London Bridge Is Falling

Things That Have Been Tried And Failed

We turned around and headed back to London. We all sat in silence, not making any movement. Chopper blades broke the silence.

"It's the military" Selena said, looking out her window.

Bullets hit the ground, Selena went flying back in her seat. James swerved all over the road, trying to dodge the firing squad. A bullet shot through the roof and into Jenna's neck. She bent over, holding the bleeding hole that made her incapable of breathing. Selena jumped over the seat and wrapped her bandanna around Jenna's neck. She grasped onto Selena's hand, tears filled her eyes as blood poured from her mouth.

"Damnit, don't you die on me!" Selena screamed. "Stay with me girl" She brushed Jenna's hair back out of the pool of blood on her cheek. Jenna's eyes closed slowly. Selena became hysterical and shook her.
"Wake up! You can't leave us!"

James turned the wheel to the left, we went flying through the air. I pressed my hands against the ceiling to catch myself from falling. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Lucy and Selena were smashed together, Luke flung towards Jenna and James' head collided with the steering wheel. Finally we were done spinning out of control. I blacked out. When I awoke, I was laying on a gurney being wheeled through door after door. I seen Selena beside me, James pushing me and Lucy a bit ahead, opening the doors.

"Come on!" Selena yelled. "Hurry!"

They wheeled me into a small room, it was lit with electric. I felt a tug then blacked out again. When I awoke again, Luke was right there beside me, holding my hand. He stood up when he seen my eyes open.

"Don't move" He said. "You're in recovery"

"Fr...From what?" I asked, my mouth was extremely dry, I could barely make words.

"A piece of metal got lodged in your stomach...We thought we were gonna lose you. We made it to this hospital where we found a doctor named Amanda, she helped us" He pulled my hand to his lips.

"Dylan!" Selena said, walking cheerfully into the room. "I'm glad you're awake"

"How is this place still running?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but this is probably the only town that still has working electric" She said, sitting on the bed next to me.

I tried to move into a comfortable position but the pain was too much. My head fell back onto the pillow and I grabbed the wound in pain.

"How is everyone?" I asked, wincing through the pain.

"They're okay, nothing major" Selena lifted up my head and put a cup of water to my lips.
"Amanda says you'll be up kicking ass in like three days"

I laughed a little. "I sure hope so"

I shut my eyes, all I could see was Jenna laying there in the seat, bleeding. I opened my eyes, the images were too violent.
Lucy walked in the room. "Remember the priest I took blood samples from?" She asked openly.

"Well, He was telling the truth about being Immune to the virus. His cells fight it as if it were a common cold. Although he's Immune, the virus sits dormant in his system. So his blood and saliva could still infect someone" She said, all sciency. She had the biggest smile on her face like she had just discovered something great.

"So what's that mean for us" Luke asked.

"It means a vaccine that will keep the virus dormant...It could possibly turn into a cure too, we've stumbled on something huge you guys" She smiled and leaned against the white brick wall.

I turned and faced the ceiling, smiling to myself. Knowing that we could possibly have a vaccine for the virus made my mind do loops. I just wish Jake was here to see this, how far we've come since Day Zero.