London Bridge Is Falling

Dead Be Undead

It's been a year since London, but only a few months since the outbreak in California. We readied our men and set foot on the soil of the Golden State. Luke and the others were investigating signs of infection in New York, so I had to make a new team. Lara Matthews, she's a strong female from London, she's extremely handy with weapons and Jacob Stanley, the cute country boy from Louisiana, he's also good with weapons and hand to hand combat.
I shifted my gun and turned on my flashlight that was attached to my vest. We eased our way through the streets, not seeing any Infected in sight.

"Stop" Jacob said, throwing his fist in the air. "Listen"

There was a rattling of chains and something heavy dragging against the pavement. The thing showed it's face, it was an Infected, chains around it's wrist, nails in every inch of it's body and it carried a large sword that was embedded in it's arm.

"That's not like any Infected I've ever seen!" Lara said, aiming her gun at it.

"It must be mutated..." I replied, easing away.

"Do we run or shoot?" Jacob asked.

"Both" I said, running away and shooting at it.

The monster charged at us, it's blade dragging the ground. Jacob tossed his knife at it, hitting it's left eye. It stopped for a moment and screeched in pain. I stopped running and focused fire on it's wounded eye, Lara did the same. I could see the concentration in her face, she was beautiful in every way. A bullet pierced through the Infected's head, it fell to the ground, taking one last breath.

"That was fucking fun" Jacob said, laughing a bit.

"Oh yeah, totally" Lara holstered her pistol and pulled out her map. "Extraction is near the Observation Tower" She said.

We continued on down the road. Most of the power was cut from the city, it was dark and spooky. Papers swayed in the wind as our boots tromped against the asphalt, there was not a human in sight.

"Hey" Jacob said, inching towards me. "So uh...You gotta feller back home?" He blushed and ruffled his hair.

"I don't" I said. "Why?"

"No reason" He smiled and put his ball cap on backwards. He truly was adorable.

"Infected!" Lara screamed, firing her pistol at the group of Infected in front of us.

"C'mon, we can't waste our ammo. There's too many!" Jacob yelled, grabbing my hand.

He led us into a small store and closed the metal shades so no Infected would know we were there. I grabbed a couple candy bars and slumped down beside Jacob and Lara.

"Pretty protective back there" I nudged his shoulder.

"Oh uh, yeah. Can't have our leader dying" He smiled slightly and blushed.

That night, I fell asleep next to Jacob, his arm "mysteriously" wrapping around my body. I felt like I did back in London with Luke, I felt safe in his arms, like he could save me from anything.