Status: Writing I promise :)

A Night Walkers Nightmare

Second day sweethearts

The next night at work

“Will that be all for today?”
I was so happy to be working with my other boss who was really nice, it made the day go faster.
“Yes thank you.”
My last customer came in and walked through the door before I recognized him as Sidney Crosby. When he finally set his stuff down on to the counter he looked up and asked
“Any problems with the cigarettes lately?”
I smiled on the inside and said
“Cigarettes no, customers yes.”
I looked up and made eye contact as we both smiled and he said,
“Not me though, right. I am your favorite customer.”
“Yeah, sure.”
I smiled again, so he didn't think I was serious.
“I am sorry I never caught your name?”
“It’s Rebekah.”
“I’m Sid.”
After he paid for his snacks he patted my back and said,
“Be safe driving home, its a Friday in Southside. You'll never expect what you might see.”
I responded by saying
“Thanks, have a good night.”
He looked back and smiled. At the exact moment he left I tore off my apron and threw on my hoodie. It was nice out so of course their was a lot of people walking. That's when all of a sudden I heard my name being called. I expected it to be a figure of my imagination but when I turned I saw the one and only Sidney Crosby yelling my name. He yelled from his car,
“Hey if your not doing anything do you want to go to the club with a few friends and myself?”
“The club?”
“You know a place that people dance, drink, and have fun.”
“I can't, I am under 21.”
“I can get you in, you just have to jump in my car. I’m holding up traffic.”
I quickly jumped into the backseat of his car and noticed the girl in front. Sid introduced her as his girlfriend, Emma. My only question was,
“What do you wear to these types of things?”
Sid said,
“Don’t worry Emma has an extra outfit that she’ll let you wear.”
My next question,
“How much does it cost?”
Sid responded by saying,
“Don't worry about it, hun. I am taking care of it.”
“No seriously tell me how much it is. I don't want you to have to pay.”
“Listen to me I am paying, your going to have fun, and I will be your number one customer.”
“Nope, you are coming. No excuses.”
We pulled into the burger king and Emma handed me a bag. She then said,
“I put makeup and hair stuff in the bag as well. Do you need help?”
“Uh, yeah.”
She looked over to Sid and gave him a kiss on his cheek while saying,
“We will be right back, babe.”
Sid nodded, Emma exited the car and I noticed she was wearing I ran into the Burger King and changed into Emma fixed my hair and makeup for me, luckily no one came in. We both did a quick check before leaving Burger King and going back to the car. Sid said,
“You both look gorgeous. Oh and Rebekah?”
“If someone asks, you just dance, nothing else. I don't care how cute they are and if you go off the floor you have to tell me where you are, okay?”
Emma quickly injected by saying,
“C’mon, at least let the girl have a little fun, Jesus.”
A silence filled the car until Sid asked,
“Rebekah, how old are you?”
“19, almost 20.”
Sid turned to Emma and said
“Can we agree on no sex, a text saying where she is if she’s not by one of us or if she’s not on the dance floor, and 1 drink and hour if she wants it.”
Emma and myself said “Agreed” at the same time. Sid parked off the street and in one of the back streets. We all got out of the car and I went to walk before Emma stopped me and said
“We have to wait for the rest, its safer. Trust me.”
I nodded my head and sat on the bumper of the car, Emma sat next to me, and Sid sat next to her. Sid leaned forward to face me and he asked
“Is this your first time at a club?”
I nodded and he continued
“I will get someone to walk in with you so you do not get lost. We all usually have our own spot but getting there may be a little difficult for you.”
“Well its your first time and you're on the shorter side of the scale.”
I gasped dramatically and said,
“I am 5’0 making me 5’5 in these heels, I am officially average.”
“Watch out Sandy Allen, you’re getting some competition.”
We all laughed and there was 4-5 cars that came into the parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
So how do you feel about Emma?