London Bridge Is Falling

What Ends Above, Starts Below

We stood outside the gates of hell. The snow gathered on the ground below us. This was it, our final battle. The large door slid upwards and locked into place. Jill was the first one in, we followed her inside. Wires hung from the ceiling, like something had came in and tore the place to shreds. The only light was from our flashlights.

"Ready?" Jill asked as the front door closed.

"Extremely" I replied.

We made our way down a few flight of stairs, according to the map, the lab was on the bottom floor. We finally made it down. Blood was smeared across the small glass window on the door. Jacob slowly pushed the door open. Echoes of water hitting the floor rang in my ears. Lara pointed her gun left then right, making sure the coast was clear.
A pile of Infected blocked the path to our right.
Screeches from Infected echoed through the laboratory. We smashed into the pile of dead bodies, knocking them down and making a way through. We couldn't stop running, the hallways seemed to get longer with each step we took. Finally, a door appeared and we all went into the room one by one.
In the room, a man stood, blood dripping from every part of his body. He turned towards us slowly, his face was mangled, his neck was torn to pieces.

"It's Vladimir Ilyich" Jill said in horror.

He laid his hand down on a button and the floor suddenly disappeared. We all fell, including him. I fell on a metal walkway. I grabbed onto Jacob's hand as he zoomed by me. Below us was a lava pit. My face felt like it was sizzling. I held his hand tight, I was not about to let him die. I pulled him up onto the walkway just as Scarlet and Lara fell to their demise.

"No!" I screamed.

I stood up, pointing my gun at Vladimir. He was in the center of the room, letting the lava bubble around him. His arm crunched and popped and suddenly it was like a chain with bones protruding out of every area. He slung it around, it would rip us to shreds if we got close to it. Jill stood on the other side of the room, firing away.

"Dylan, Jacob, focus aim on his head!" She yelled.

Jacob and I shot endless rounds into his head but he didn't seem to be letting up. Jill had stopped shooting, I could tell she was thinking something. And that's when she did something I never thought would happen. She charged at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and that's when they went into the lava.

"Jill!" I screamed. "No!"

A voice rang over a loud speaker. "Laboratory Self Destruct System Activated"

"C'mon!" Jacob said, pulling me to a door on the other side of the room.

We crashed through the door and headed towards a flight of stairs. It was endless it seemed like. There was absolutely no end to these stairs. We finally made it to the main gate. As the door opened, the whole place went up in flames. A gigantic hole was left. We were standing on a flimsy piece of metal that was barely attached to the ground. Jacob jumped to the other side, leaving me on the metal. A hand grabbed my ankle, making me fall to my knees. It held on tight and peeked it's head over the metal. It was Vladimir. He tore through my pant leg with his claws, I let out a screech.

"I will devour your soul!" He screamed, his breath visible in the cold air.

"Devour this, Bitch" I pulled out my pistol and unloaded my magazine in his head.

He grabbed the metal slabbed and pulled it down with him, just as I started to fall, a hand grabbed me. Jacob pulled me up into the snowy flat area. We both looked over the edge, watching the fire engulf everything in it's path. We boarded the plane that would take us back to America.
When we got back, everything seemed different, it seemed more secure. Many people died in Moscow, people dear to me. But they didn't die in vain. Jacob and I put a stop to the spread of the virus, we've exposed the London attack and saved millions of lives. Jake would be proud of how far I've gotten...

4 Months later...All Infected are pronounced dead.

My mother and father met me at an airport in New York.

"Dylan!" My mother wrapped her arms around me. My dad did the same.

I looked up at the TV attached to the wall, the news was on. "Clean up crews are now burning the bodies of the infected. As of right now, all the infected have been pronounced dead. Officials say that there have been no new signs of Infection...Welcome back to the America we once knew" The lady on the news broadcast smiled and switched it over to the weather.

"So, vacation in Italy?" My mother said.

Something caught my eye, a man in a black sweater running through the airport.

"Dylan?" She said. "Hun, are you okay?"

The man stopped and opened his jacket, pulling out a vial full of pink liquid.

"Mom, Dad" I said. "Get behind something" I pulled out my pistol and aimed it at him.
"B.T.A.R. Drop the vial!" I yelled.

"Exposure...Evacuation...Epidemic...Pandemic" He said, injecting the liquid into his neck.
He turned into a violent wild animal and attacked the other people inside. Mass panic was induced, people became infected, people were dying once more.
I stood there, frozen, watching the horror. Before I knew it, a chunk of flesh was sliced from my arm by a pair of bloody teeth. I was bitten...