angry at
the beast and walked down the sand hill. He starred at the creature in anger as everyone were
suffering around him and time was slowing down. Leogis then extended his hand out towards the
beast and all this air flew towards his hands and then it was faster, louder like hurricane and then it
started to glow white. Then into a grey color with electric shocks around it, a long skinny vibrant
streaks like lightening came out of his hand with a strong whirl wind coming towards the creature.

It was badly wounded and had blood gushing out of its leg as it was limping, then creature turned
and looked at Leogis. The creature roared and was coming to him, it blew fire at him but Leogis
quickly swayed his arm right to left, as the air and electric shocks flew by the fire to deflect it. Leogis
then pumped his arm back and extended it out and blew its stomach out as the blood and intestine
was falling out with blood as dark then human and smelt awful. Everyone stopped and looked at
Leogis as they never saw anyone do that and no one has been able to do that in a hundred years.
Yet Leogis could, they all saw that he has a power even over Sildious and he knew it too so he
became jealous. Everyone gathered what remained as eight more soldiers were killed, slowly being
picked off as they are waiting for their death but then saw Leogis as the one to bring them out of
this alive. Seeing his great power gave them confidence and pride in themselves. They all were
taking a break and recovering, Sildious then walked over towards Leogis he was standing there
gazing upon his hand and Sildious leaned over. As he saw his hand and saw nothing, he stood next
to him and said-
“What was that?”
“I don’t know” said Leogis
“How did you do it?”
“For a long time in hiding my emotions I learned about this deep power ago and I
just believed in it, knew that I was going to bring that creature down.”
“But how can you know all this if you haven’t studied or been taught about it?”
Leogis stared at him and said “You remember our last good nanny we had Mrs.
Archworth she took me under her wing and taught me about witchcraft. But more of a deeper
power as she taught me the language of the Elrong trusks which allowed my mind to accelerate
more of these molecules of different spirit soul DNA’s. That flowed into your main blood vessel
streams to help your mind and heart to take the adrenaline and strength of this power. She taught
me it for years, still never believed till I did it.”
“So what does this mean?”
Leogis then walks over and grabs his sword, then walks towards the stone building and said
“Finishing this mess that you brought us too and I’m going to do it without getting everyone killed.”
Sildious yelled “Men! Time to pack up and move out, were going in that building.”
And so they all got up and got themselves ready, they followed Sildious and Leogis up to this
ancient old structure with large long pillars that stood a hundred feet tall, the statues were
magnificent. So they walked down towards the two heavy wood doors and couldn’t get them open
and Leogis walks up and stabs his sword straight through the creak of the two doors. He pushes
his blade into it towards the right and slid down hard and quickly broke the latch. Two soldiers
helped push the door open how it was a large area room, it was made of stone. Piles of skeletons
and bones were everywhere with old weapons and dubree around like a battle happened. It was
dark and smell of old flesh, it was wind chill cold as it reminded them of being in a cave. The
soldiers closed the door and everything was lit up more as they lit up the candles that were on a
table. They all walked down into the darkness and stopped, there was two huge wide tunnel
entrance’s but with no light returning. Leogis and Sildious both looked at each other and Sildious
pointed his sword and said “Alright men were going to split up, I’ll take the left and Leogis will take
the right, this half goes with me the rest you go with him. Now let’s move!”
“Wait shouldn’t we talk more about what we’re deciding?” said Leogis

*Elrong Trusks language: It comes from a dark source power that is an old and ancient power created by a cult call Blood Writs they were killing for justice but then started to be more and more innocent, this language is like putting the Pagan, wicken, latin and Spanish languages all together in to one. It has been known everywhere but been instinct for fifty years after ‘the four day war’ a battle that made the new law of no of the practice of witchcraft allowed. This language gives your moleques of the MX-q which is a soul spirit that goes in the blood cells straight to the heart and mind which helps give the knowledge and strength which can release anything destructive you can think of.

Sildious then moved his shoulder forward and ignored him as half of the soldiers marched with
him in the left dark tunnel. Then Leogis marched his soldiers in the right tunnel, it was dark and
Leogis had the troops grab out torches and light them. A radius around the room was lit up from
the torches, Leogis and noticed of how the tunnel was made by hand and it was very well crafted
and built. While they were walking down without noticing in the walls Iskadar’s were moving
around as they were camouflage in the rock to where you couldn’t tell the difference. Still walking
down even in the shadows, their eyes glow pale lime white as they were creepily crawling around the rocks from up above. As they have hands that looked old and clammy, but there were hands are
uniquely molded from the rocks they climbed on every day, and it formed around them in time.