London Bridge Is Falling

Every Stone Unturned

"Get up!" Lara screamed.

My eyes shot open, but I could't gather what was going on. Infected were ripping apart the metal shutters, I jumped to my feet and pulled out my pistol. Jacob found an exit, it led to the roof. Lara was up first, then me, and Jacob followed. Once we got to the roof, we examined our surroundings. There was Infected swarming us for as far as the eye could see. We were basically screwed. Chopper blades sliced the air above us. A girl peered out and tossed down a rope ladder. We didn't care who it was, we just wanted to get out of there. I got to the top and seen the smiling face of Jill.

"Long time no see, partner" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.

"You're telling me" I hadn't seen her since we left London, I kinda felt bad about it.

"I heard you were investigating the outbreak here, I decided to come too...Just in case" She laughed.

"Jill, these are my partners Jacob and Lara"

"Hi" She said, shaking their hands. She pulled out a rocket launcher and shot it at the store, obliterating everything in it's path. "Remember that bomb that destroyed London? Well, Lucy was able to shrink it down so much that it can be used in a Rocket Launcher, not as much damage though" She smiled at the flames that lifted from the store.

"How's Lucy doing?" I asked.

"She's good, She's on a mission with Luke right now...Luke really misses you, Dylan...We all miss you"

I missed them too, I haven't seen them in so long. We survived together, we should be together. The helicopter shifted violently and headed towards the ground. That's all I remember. I awoke, the wind blowing softly. The fire popped and sizzled the rubble of the helicopter. I pushed myself off of the ground and instantly fell back down. My leg was bleeding and so was my face. I looked at a piece of glass. The person staring back at me was not me. Blood covered my entire face, I didn't recognize me anymore. I hobbled around the crash site, looking for survivors. But no one was there. No Jill, no Lara, no Jacob. I sat down against a pile of rubble and pulled out my radio. It was nearly destroyed but it still worked. I pressed it to my mouth.

"Base, come in. This is Dylan Hale, leader of the B.T.A.R. My team and I have crashed somewhere in California. Please respond" The line was silent.
"Lara...Jacob" I said into the radio. But there was still no reply.

I decided to continue on without my team. I traveled through the streets, they were empty, lifeless. I could barely see the crash and I was already regretting leaving, what if they were looking for me. I had to go though, I couldn't just sit there and let the Infected find me. I was wounded and vulnerable. I hunched over and fell to my knees. I took off my gear, there was nothing left anyway. I lifted up my shirt, my side was bleeding more than any wound on my body. I stood back up and held pressure on it. I walked, but stumbled. I fell onto my back and looked up at the night sky. It was beautiful, despite everything that was going on.

"You can't die here" A voice said.

"Huh?" I asked, turning my head a bit. A set of lips touched mine. It was Jake. Tears began to pour from my eyes.

"I miss you, Dylan" He said, wiping the tears off of my bloody cheeks.

"I miss you too, Jake" I intertwined my fingers with his.

"I love you, Dylan...Just remember that...Please don't forget it"

"Never" I said. "I'll never forget it"

His lips touched mine again and then he was gone. I laid on the ground and screamed, crying, rolling around. I needed him, I needed his warmth. I began crawling for a small bit, but I couldn't do it. I fell back down and laid there, paralyzed. My eyes slowly began to close. I awoke in the arms of a guy, his face was bruised and bloodied.

"Jake?" I asked, but there was no response.

"In here!" A woman yelled.

A door shot open and that's the last thing I remember before I passed out again. I woke up in a bed. Jacob sitting across from me, he jumped up and fell beside my bed.

"Glad to see you're alive" He trailed his finger down my cheek.

I grabbed his hand and held it for a few seconds. "Thanks" I said.

"For what?"

"Saving me" I replied.

"You don't have to thank me" He said, easing his face closer to mine. His lips pressed against me. He pulled away quickly, his face bright red. "Sorry...I uh...I'll go check on dinner" He walked out of the room, completely embarrassed.

I tossed my legs over the side of the bed and walked to the door. My body was in agony but it wasn't as bad. I was dressed in an extra pair of clothes I had packed. I slowly made my way downstairs and took in the smell of some sort of food, it smelled like heaven.

"Welcome back" Jill said as she stirred something on the stove. "We thought you were a goner" She laughed.

Jacob looked at me then quickly looked away. I sat down beside him and touched his leg, he jerked away and looked down. Lara sat across from us, the tension could be cut with a dull blade. Jill sat a few plates down on the table and put mashed potatoes and pork chops on them.

"Thank the chef" She said. "Oh, Dylan. These lovely people took us in"

The two people walked down the stairs. I knew them...I know them...

"Mom...Dad..." I said. I scooted out the chair and ran up to them, pulling both of them into a hug.

"Dylan" My mom said, tears running down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry about Jake" She squeezed me tighter.

My dad was crying as well. "We're so glad you're okay" He said, wiping tears under his glasses.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We were on a vacation here before the outbreak. Jill told us everything. About London, about the Government" My mom said as we walked back to the table.

We all sat there, eating and making jokes like nothing happened. Except for Jacob, he was distant and not talking much. I don't know why, it was just a kiss. Or maybe it's the fact that I keep talking about Jake. I took scoops of mashed potatoes and shoveled them into my mouth. I haven't had a meal for awhile. According to Lara, I was out for like three days. Three days too long. Jacob devoured his food, but he was still being quiet. After dinner, I helped Jill and Jacob clean up, while Mom, Dad and Lara went to the roof to scope out Infected. There hasn't been any since the crash.

"Jacob" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" He said stubbornly.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a kiss. "You don't have to be afraid to like me...I've actually had a crush on you since Training Camp" I said, I could feel myself blushing.

He smiled and looked away. "Sorry, I don't mean to be this shy. I just don't wanna die and leave you alone, Dylan...You've already been through so much"

"You're not gonna die, Jacob. I promise"

He kissed me again and took my held my hand. "Let's get some sleep" He said.

I was dying for some rest, even though I slept for three days straight. I was still tired and in a lot of pain. I got into bed and let him curl up next to me. We were face to face, his beautiful eyes looking into mine.

"We'll be okay" He said. "I promise" He kissed my forehead and drifted off to sleep.