London Bridge Is Falling

Knowing Knowledge of True Power

"I'm not the enemy" She said, slowly walking into the room.

"So you're not making the virus?" Jake asked.

"No...I'm trying to make a cure. You're 'Friend' Ben Allin is the cause of all this"

"But why?" Selena asked, sitting down.

"To destroy all that's left and become the world's leader. He only sent you after me so you could stop me from making a cure. He brought you guys back in hopes you would all die. He'd take you and make you into a super weapon"

Everything was making sense now, Jill's body was taken...taken by Ben so he could turn her into some sort of super-human. My head was reeling, she wasn't our enemy, he was. Veronika was trying to save us, not kill us. We gathered outside of the Capitol Building and made new plans. We would tell Ben that we killed her and then we'll come for him. But that plan backfired, once we were dropped off at base, something lurked in the shadows. Something horrific. There was no one here, they all fled...including Ben.
Out came Jill, she was in a tight black leather suit. A red flashing chip was attached to the back of her neck, it must be the thing controlling her. Veronkia starts shooting at her, but Jill is so quick that she dodges every shot.

"Don't kill her!" I yelled. "Just destroy the thing on her neck!"

Jill sped by Jake, slamming her fist into his chest. He fell to the ground, gasping for air. Lara grabbed her, holding her down with all her strength. She pulled and pulled on the chip but it wouldn't budge. Jill tossed Lara over her shoulder and kicked her until Daniel and I tackled her. He held her down while I pulled on the chip. Still, it wouldn't come off. The base was burning to the ground. We had to save Jill and get out of here. She tossed me off, my body slammed against the pavement. She pushed Daniel away and slowly walked over to me, grabbing my neck. She started squeezing slightly, then more and more until I was about to black out. I reached around and tugged at the chip. I yanked it off and the blood rushed back to my head. She fell to the ground, convulsing violently. Selena smashed the chip and helped me pick up Jill.

"Dylan..." She said, barely making out the words. "Oh god...I'm so sorry"

"Don't apologize, it's okay" I said, smiling. The chip had bleached her hair, it was slightly white mixed with blonde and her eyes we sunken into her head. She looked terrible.

We made our way to a large osprey aircraft and took off. I laid Jill down on a small table and covered her in a heated blanket. Daniel and Scarlet were up front, driving. I didn't know they could fly a plane, but they are. Lucy, Jake and Selena sat in the chairs across from me. They were all bruised by Jill's wrath.

"What now?" Lucy asked. "We don't even know where they went"

"We search and search until we find them" I replied.

"There's a couple places he could have gone" Veronika said. "There's a base in New York, California and London"

"Whoa wait, London was vaporized" Jake said.

"So you thought. It was a military technique called 'Project Stargate' It mixes with the moisture in the air to make everything seem like it's disappeared" She replied. "It's quiet marvelous"

"Why would they do that?" Selena asked.

"So they could continue their projects without anyone interfering"

My head was spinning so fast that I fell out of my seat and blacked out.