London Bridge Is Falling

Rotten Lies With Alibis

Emily led us to one of the military checkpoints. We grabbed as much guns and ammo as we could. There was no telling what would happen.

"You guys ready? After this...there's no turning back"

Jo looked at me and smiled. "I think we're ready" She said.

The ground slides open, and heads down, just like the one in Manchester. We go down until the floor comes to a screeching halt. How many of these labs are there, it seems like London is a strong point for viral weaponry. Two doors in front of me open slowly and close once I'm inside. I say I'm ready for what's to come, we all say we're ready but...we're actually not. I clench my gun tight and head down a long corridor. The others are close behind me, I can tell their scared. Emily steps on something and two large blades appear, one from the ceiling and one from the floor. She's sliced in half instantly. That leaves six of us. Me, Jake, Selena, Jill, Sen and Jo. Suddenly, I get the feeling that we're not making it out here alive. The rest of us walk around Emily's dead body, she's completely severed from her bottom half. It's a gruesome scene.
Another set of doors open up and leads us into a huge room filled with rockets and helicopters. We pass through the room and enter another corridor. There doesn't seem to be much in this lab. A door slides upward from the floor and inside the next room is a man, he stands there in a brown uniform, protected by soldiers.

"I knew you'd come eventually" The man says, his voice is so familiar, but before I could shout out his name, Jake screams.

The soldiers part and he walks out from his protection. He has a scar from his forehead to his jaw. He looks so smug, like he doesn't care about the millions of people he's about to kill. He inches closer to me, I can feel his breath touch my face. I cringe at the sight of his nasty bite wound on his hand.

"How?" I asked. "We seen your body at the lab in Manchester"

"Clone" He said, smiling.

"How about you wipe that smile off your face before I rip your fucking head off"

His smiled faded "You and what army? You're hopeless and weak"

"No" I said. "We're not hopeless or weak"

I slice my knife across his cheek and retaliate to cover. We're all firing at his protection and their firing back. A bullet hits Jo in the shoulder but she continues to fight. She's not giving up now, none of us are. I have to think of something quick, a way to grab him and kill him. I continue shooting the rest of my magazine then roll out of cover and toss a few knives at his guards. He heads for the Plane hanger.

"I'm going for him!" I yell. "You guys stay here!"

"No!" Jake says. "I'm coming with you!"

"We'll guard you!" Jo says, getting up from cover.

We start running towards the hanger. Jo, Sen and Selena shoot endlessly, making sure we're safe. The plane slowly hovers above the floor, preparing for take off. Jake jumps into the back, barely making it. I jump too but miss the edge but before I fall, Jake grabs my hand. I look into his eyes, his face is dirty from his recent battles, his blonde hair is shaggy but he's still beautiful. He pulls me aboard and kisses me. It's a weird kiss, a strong kiss, the kind of kiss you'd get if you're seeing someone for the last time. The cargo door finally closes and we take off into the air. The plane is big but we'll manage.
We walk by large crates and in the middle is a bomb. A bomb big enough to spread the virus world wide.

"So glad you can join" Ben says. "You've foiled my plan" He claps slowly.

"Cut the shit!" Jake says. "You're gonna die here"

"Fight me" He says, smiling. His eyes glow red and then he disappears.

He reappears behind Jake and drives his hand into his spine. Jake falls to the ground, moaning in pain. I take the knife out of my boot and slice at him, but he dodges each time. He grabs me by the waist and tosses me on the ground, stomping his shoe into my stomach, he kicks my nose and I feel the blood start gushing. He goes back to Jake but I can't tell what's going on, everything is hazy and I can't think straight. I get the pistol from my holster and begin shooting, I don't know where, I'm just hoping I hit him. The fog clears in my brain and I'm fully aware again. Jake is on the ground once more and Ben charges at me. I dodge and shoot him as he passes by.

"You can't kill me!" He says, laughing.

"I'll find a way!" I yell.

He launches at me, kicking my jaw. I fall on the floor, my breathing slow. He puts his shoe on my chest and presses down hard. I feel like a canon ball has dropped on my chest and there's nothing I can do. Jake comes out of nowhere and tackles him to the ground, stabbing him over and over in the head. Jake stands up from Ben's body and walks over to me. He straps something around me and kisses me again.

"I hope you'll forgive me" He smiles a bit.

"What?" I ask.

He presses a button and throws something against the wall. "It's how it has to be"

"Jake" I say softly. "Come with me!"

"That teleporter is only good for one person" He kisses my cheek. "It's all for you, it's always been for you. Save the world, save us. Don't forget me"

"Jake please don't do this"

He presses the button on the device he attached to me and I'm instantly back on the ground. Jo, Sen, Selena and Jill surround me. I press the button over and over, trying to get back to Jake. And then a flash of light liters the sky. A ball of fire is now where the plane used to be. I break down and fall to my knees. Sobs come from deep inside of me. He's gone, for good this time, he won't be coming back...ever.

"He did it to save save us" Jo said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I know...I just wish It didn't have to be this way"

"It sucks...It does" Selena says, hugging me. "But now it's time to move on...It's time for us to do our part in saving humanity"

"Destroying the virus" Sen says. "Destroying every last piece of it. Making sure it never happens again"

"Okay" I say. "Okay"

Behind every great sacrifice is someone great. Someone that can bring peace to this fragile system.