London Bridge Is Falling

Before The Storm

I can't stand heights but I must get through this, I must save humanity. We climb to the top and enter a small room. It's lit with bright lights and the tiles on the floor are black. Jo grabs for her pistol but a bullet hits her shoulder and she falls down the elevator shaft.

"Jo!" I scream. There's no thud, there's no screams, there's nothing.

I take the shotgun off of my back and begin shooting at nothing. I know they hide behind the perfect white desks. I feel a shriek of pain shoot through my body and I'm flung down the elevator shaft. I smash against the elevator and breathe heavily. My body is weak and I can't move. I slowly look over next to me and Jo lays there. She's still alive and she doesn't look hurt.

"I'm sorry" She says. "We should have done it your way"

"It's...o-okay" I can barely spit out the words. "I'"

I push myself up and and crawl to the ladder. Jo tries to stop me but I push her off. I reach with my right hand and pull my body up then put my left boot on the bottom rung. I begin to climb, each step I take is agonizing and I feel like I can't go on, but I do. I get to the top and roll onto the floor, then make my way towards cover. I grab the shotgun I had dropped and held it close to my chest. I slowly stand and aim around, a bullet grazes my arm and I instantly shoot. Blood sprays on the wall behind him. I instantly know I got him.
I fall to the floor, the pain in my stomach is too much. I stare up at the ceiling as Bill slowly walks over towards me. He's older, about 60. He's tall and he has a short white beard and he wears a black suit.

"Ah. B.T.A.R. How wonderful to see you" He presses his boot against the wound on my stomach.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm the leader of the rogue military group. We're designing the virus to be more deadly. Only we will survive this" He laughed. "We eradicated all hope"

"You're a bitch" I say, my speech slurring.

I see Jill appear behind him and swing her knife. He turns around, picks her up by the throat and smashes her against the wall. She gasps for air but that's all she can do. I crawl over to the knife Jill dropped and stab him in the back of the leg. He yelps and kicks the side of my head. He pulls the knife out of his leg and thrusts it into the top of Jill's head.
My vision is blurry but I see her fall to the floor...dead.
I black out but when I awake, Jo is sitting by me and we're in a truck.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We're leaving" Jo says. "They were able to shut down the power grid and destroy a few viruses. You need to rest"


Jo shakes her head. "She didn't make it"

I rest my head back down on the seat and look out the window, it's still night so we obviously didn't spend too much time there. I watched Jill die, I seen her bleed out on the floor. I've seen her die three times now. I'm not sure how much longer I can do this.

"How're you doing?" Arizona asked, turning towards me.

"I'm okay. In pain" I pulled up my shirt and exposed a row a stitches. "Did you do this?"

"Yeah" She said, smiling. "There's some medicine in the bag in the bed of the truck"

"I'm good. So what's gonna happen now?" I ask Sen, he's driving the truck and messing with the radio.

"I'm not sure. We can try to go back and kill him. But the whole power grid is shut down. It'll take them awhile to get it running, so we have an advantage for a few days"

"Sorry about Jill" Collin laid his hand on my wounded shoulder, I bit my lip to cover the pain.

"It's okay"

The truck comes to a stop and Sen shuts it off. "There's infected...Stay quiet until they pass by"

They slowly walk by the car, we hunch down so they won't notice us. A helicopter flies over us and the infected stop and look towards the sky. Then a flash of light rises from the ground, it's a fire bomb. There's one after another, an endless barrage of fire. The helicopter disappears into the darkness and all that's left is charred bodies and a field full of fire. Sen turns the truck back on and slams on the gas.

"Where are we going?" Selena asks.

"Wales" Sen replies. "Before we joined the group, Jo and I were headed there. There's supposed to be a safe haven"

"Do you know that for a fact?" Lara asks.

"No...But it doesn't hurt to see"

"I guess" She says sarcastically.