London Bridge Is Falling

Nature Under Lock And Key

We finally made it back up to the city. Sen and Jo once called this place home, but everything is gone now. We're surrounded by ash, ruble and a few buildings that half survived the bombing.

"Thanks" Jake said to Ellie.

"Don't thank me. We're a team...we do what we have to do to keep each other alive" She smiled. "But, you're welcome"

We boarded the helicopter and head back for London. Ben was dead and now we needed to stop the virus, but how would we do that? Most of our allies have been killed. Jo sat upfront with Finn, they seemed to be getting along great. Jake and Sen played cards in the back. Lara, Jill and Ellie laid on the pads on the floor, they were asleep. How could anyone sleep in a time like this?

"Something on your mind?" Selena asked, sitting in the seat across from me.

"Everything is on my mind. How are we gonna stop this?"

"Maybe it'll eventually die out" She said.

"Then what?" I asked.

"I don't know, Dylan" She laid down. "I'm gonna get some should too"

I rolled my eyes and laid across the long row of seats. I stared at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep. I awoke with a jolt. The helicopter swayed to the left, making me roll off of the seat. I pushed myself back up and locked myself into the chair. The others frantically did the same. Jake sat beside me, he grabbed my hand and squeezed hard. I closed my eyes and prepared for impact. Then everything went black. I awoke, still in the helicopter but It was in pieces and burning. Directly in front of me was Lara, she had a large shard of glass wedged into her stomach. I rip off my belt and slowly crawl to her. Blood drips from her mouth and she barely breathes. There's nothing I can do, if I take the glass out, she'll die. If I don't take it out, she'll die. There's no winning. She's too important to me, I can't let her die...but she does. She takes her last breath and smiles. They say you see the most important people in your life before you die. She must have seen her parents.

I crawl out of the burning ruble and lay on the soft grass. We must be in a field. The grass blows in the midnight wind and the smell of burning rubber fills my nose. I look around, there's not sign of the others. I dig my fingers into the ground and slowly pull myself away from the crash. We're just outside of London, I can see the skyscrapers cut the sky. I hobble to my feet and look around for the others but still, there's no sign of them. I hear a roaring in the distance and I retreat behind a tall tree. The truck stops, but it's still on.

"Affirmative. It's the chopper we shot down" A man says.

"Any survivors?" A woman asks.

"It looks like only one is dead...The others might have ran off" The man replies.

The truck goes away. I come out from hiding and a gun is pointed at my forehead. It's a girl, she's from the military. She has blonde hair tied into a ponytail and she wears desert camo.

"My name is Emily. I told them I'd stay behind and look for the others" She looks around. "I'm not with them...I'm a spy. Getting can trust me"

"You shot down our helicopter" I said, snapping at her.

"I didn't. The others did" She said, lowering her gun. "Let's go find your friends"

We walk the field and find a body, it's Finn. We find Selena walking back to the crash site, she's bloodied up, but she's fine.
"Jake, Jill and Lucy are back there" She says. "I was coming to see if anyone else made it"
She looked for Lara and took a deep gulp, she didn't have to ask, she knew.

We walked back to the group. Jake jumped up and hobbled towards me. He pulled me into a hug, then fell back down to the ground. I introduced Emily and we all went back to the helicopter and huddled around the fire. Emily told us a plan that the military were going to multiply the virus and spread it to the places that weren't touched by the initial outbreak. And once again, it was up to us to stop it.