London Bridge Is Falling


I awake in a bed, looking at the tiled ceilings. I hate waking up like this. I get up and find fresh clothes in the closet across from me. I remember the attack and nothing else, it's like my brain went blank. I wander out into the halls, I see B.T.A.R. members, so I know I'm safe. Everyone looks at me as I pass by. This isn't the place we came to. It's different, the walls are pale and feel like they're closing in.

I hear a voice calling out my name. "Emily" It's Dylan.

I turn towards him. "Thank you"

"Don't thank me. You shouldn't thank me" He says."Lara needs to talk to you"

He leads me down a long hall and into a small room where Lara sits on her throne. She tells me everything that's going on. About Dylan and his blood, about the attack, about everything. My head spins and could fly off at any moment. But I grasp reality and bring myself back to earth. We're going to attack the Government in a few days. I've never been so scared in my life.

I take the elevator down to the lab where a girl greets me. She's beautiful, long black dreads pulled back, tanktop, lab coat, black glasses. She seems happy.

"You must be Emily" She smiles.

"Yeah" I reply.

"I'm Cosima. Lara wanted me to check your vitals and everything"

I walk with her to a lab, bigger than any of the rooms here. She has equipment strewn all over the place. She puts on a pair of gloves and directs me to a seat.

"Sorry for the mess. I've just been working on stuff"

"It's okay" I say.

"I've been working on Dylan's blood. It's incredible. I'm dying. I have the virus in me and it's not going to turn me. It's eating away at my immune system and I'm trying to find a cure for this and I fucking can't. His blood cannot be used for a cure or a vaccine. I can't explain it"

"Cosima" A man says. "Let me take over"

"That might be a good idea" She says. "This Paul. He's a kickass scientist"

He laughs. "That's an understatement. Cosima has been clever even before she was six"

He's so handsome, bright blue eyes, perfect jawline. I can't get sucked into romance right now.
He puts a wrap around my arm and presses a button. It gets so tight that my arm feels like it's going to pop off. He does a few more things and he's finally done. I'm free to leave.
Cosima catches me in the hallway.

"I'm sorry about earlier" She says.

"It's okay, really. I know I can't fully understand what you're going through. But you'll find the cure. I'm sure of it"

I take the elevator to the very top floor and go to the roof. There's a shimmer where the force field is but I'm still able to see outside. Smoke still towers from the ruins of the last building. I wonder how many people made it out.

"You're not gonna jump, are you?"

I turn around, seeing Dylan. "No" I reply.

"I'm so sorry, Emily"

"Look. I don't care about apologies anymore. What's done is done. We need to move forward"

"Okay" He says. "I can't believe this is gonna happen because of me"

"It's not your fault, Dylan" I feel no hatred towards him.

And then I look out in the distance and see cars headed this way. They're blue, like the Neo-Eo group. I have to warn the others. I race down the stairs and into the elevator. I stand right by the doors and when they slide open, I push my way through the people getting on. Once I get to Lara's office, I can barely breathe.

"I know" She says. "We're safe"

"They'll find a way in"

"When they do, we'll leave"

"Lara, we can't keep running. We need to fight. What happened to you? You used to be a fighter" I say sternly.

She slams her fists down on the desk. "I can't afford to lose anymore of our men" She presses a button and the 'Bunker' Light shines above her head. A loud siren goes off.
"I need to gather the team. We'll meet in the bunkers. You're right, we need to fight. They don't know who they're fucking with"