Status: Writing I promise :)

A Night Walkers Nightmare

First day at work

“So if someone wants to use their credit card what do you push?” Josh my manager asked.
“The Credit button.” I answered without even looking at the register.
“Great job Becca, do you mind if I call you that.” Josh asked with a trying to be seductive smirk.
“Whatever.” He proceeded to jot my name down and then misspelled it, one of my many pet peeves,
“Uh, no. It’s Rebekah with a K and an H. If you must call me ‘Becca’ it should also be spelled with a K and an H, Okay? Good.” I do not believe he likes to be talked bad to because he huffed and gave me a dirty look, and proceeded to inform me about the clientele,
“So you will see some people that you would not expect to see in here don't make a big deal or your done.”
Curiosity struck me so I asked,
“Like whom?”
“Mostly drunk idiots or high teenagers but sometimes you will see the occasional movie star, or athlete, or musician. Just don't say anything because they are looking for a good time in Southside as well as everyone else.” Oh the Southside of Pittsburgh, in the day it seems like the biggest family friendly place with ethnic shops, unusual items, great food, and welcoming community. Then the sky goes dark the street lights turn on, the bars open, prostitutes and drug dealers come out, college kids come out looking for a good time, and there I am working on the main road of madness. If you're asking something like why I am not working in the day. That is because this was the only shift open all week. Also because this place is better secured than my house.
A little over 2 months ago my friend Kylie and I ran away from our hometown of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, caught a train going anywhere, then here we are. Kylie, being 21 is able to go to a lot more places to go to than I do. So I found a job and we live just down the road in a old abandoned house so I know I can get to my job quickly.
“Rebekah!” Josh yelled.
“Oh, sorry.” I said.
“Just help the client and then we will be done for the night, okay?”
I rolled my eyes and looked at the customer,
“What can I get you today, sir?”
“Camel lights.”
I stared at the cigarette wall and went over and pointed at the one I thought was the right ones and asked,
“These ones?”
The man shook his head and said,
“No, are you stupid? Those are Camel red 100's.”
I was shocked at how rude he was but before I could say anything a new voice said,
“She obviously doesn't smoke, leave her alone.”
The guy turned as he said, ,
“How about you mind-” he was cut short when he turned to face his opponent. When he figured out who he was the man instantly said,
“Oh I am sorry, I-I didn't know it was you Mr. Crosby. I-I have to go.”
The one and only Sidney Crosby defended me, psh I couldn't believe it. I walked over trying my hardest to act like everything was normal. I went back over and asked,
“Will that be all for today?”
He nodded, set his stuff on the counter and said,
“Yes, thank you.”
I started to bag his stuff up and said
“Thanks for before.”
“No problem, but in case I am not here next time the box has what they are written on the back.”
I flashed a smiled and he smiled back. When he left and no customers where in the store I took off my apron and got my jacket. Of course it was raining but that was the least of my worries, my #1 worry was the drunks. They tend to be rude and arrogant. I put my hood up and looked down and started walking to my house when I got there I heard Kylie yell
“Bekah, is that you?”
“Yes, Ky.”
She came out of the shadows and said
“How was work?”
“Eh, how was the bar did you get us anything?”
“Here I ate at the bar, you can have what's left. I am going to sleep see you tomorrow evening.”
Kylie push a to go box towards me. While I am at work Kylie here goes to the bar and works to get us free meals.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, sorry about the last two stories guys, I just lost the way with those stories I am very sorry. Later on I may pick them up again but as of now I am focusing on this story. Love you all :)