London Bridge Is Falling

DNA Bound By Science

Donna examined the other survivors. As far as I know, everyone was clean. We sat down at the kitchen table and waited for our meal.

"Can they get in?" Jake asked.

"Yes" Donna replied. "But that's highly unlikely because they don't know we're here"

Scarlet walked around the table, handing everyone a can of beans.

"It's not much, but it's all we have" She smiled.

"The Infected" Donna said. "They're highly contagious. Any cuts, scrapes, bites, open areas on your body that come in contact with their blood or saliva, will turn you in a matter of seconds"

"How do we kill them?" I asked.

"Just like any other zombie movie, you destroy the brain" She smiled and scooped the beans out onto her plate.

"Lovely" I said.

"Look, we're heading to the helicopter soon. So we're gonna need your help gathering things" Daniel said, standing from his chair and walking out of the kitchen.

Jake and I finished our meal and headed into the storage room where Scarlet and Daniel were packing their things. She handed me a machete and a brown leather jacket that hung down to my knees.

"They can't bite through the jacket. Bullets aren't everywhere and when we leave, I'll give you guys face masks so you don't get any blood in your mouth" Scarlet handed Jake a katana and a black leather jacket.
He put on the jacket, then snugged the sword over his shoulder. He looked pretty badass. I kissed his cheek and grabbed a tote bag, It was heavy at first, weighing me down a little. Donna Chang packed her gear and met us at the front door. She counted all of the survivors.

"Alright, everyone's here. Ready?" She asked Daniel.


She opened the door, exposing small sunlight throughout the sky. The sun was just rising, it was a beautiful nightmare. We snugged against the wall, hunkering down, scuffing our shoes against the ground. The group stopped in mid walk. Daniel and Scarlet grabbed their guns. I took the machete out of it's sheath and waited. In the distance, three infected eyeballed our small group of survivors.
They ran towards us, attacking Scarlet and Daniel. Two more came out of the alley behind Jake. An Infected grappled onto Jake's shoulder, biting his jacket.

Jake grabbed the Infected by the neck and flipped it over his shoulder. He rested his boot against it's chest and shot a round into it's head. The other ran towards me. I closed my eyes and swung the machete as hard as I could. I felt the blade slice into the Infected. I opened my eyes. Blood was spraying out of what used to be it's neck. I looked back at Scarlet, she was slamming one of the Infected's head into the wall over and over until there was nothing left.

"Let's go!" Daniel yelled.

We took off down the street, not sticking to the wall like we had been. Jake slowly caught up and ran beside me. His face mask had fallen off and now he wore a red bandanna. His eyes were keen, the look on his face was pure terror.

"Infected!" Scarlet screamed.

We stopped running and turned around, only to be blocked by a wall of more Infected. We were surrounded by death. Jake grabbed my hand and held it tight. This might be our demise.