London Bridge Is Falling

All The Things In Our Head

I just sat there and watched the snow gather outside. I honestly can't wait for winter to be over but then the infected will start to congregate again. My eye catches a few virals wondering around outside, I wonder when they turned. I duck underneath the window so they won't see me. Virals are scary, they're relentless. I lay down, hoping they go away and they eventually do. But I still can't sleep, knowing that Dylan can turn at any second, it scares me. He's so fragile and he's lost so much these past few years but somehow he's keeps his head held high.

I doze off and wake up just as the sun is rising. I gather up our things and head out, pulling Dylan a few feet behind me. I walked for hours and hours, only to be getting nowhere. The snow continued to pour down and I was getting tired. I stopped for awhile at a small diner and to my luck, there was a bunch of canned food. They call this area of the city "The Fan Zone" It's where the infection first started in the US. There's no infected here, I don't know if it's because of the cold or because they've all scattered out from the fan zone. A few hours went by and eventually Dylan awoke. He seemed health, but I didn't know how to break the news to him, he'll turn soon.

"Hey" I say, smiling.

"Hey" He replies, not so cheery. "Lara. I'm..."

"Yeah. I know"

"What am I gonna do?" He asks.

"You'll tough it out until the end" I can feel the tears start to roll out but I have to wipe them away, I have to be strong for him. He just smiles and lays back down, looking at his wrist.

"When do you think it'll happen?"

"Not soon" I say. "It hasn't gotten any worse"

And then I hear gunshots roar through the air. "Dylan, hide" I whisper.


"You aren't strong enough" I snap at him.

He hides in the freezer room and I slowly peek out the window. There's a group of men circling around a dead body. They're laughing and aiming their guns around. I pull my head back out of sight and take in a few large breaths. They'll make their way in here eventually, I have to do whatever I need to.
I hear them laugh as they enter the diner. I hide behind the counter in the kitchen and prepare for battle. Glass crunches underneath their boots as they get closer.

I pop up from out of cover aim my pistol at them. "Stop!" I yell.

They all laugh. "And you are?" One says.

"About to blow your head off. What do you want?"

"You" He replies.

And then my instincts kick in and I shoot at one guy. He falls to the ground, dead. They scatter, shooting endlessly at me. I duck behind the counter and check my magazine, making sure I have enough bullets. I stand back up and aim. Dylan is in the arms of one of the guys.

"Put him down!" I scream. "Now!"

He puts a knife to Dylan's throat. "Or what?" He asks devilishly.

"Or I blow your kneecaps off" The pistol shook in my hands.

But I was too late, the knife slid across Dylan's neck. My mind screamed and my finger pulled the trigger until the clip was empty. I jumped over the table, grabbing him before he hit the floor. I held the wound on his neck, his blood seeped through my fingers. His eyes are wide open and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Please don't do this, Dylan" I continued to hold pressure on his wound. And then his eyes slowly closed. He's with Jake now, he's with the others. I looked up and screamed like I've never screamed before. I put his body on the floor and covered it with a blanket then headed out.