London Bridge Is Falling


She's heavy but the adrenaline is pumping through my veins. I know I can't make up for what I did to her, but I'm not going to turn my back anymore. Gunshots are all I hear behind me, I don't know who's dead and who's not. At the end of the long hall, I see Lara. She's waving at me, signaling me to follow her. I'm close behind her, watching her every more, tracing her footsteps. We meet a man at the bottom of a long flight of stairs. It's Joseph, the guy that knocked me out. He opens a door and we all pile into a small room, Emily still in my arms.

"Where's Jill?" I ask frantically.

"She's in the tunnels" Lara replies.

"Huh?" I say and we speed downward. The room is an elevator. It's going so fast, I don't know how it'll manage to stop. And just like that, it comes to a screeching halt and Joseph opens the door.

It opens up into a huge room with tunnels directly in front of us. There's a bunch of people down here that were up in the battleground. Lara trails off and talks to someone working a panel. I see his finger press a button and a small rollercoaster car looking thing shoots into one of the tunnels. At the tunnel on the far right, two cars come back, same with the middle tunnel and the left tunnel. It's an escape route.

"Let's go" Lara says, grabbing a seat in one of the cars.

I put Emily in first, then buckle her in and slide her close to me so I can hang onto to her. Lara and Joseph sit in front of us, they look like they're about to be murdered. The car dings and we take off. My head thrusts back against the headrest. I hold Emily tight, making sure she doesn't get jerked around. We pass through a small section of lights and then total darkness. I can feel the car jerk around and then shoot down a steep hill. My stomach is tossed into my throat and I feel like I'm about to puke. Finally we come out of the tunnel and go through a field. I look back, seeing the building on fire, smoke thick in the air. I hold onto Emily tight, not wanting to let go. And then we enter another tunnel and down a hill. It's straight down, like we'll eventually hit ground. I close my eyes, not wanting to see my fate. But we slowly level out and the car stops abruptly. I quickly unbuckle my belt and grab Emily. We're in another place, just like the one we left. The car turns around on a piece of track and takes off.

"The Neo-Eo group probably seen all those cars coming this way"

"No" Lara said. "The cars are cloaked. They didn't see us. This building is also cloaked. It has a force field around it. It's running on solar panels, so it would hold well during an invasion. But at least they can't see us"

"What do they want?" Joseph asks.

"They want to spread the virus. They're a group that believes that the virus is a cure to population density. Basically, they want to kill everyone and start a new world" Lara replies. "Lets get out of here"

We take an elevator up to the first floor. There's more people here than at the other building. I thought the B.T.A.R. died a long time ago, I kinda just stopped being apart of the group after airport incident. I'm glad Lara took over, who was going to lead and make a strong faction of military when I left?
I take Emily to the infirmary and sit by her bed while the doctors insert an IV.

There's a knock at the door. "Dylan" Lara says. "Can I see you?"


I walk out of the room and into the hall. "That attack was personal"

"I know" I say.

"They're getting stronger everyday, Dylan. We need to destroy this virus. And once we do that, they're gonna be after you"

"Because I have the virus in me?" I ask.

"Exactly. They'll find a way to get it out of you" She says, whispering when people walk by.

"But they don't know about me"

"The Government has you in the system as a virus carrier. The Neo-Eo group hacked into that system last week, looking for any immune. When Ben said he cured you, he sent a blood sample to the Government. The new your blood"

"Oh god" I say, running my hands down my cheeks. "They created a virus with my blood. Bastards"

"If we are going to strike the Government, we have to do it now. We can't afford to lose time or anymore of our men"

"We can't go until Emily's better"

"I know" She says. "When she's better, we'll go. But right now we figure out a plan"

"Okay" I say.