London Bridge Is Falling

Divine Intervention By Religion

The crowd of Infected circled us, taunting us. We stood silent, frozen in time.

"Frag!" Scarlet yelled, tossing something into the air.

It exploded, sending out a massive beam of light. I felt a hand grab mine and pull. I didn't know where I was going, I didn't care. When I could see again, I looked around. We were in a dark room, lit by only the sun coming through the roof. Three survivors were gone, A young girl, a guy with dreads and...Jake.

"Where is he?!" I screamed. "Where's Jake?!"

Scarlet put her hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, Dylan. He's out there"

I fell to my knees. "We have to find him. We have to find Jake"

"It's too dangerous out there" Daniel said.

"Scarlet, Please don't let him die...He's all I have"

Her eyes filled with tears. "Donna, you stay with the others. Daniel, on my count"

She counted down and opened up the door. The streets were empty. The guy with dreads was torn apart on the sidewalk, the girl and Jake were nowhere to be found.

"Keep close, we'll be moving fast" Scarlet said. Daniel and I kept close to her, barely making noise.

"Shit, go back!" She screamed as a white cloud engulfed the streets. "Gas! Move!"

We ran back to our little hiding place and covered our mouths. Then I heard a voice call out.


I instantly knew it was Jake. I kept the rag over my mouth and kicked open the door. The cloud of smoke was blinding. He fell into my arms, his eyes slowly closing, his face dirty and bloody. I drug him back to our safe house and went back out for the kid. The smoke was starting to clear, she hobbled out of a small house and fell onto the street. I looked to the left, then to the right, making sure there was no Infected.

She puked blood onto the pavement then stood up fast. Her eyes were bloodshot and blood dripped down the front of her shirt. A scream came out of her, it definitely wasn't the little girl anymore. She ran towards me and grabbed onto my arm, biting at the leather. I flung her off of me and grabbed the pistol from it's holster. I aim, but hesitated. I knew it wasn't her anymore, but the thought of killing a child made my stomach turn. I fired anyway and you know the rest.

I got back to our safe house. Jake was still lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Find the girl?" Daniel asked.

"She was Infected"

"Oh" He replied.

"How's Jake" I asked Donna.

"He'll live, he just needs some rest right now...We all do"

I laid beside him and wrapped my arm around his chest. He was beautiful. The curve of his nose, his soft pink lips, his long eyelashes.

"Jake" I whispered into his ear. "I love you. You aren't allowed to leave me" I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was out.