London Bridge Is Falling

A Breathless Wind

It's Jo. She's laying on the ground with a bullet wound on her chest. Sen grabs the gun out of Marlene's hand. It's like she couldn't take in what she did. She's frozen.

"You better go back to where you came from" Sen said, pointing the gun at her.

"I...I didn't mean to" She says softly. She walks away.

Sen grabs Jo and holds her in his arms. He's crying. She was the last of his group in Manchester. He puts her back down and wipes his eyes. He takes off in a rage.

"Sen!" I say, grabbing him. "Stop"

"Don't fucking touch me, Dylan!"

"Look...what's done is done. We can't change that"

"Are you heartless?!" He asks, balling his fist.

"No. I've learned to accept death. Not all of us are gonna make it out of this and you know that, Sen. Accept it"

He wraps his arms around me and cries on my shoulder. "I can't just forget it"

"It takes time" I say softly. "You'll learn to accept it"

The rest of the group slowly comes up behind us. We take off down the shoreline. The waves crash against broken boats and sharp rocks, it's like the water could swallow all of us and not even care. It would if it could. We continue to walk beside the water, hoping it'd lead us somewhere safe. We now have to realize that we'll never be safe until the virus is completely gone. But when will that happen?

We stop for the night and camp in one of the washed up boats. It's crazy how much has changed. So much has happened. So many friends have died and we're still here, we're living so they didn't die in vain.
I fall asleep quickly, I feel like I haven't had a good nights rest in forever. But I can't sleep, the dreams keep me awake. I go to the top of the boat and look out at the city. It's so dark, I've never seen New York this dark before.

"Hey" Sen says, walking up behind me.

"Sen" I say. "How're you doing"

"Better" He smiles and looks at the city with me. "Strange isn't it?"

"Yeah. Last time I was here, this place was lit up and the ball was dropping. Thousands of people gathered around just to see a ball slide down a pole. I was one of those people"

"Get a New Years kiss?" He laughed.


Then the mood eased and started to get depressing. "Anyway" I said. "There's no New Years anymore. There's nothing new"

"Think that pilot that brought us here is still alive?" Sen asked.

"Probably not. He lost a lot of blood helping us kill the infected"

"Yeah. They probably tore him apart" Sen said, looking at the ground.

"We just have to keep hope alive, Sen. I believe we're gonna find something...It might take awhile and the loss of friends. But we need to stick together. I'm not letting anyone else die"

"Okay" He says, walking back to the cabins.