London Bridge Is Falling

Lara's POV

I didn't want to leave Dylan behind but Sen kept driving. I begged and begged for him to stop the truck but I knew he couldn't, he wasn't going to. We were driving fast down the snow covered road, all we could see out the windows was white, an endless wave of white. And then it happened, the truck tipped over and I slammed up against the side, everything went blank.

I awake with a splitting headache and my forehead is pouring blood. Emily and Jade are directly in front of me, they're dead. I kick open the back door and jump out. I don't see Sen or Selena anywhere, they must have taken off. I head back from the town we left behind, I don't even bother looking for Selena and Sen, Dylan is more important to me now. I take only a few steps and the truck has already disappeared into the blizzard. I'm warm, the puffy red coat, the grey scarf and the black gloves keep my body toasty. But I feel something inside me get cold, the thought that everyone could be dead, Dylan could be dead. I continue to walk, the snow just keeps getting deeper and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I can see the town in the distance and a pack of Infected heading for a small two story house. I ease my way close and grab my climbing ax from my belt. I know the others see me as a ruthless killer, but I'm really not. I kill because I have to and it sickens me inside, but that's just how things are now.

There's a lot of infected circling around a dead body in the snow. I pray it's not Dylan. I aim and throw the climbing pick as hard as I can. I twirls through the air and sticks into the skull of one of the infected. I grab my bow and load an arrow into it. It's hard to aim when the wind is blowing so hard but I manage to hit one in the head. There's enough to handle now. I get my arrow and my pick and kill the rest. I roll the dead body over, it's not Dylan. I climb up the small wooden fence that poorly attached to the side of the house. I cautiously enter through the window. There's blood on the carpet, but's it's crusted into it. I don't think it's Dylan's. But has I go out into the hall, I see fresh blood and a broken wooden post. Over the ledge is a metal pipe stuck in the floor, there's blood soaking that as well. My mind runs through thousands of different things. And then it hits me, he's dead, he's definitely dead.

I walk over to the next room, there's blood on the floor, it's fresh. I look out the window and see a body covered in snow. I panic and jump down onto the ground, that probably wasn't too good of an idea because my ankle twists. I let out a small yelp, trying to stay quiet. I roll over the body, it's Dylan. There's a wound on his stomach, most likely from the pipe wedged into the floor. I feel for a pulse, it's faint but it's there. I pick up his legs and start pulling, we've got to get out of this snow, get somewhere safe, somewhere warm.