Status: Writing I promise :)

A Night Walkers Nightmare

Home Sweet Home

Rebekah’s POV
The club was getting ready to close and some of the boys aka James and Geno got really drunk and had to take a taxi home early. The rest of us walked to the parking lot Sid turned to me and said,
“Do you mind if Beau gives you a ride home? He lives closer to you.”
I looked at Beau to make sure he wasn't hammered and I said
“Yeah, no problem.”
Sid walked over, hugged me, and said,
“See you at the station tomorrow?”
I nodded and he continued to say,
“Be safe, sis.”
Sis, Sissy, sister, Kylie. I said loudly,
“Oh Shit I need to get home like, right now.”
Everyone showed concerned and Brandon asked
“Is everything, okay?”
“Uh yeah, I just forgot something I had to do. See you guys.”
I waved and everyone did the same. The ride to “my” house was quiet at the corner of my actual house our neighbor had a nice house I told Beau that was my house so he wasn't concerned. I jumped out of the car and said “Thank you.”
He waved and drove away. I walked past that house and to mine, as I turned I almost ran right into someone. I looked up to realize it was Beau. I face palmed and he said,
“The fact that you think I wouldn't watch you walk into your house safely disappoints me. I was 19 once I know all of the tricks. So where are you sneaking off to, a boyfriend’s house? Are you going to a bar? Are you going to a party? Are you smoking weed?”
“No, Jesus I don't have time to explain it.”
“Well you better hurry up because I am not leaving till you do.”
I said,
“This is my house.”
I pointed to the old abandoned house, he looked at me strangely. I walked past him and held the door open and said,
“Are you coming?”
He walked in behind me. I started shouting through the house calling Kylie’s name. There was no answer and after searching the house I assumed she was out looking for me.
I started to run through the door until I heard beau say
“Rebekah wait. I will walk with you, okay?”
“I assumed you would have already left.”
“I am not leaving you, ever and I’ll be damned if I let you walk around looking for this Kylie by yourself.”
I smiled at him and motioned for him to come along.
When we got on the main road I saw an ambulance, I started freaking out and I ran to the paramedics. When I looked down I was relieved to see it wasn't Ky, but when I looked up I saw her running and looking behind her. I immediately walked past her as she yelled,
“Please Bekah, run!”
I saw the person who was following her and it was some older drunk man. I put my hand out to stop him, he turned to me and said
“How much does a piece of your sweet ass cost?”
I punched him in the face and he fell down passed out. Beau was with Kylie, when I walked over to them they asked if I was okay. I nodded and continued walking with them to Ky and mine’s house. When we got there I saw horror come over beau’s face I asked
“What’s wrong?”
He looked at me and said
“I closed the door and blew the candles out.”