London Bridge Is Falling

What's Right Is Not Always Wrong

Atlanta. It's a nice place. Well...was a nice place. We landed and entered the Stryker Combat Vehicle that was waiting for us. It's filled with comfortable seats and the inside is lit with a bright red light. Up front, Jake drives and I sit in the passenger side. It's hard for him to pay attention, since he's looking through a night vision camera. I look up information on Vladimir Ilyich's partner, Veronika Valentina.

"She's a Bio-terrorist that's wanted in Russia for releasing a virus that wiped out a small town" I said, looking through papers.

"Wonder what brings her here" Jake replied.

We enter the city, it's dark, there's not a single light on. Papers sway in the stale wind. Cars were parked on the side of the road and some were set on fire. Stores were broken into, most likely from looters and rioters. Jake slams on the break and the papers go flying out of my hands. I look out the night vision camera. There's a crowd of Infected in front of us. They aren't just Infected. They're mutated into horrific monsters. Jake presses the gas pedal to the floor, we don't take off very fast but it's enough speed for us to plow through them. The vehicle bounces over dead bodies.

"I'll mount the gun on top!" Selena says, unbuckling her seat belt and pushing open the small circular door on the ceiling.

As soon as she mounts the gun, there's an endless sound of rapid fire. We're surrounded by the new strain of Infected. We go faster and faster, dodging cars, Infected and trying to stay on the road. I can see the sweat drip from Jake's forehead, he's nervous and is focusing all of his attention on the road. A car pulls out of nowhere, in the blink of an eye, we crash into it, fly through the air and land upside down.
I'm out for a bit. When I awake, everyone is piled on each other. I cut my seat belt loose and fall on the ceiling which is now the floor. I kick open the door and crawl out. Jake and Selena is outside, sitting against the side of the car.

"You guys okay?" I ask.

"Yeah" Selena says. "Jake is pretty banged up though...He'll live" She smiles.

I lean down beside him and kiss his cheek. Afterwards, Selena and I open up the back door and help everyone out. They're all okay, thank god. We pack up our weapons and head down the road. Jake is still beautiful, even if we did just crash. I look up at the buildings, they're huge and without light, I can't even tell where they stop. Our flashlights are the only thing that provide light.

"Stop" Lucy says, kneeling down beside a dead mutated Infected. "It looks like they've mutated"

"Obviously" I reply sarcastically.

"No...They mutated...I don't know how to explain it. They mutated when it got dark" She said, opening it's eyelids a bit.

"How do you know?" Jill asked, looking around, making sure there weren't anymore Infected.

"I can tell these wounds on it are fresh. Wounds from when it evolved...If we stay out here any longer. We will die...I have a feeling these aren't the Infected we've come to know...They mutate and get strong during the night. We become the hunted" She said as screeches fill the open air.